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can tokun tackle

Current tokenizers have notorious issues that are bringing all the LLMs down.

llama3 would...

A "compelling argument" as ChatGPT puts it, right?


With tokun-16, the model is getting one step closer to the limit of input compression.

16 Unicode characters will be represented by a float32 vector of dimension 256. It's 1024 output bytes for every 64 input bytes.

It would appear that there is still a lot of leeway. Actually, if there was a 1:1 match it would mean that only a single embedding value would map to each token.

It would be impractical since it would require LLMs to predict very precise values. Suppose that [0.025 1.52 1.67 2.24 ...] represents "hello world! \o/". If the LLM outputs [0.025 1.53 1.67 2.24 ...] it may just have produced a totally random string.

In fact, $\frac{1024}{64} = 16$ is a good ratio: we want each chunk of 16 characters to be represented by a region in the space of dimension 256.

Ultimately, we would like to map the entire Unicode space. In theory, Unicode is made of $2^32$ code points.

However only 17 Unicode planes are used because of the limitations. Out of those 17 planes only 7 are actually used, with 2 reserved for user customization (think empty).

So our final goal is only to map 327,680 code points.

Applying Tokun To Current LLMs

Model Shape

Consider llama3-8B:

class ModelArgs:
    dim: int = 4096
    n_layers: int = 32
    n_heads: int = 32
    n_kv_heads: Optional[int] = None
    vocab_size: int = -1 # around 128k
    multiple_of: int = 256
    ffn_dim_multiplier: Optional[float] = None
    norm_eps: float = 1e-5
    rope_theta: float = 500000

    max_batch_size: int = 32
    max_seq_len: int = 2048

Ignoring the biases and other normalizing vectors, here's a rough count of the parameters in llama3-8B by layer:

  • embedding: 128000 * 4096 = 524288000
  • transformer block:
    • RMS normalization: 4096
    • attention: 4 * 4096 * 4096 = 67108864
    • feed forward: 3 * 4096 * 4 * 4096 = 201326592
    • total: 2 * 4096 + 67108864 + 201326592 = 268443648
  • head:
    • RMS normalization: 4096
    • linear: 4096 * 128000 = 524288000
    • total: 4096 + 524288000
  • in total: 524288000 + 32 * 268443648 + 524292096 = 9638776832

So 8 billion parameters in the body but 1 billion more on both ends.

Replacing the 128k vocabulary with tokun embeddings would at least:

  • bring the embedding layer down to 256 * 4096 = 1048576
  • reduce the output layer by the same amount
  • for a total of more than 1B parameters less

Also tokun-16 is able to compress any 16 characters into vectors of dimension 256. So it looks like an embedding dimension of 4096 is excessive, especially for a minimal model.

At most, bringing the embedding dimension to 256 would mean:

  • removing the embedding layer entirely
  • roughly dividing the attention layers by a factor 16 ** 2 = 256
  • dividing the feed forward layers by the same factor
  • all in all the model would be shrunk to 38M parameters or so

But that's an extreme scenario, the balance is definitely somewhere in-between.

Sequence And Context

With this 4x4x4 variant of tokun, the length of the input sequence is divided by 16.

It means that LLMs could fit on average 4 times more tokens per inference.


As mentioned in the first article, handling meaningful embeddings (instead of arbitrary IDs) may significantly lower the data requirements.

The training with either tokun kept outside like regular tokenizers or incorporated into a larger model.

In the first case, since tokun is comparatively small, it could be trained on a vast volume of data and fast. This guarantees that the tokenizer captures the structure of the whole Unicode space and the mechanics of many languages, code and maths included.

Then it may be merged with a LLM and fine-tuned to fit perfectly.


tokun-4 actually reached most of the target goals:

  • is an actual neural network
  • generalizes across all languages
  • compresses input sequences 4 times
  • produces embeddings of dimension 256
  • comes with built-in special tokens
  • treats all inputs evenly
  • keeps all the semantic information regardless of the splits
  • embeddings hold information on their parts up to the byte level

Now we're just pushing the concept to the limit with the 4x4x4 variant tokun-16. And try to map all the Unicode planes.


The model is very similar to previous iterations, with either more or bigger tokenize blocks.

Most of the model is kept identical: details are available in the first and second articles. Only the changes are described here.


The input is a flat array of UTF-32-BE bytes, of shape (B' * G * G * G, 256).

Actually, the exact factorisation of the batch dimension depends on the model architecture: the (de)tokenization block at depth $i$ will group $G_i$ units.

In the end, the input tensor is factored as:

$$\begin{align} (B' * G_0 * G_1 * G_2) \text{ or more generally } (B' * \prod_{i = 0}^{D - 1} G_i) \end{align}$$

Where $D$ is the depth of the model or the number of (de)tokenization blocks.

Typically $G_0 = G_1 = G_2 = 4$ and the model is labeled 4x4x4. This variant groups 64 UTF-32-BE bytes or 16 characters.

But there are other possibilities: for example, the architectures 4x16 and 2x2x2x8 have the same compression factor. The cardinal configurations are compared in the results section.

It may happen happen that a 4x4x4 model is actually called tokun-4x4, like the title of this article. When named 4x4x4 it is considered from the byte level, while 4x4 designates the tokenization on the character level.

I haven't decided yet on the convention. On one hand it would be more precise to describe all the layers. On the other hand UTF-32-BE always produces 4 bytes which form a logical unit that looks like an automatic candidate for the first layer.


Hyper Parameters

tokun-4x4 is still a CNN VAE with the following hyper parameters:


N_TOKEN_DIM = [4, 4, 4] # G, for each block

The encoder and the decoder perform symmetric merge and divide operations on the batch axis of the input tensor.


The encoder is a stack of TokenizeBlock, with added normalization and self-attention layers:

  1. the LayerNormalization helps maintain coherence between layers
  2. the Divide layer splits the batch axis: (B * G, E) => (B, G, E)
  3. the PositionalEmbedding layer distinguishes each of the G token units with a specific bias
  4. the Attention gives relative weights to each token unit, enabling more complex patterns
  5. the Merge layer groups all the embeddings on the last dimension: (B * G, E) => (B, G * E)
  6. the Dense layer finally compresses the dimension G * E into E

token-4 had 2 such layers and tokun-4x4 just stacks 3.

Actually, the implementation allows any configuration:

N_TOKEN_DIM = [4, 4] # tokens of length 4 characters / 16 UTF-32 bytes (tokun-4)
N_TOKEN_DIM = [4, 4, 4] # tokens of length 16 characters (tokun-4x4)
N_TOKEN_DIM = [4, 16] # alternative configuration with tokens of length 16


The decoder is a stack of DetokenizeBlock

  1. the Dense layer expands the latent embedding: (B, E) => (B, G * E)
  2. the Divide layer splits the last axis: (B, G * E) => (B, G, E)
  3. the PositionalEmbedding layer adds markers to each token unit
  4. the Attention gives relative weight to each token unit
  5. the Merge layer flattens the tensor: (B, G, E) => (B * G, E)
  6. the LayerNormalization adds stability so that training a block doesn't dissociate it from the others


By definition of a VAE, the outputs have the same shape as the input.

They are filled with probabilities instead of just zeros and ones.


Once again, training / testing were performed on MLQA to compare the performances with previous models.

But, now the aim is to cover the whole Unicode space: words, numbers and code actually cover a very limited range of the possibles.

Using standard datasets with may push the model into learning common patterns. This may prevent the model from generalizing to new regions of the Unicode space.

The role of tokun is actually to compress the encoding, not the language.

So the most significant change in this iteration is to train the model on random sequences of UTF-32-BE bytes. Since the dataset is random, there is no need for data augmentation.


For this model to be relevant, it has to be perfectly accurate so that embeddings can be reversed into their matching sequence of characters.


All the configurations reach 100% accuracy on the MLQA validation dataset.

However, the goal is to have tokun be able to encode any arbitrary 16-gram (token) of codepoints. On the random dataset, the 4x4x4 configuration is stuck at 75% accuracy:

However model configurations with larger weight tensors like 4x16 achieve 99.999% accuracy on the whole Unicode space (and 100% on MLQA).


Even though the model was trained on random bytes, the embeddings show intuitive properties.

The model tends to group tokens by language:

German Vietnamese

Since German share the same alphabet as English and Spanish, it is surprising that tokens are not mixed. Vietnamese has a more distinct wording with its accent so it is both expected and more apparent.

The encoder model performs nested tokenization, with each successive block grouping previous embeddings. So the tokens of length 16 are made of tokens of length 4.

The embeddings for the 4-tokens can also be viewed. Their latent space shows even more structure:


It is easier to make sense of the embeddings by exploring them. A few samples were encoded and exported to the Github repository and can be viewed with the tensorboard projector.


Contrary to the previous models, tokun-16 is susceptible to noise:

__std = tf.math.reduce_std(EMBEDDINGS[16]['en'], axis=0)
__noise = tf.random.normal(shape=(256,), mean=0., stddev=tf.math.reduce_mean(__std).numpy())
__x = preprocess('tokun to can tok', groups=N_TOKEN_DIM, flatten=True)
__e = MODEL._encoder(__x)
# tokun to can tok
print(postprocess(MODEL._decoder(__e + 0.5 * __std)))
# tokun »o can tok
print(postprocess(MODEL._decoder(__e + 0.5 * __noise)))
# to³un to can t³k

Even under a single standard deviation the embedding neighborhoods are unstable:

Overview Zoom

This could be a deal-breaker, as it may be hard for a LLM to predict precise embeddings.


Performance is very dependent on the configuration. While all models achieve 100% accuracy on MLQA, it is harder to cover the whole Unicode space:

4x4x4 vs 4x16 16x4 vs 64

Only the 4x16 and 16x4 are able to reach 100% on random byte sequences. These models have more parameters:

  • 4 blocks have a kernel of size 4 * 256 * 256 = 262144
  • 16 blocks have 16 * 256 * 256 = 1048576
  • 64 blocks have 64 * 256 * 256 = 4194304

But the 64 configuration has trouble learning because it treats each combination of 64 bytes as unique while others operate on abstractions for each unit.

Attention And Normalization

It seems that the attention layer makes no difference:

Having a normalization layer (LayerNorm) accelerates the training by more than two times.


The model was trained with tanh, relu and silu / swish activation functions.

No significant impact was seen on the overall performance. The latent space shows different patterns for each.


Extension Of Tokun-4

tokun-16 keeps all the features of the previous model tokun-4:

  • it is obviously still a NN tokenizer
  • it has special tokens because UTF-32-BE has special characters
  • it produces vector embeddings of dimension 256
  • it has 100% encode-decode accuracy on its training languages
  • it is independent from the input splitting
  • its tokens all have an even 16 character length
  • its tokens are related to each other
  • its tokens hold all the information on their parts


The input tensor has shape (B' * G * G * G, E) and the embedding is (B, E): the model performs a compression by factor 64 compared to the UTF-32 bytes, or 16 wrt unicode strings.

__x.shape # (B' * G * G * G, E) = (B * 4 * S, E) = (128 * 4 * 256, 256)
# (131072, 256)
__e.shape # (B', E) = (B * 4 * S / (G * G * G), E) = (128 * 4 * 256 / 64, 256)
# (2048, 256)


The variant 4x4x4 is stuck around 50% on new Unicode regions, even when trained on random data.

While the 4x16, with its larger weight tensors, is able to operate on the whole Unicode space:

# INPUT ################################################################

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
t-분포 확률적 임베딩(t-SNE)은 데이터의 차원 축소에 사용되는 기계 학습 알고리즘 중 하나로, 2002년 샘 로이스Sam Rowise와 제프리 힌튼에 의해 개발되었다.[1] t-SNE는 비선형 차원 축소 기법으로, 고차원 데이터를 특히 2, 3차원 등으로 줄여 가시화하는데에 유용하게 사용된다. 구체적으로 t-SNE는 비슷한 데이터는 근접한 2, 3차원의 지점으로, 다른 데이터는 멀리 떨어진 지점으로 맵핑한다.

# OUTPUT ###############################################################

위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전.
t-분포 확률적 임베딩(t-SNE)은 데이터의 차원 축소에 사용되는 기계 학습 알고리즘 중 하나로, 2002년 샘 로이스Sam Rowise와 제프리 힌튼에 의해 개발되었다.[1] t-SNE는 비선형 차원 축소 기법으로, 고차원 데이터를 특히 2, 3차원 등으로 줄여 가시화하는데에 유용하게 사용된다. 구체적으로 t-SNE는 비슷한 데이터는 근접한 2, 3차원의 지점으로, 다른 데이터는 멀리 떨어진 지점으로 맵핑한다.����

# SCORE ################################################################



On its own tokun is performing surprisingly well. Every 4-gram of Unicode codepoints can be compressed without loss, even arbitrary byte sequences.

Now, the question is whether tokun integrates well within a full featured LLM. Next we'll plug tokun into a custom llama3, llaminate.


Other articles in the serie:

All the variants of the model are already available on:

You will also find notebooks on:

Implementation Details

All the layers now define get_config and from_config to enable the exporting features in Keras.

Apart from that, the PositionalEmbedding, Divide and Merge layers have the same logic as the previous iteration.

Tokenization Block

class TokenizeBlock(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(
        left_axis: int=-2,
        right_axis: int=-1,
        token_dim: int=4,
        latent_dim: int=256,
        attention: bool=False,
        normalization: bool=False,
    ) -> None:
        super(TokenizeBlock, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        # layers
        self._normalization = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(axis=-1, epsilon=0.001, center=True, scale=True, name='normalization') if normalization else None # normalize each token unit independently
        self._divide = Divide(input_axis=0, output_axis=1, factor=token_dim, insert=True, name='group') # (B * G, E) => (B, G, E)
        self._embedding = PositionalEmbedding(input_axis=left_axis, output_axis=right_axis, name='position') # (B, G, E) + (1, G, E)
        self._attention = tf.keras.layers.Attention(use_scale=False, score_mode='dot', dropout=0., seed=None, name='attention') if attention else None # (B, G, E) + (B, G, E) * (B, E, G) * (B, G, E)
        self._merge = Merge(left_axis=left_axis, right_axis=right_axis, left=True, name='merging') # (B, G, E) => (B, G * E)
        self._dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=latent_dim, activation='relu', use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer='zeros', name='compression') # (B, G * E) => (B, L), typically L = E

    def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        __t = self._normalization(inputs) if self._normalization else inputs
        __t = self._embedding(self._divide(__t))
        __t = self._attention([__t, __t, __t], return_attention_scores=False, use_causal_mask=False) if self._attention else __t
        return self._dense(self._merge(__t))

    def get_config(self) -> dict:
        __parent_config = super(TokenizeBlock, self).get_config()
        __child_config = {
            'left_axis': self._merge._left_axis,
            'right_axis': self._merge._right_axis,
            'token_dim': self._divide._factor,
            'latent_dim': self._dense.units,
            'attention': bool(self._attention),
            'normalization': bool(self._normalization)}
        return {**__parent_config, **__child_config}

    def from_config(cls, config) -> tf.keras.layers.Layer:
        return cls(**config)

Detokenization Block

class DetokenizeBlock(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(
        token_dim: int=4,
        embedding_dim: int=256,
        attention: bool=False,
        normalization: bool=False,
    ) -> None:
        super(DetokenizeBlock, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        # layers
        self._dense = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=token_dim * embedding_dim, activation='relu', use_bias=True, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer='zeros', name='decompression') # (B, L) => (B, G * E), typically L = E
        self._divide = Divide(input_axis=-2, output_axis=-1, insert=True, factor=embedding_dim, name='split') # (B, G * E) => (B, G, E)
        self._embedding = PositionalEmbedding(input_axis=-2, output_axis=-1, name='position') # (B, G, E) + (1, G, E)
        self._attention = tf.keras.layers.Attention(use_scale=False, score_mode='dot', dropout=0., seed=None, name='attention') if attention else None # (B, G, E) + (B, G, E) * (B, E, G) * (B, G, E)
        self._merge = Merge(left_axis=0, right_axis=1, left=True) # (B, G, E) => (B * G, E)
        self._normalization = tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization(axis=-1, epsilon=0.001, center=True, scale=True, name='normalization') if normalization else None # normalize each token unit independently

    def call(self, inputs: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        __t = self._embedding(self._divide(self._dense(inputs)))
        __t = self._attention([__t, __t, __t], return_attention_scores=False, use_causal_mask=False) if self._attention else __t
        __t = self._merge(__t)
        return self._normalization(__t) if self._normalization else __t

    def get_config(self) -> dict:
        __parent_config = super(DetokenizeBlock, self).get_config()
        __child_config = {
            'token_dim': self._dense.units // self._divide._factor,
            'embedding_dim': self._divide._factor,
            'attention': bool(self._attention),
            'normalization': bool(self._normalization)}
        return {**__parent_config, **__child_config}

    def from_config(cls, config) -> tf.keras.layers.Layer:
        return cls(**config)


class Encoder(tf.keras.models.Model):
    def __init__(self, token_dim: list, encoding_dim: int, embedding_dim: int, latent_dim: int, batch_dim: int=None, attention: bool=False, normalization: bool=False, **kwargs) -> None:
        super(Encoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._encoder = tf.keras.Sequential([
            tf.keras.Input(shape=(encoding_dim,), batch_size=batch_dim, name='input'), # (B * G ^ D, U)
            tf.keras.layers.Dense(units=embedding_dim, activation=None, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', bias_initializer=None, name='embed-1'),] # (B * G ^ D, U) => (B * G ^ D, E)
            + [TokenizeBlock(left_axis=-2, right_axis=-1, token_dim=__g, latent_dim=latent_dim, attention=attention, normalization=normalization, name='tokenize-{}_{}'.format(__g, __i)) for __i, __g in enumerate(token_dim)]) # (B * G ^ i, E) => (B * G ^ (i-1), E)

    def call(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return self._encoder(x)

    def get_config(self) -> dict:
        __parent_config = super(Encoder, self).get_config()
        __input_shape = list(self._encoder.inputs[0].shape)
        __embedding_config = self._encoder.layers[0].get_config()
        __tokenizer_config = self._encoder.layers[1].get_config()
        __token_dim = [__b.get_config().get('token_dim', 4) for __b in self._encoder.layers[1:]]
        __child_config = {
            'batch_dim': __input_shape[0],
            'encoding_dim': __input_shape[-1],
            'embedding_dim': __embedding_config['units'],
            'token_dim': __token_dim,
            'latent_dim': __tokenizer_config['latent_dim'],
            'attention': __tokenizer_config['attention'],
            'normalization': __tokenizer_config['normalization'],}
        return {**__parent_config, **__child_config}

    def from_config(cls, config) -> tf.keras.layers.Layer:
        return cls(**config)


class Decoder(tf.keras.models.Model):
    def __init__(self, token_dim: list, encoding_dim: int, embedding_dim: int, latent_dim: int, batch_dim: int=None, attention: bool=False, normalization: bool=False, **kwargs) -> None:
        super(Decoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._decoder = tf.keras.Sequential(
            [tf.keras.Input(shape=(latent_dim,), batch_size=batch_dim, name='input')] # (B, E)
            + [DetokenizeBlock(token_dim=__g, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, attention=attention, normalization=normalization, name='detokenize-{}_{}'.format(__g, __i)) for __i, __g in enumerate(token_dim)] # (B * G ^ i, E) => (B * G ^ (i+1), E)
            + [HeadBlock(encoding_dim=encoding_dim, name='project-head')]) # (B * G ^ D, E) => (B * G ^ D, U)

    def call(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return self._decoder(x)

    def get_config(self) -> dict:
        __parent_config = super(Decoder, self).get_config()
        __input_shape = list(self._decoder.inputs[0].shape)
        __detokenizer_config = self._decoder.layers[0].get_config()
        __head_config = self._decoder.layers[-1].get_config()
        __token_dim = [__b.get_config().get('token_dim', 4) for __b in self._encoder.layers[:-1]]
        __child_config = {
            'batch_dim': __input_shape[0],
            'latent_dim': __input_shape[-1],
            'encoding_dim': __head_config['encoding_dim'],
            'token_dim': __detokenizer_config['token_dim'],
            'embedding_dim': __detokenizer_config['embedding_dim'],
            'attention': __detokenizer_config['attention'],
            'normalization': __detokenizer_config['normalization'],}
        return {**__parent_config, **__child_config}

    def from_config(cls, config) -> tf.keras.layers.Layer:
        return cls(**config)


class AutoEncoder(tf.keras.models.Model):
    def __init__(self, token_dim: list, encoding_dim: int, embedding_dim: int, latent_dim: int, batch_dim: int=None, attention: bool=False, normalization: bool=False, **kwargs) -> None:
        super(AutoEncoder, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._encoder = Encoder(token_dim=token_dim, encoding_dim=encoding_dim, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, latent_dim=latent_dim, batch_dim=batch_dim, attention=attention, normalization=normalization)
        self._decoder = Decoder(token_dim=token_dim, encoding_dim=encoding_dim, embedding_dim=embedding_dim, latent_dim=latent_dim, batch_dim=batch_dim, attention=attention, normalization=normalization)

    def call(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        return self._decoder(self._encoder(x))

    def get_config(self) -> dict:
        __parent_config = super(AutoEncoder, self).get_config()
        __encoder_config = self._encoder.get_config()
        return {**__encoder_config, **__parent_config}

    def from_config(cls, config) -> tf.keras.layers.Layer:
        return cls(**config)

Random Dataset

The training dataset is made of random codepoints in the first 4 planes of Unicode:

def random_codepoint(lower_plane: int=0, upper_plane: int=0x40000) -> list:
    __h = '{0:0>8x}'.format(int(random.uniform(lower_plane, upper_plane)))
    return list(bytes.fromhex(__h))

def random_sample(sample_size: int, lower_plane: int=0, upper_plane: int=0x40000) -> list:
    __nested = [random_codepoint(lower_plane=lower_plane, upper_plane=upper_plane) for _ in range(sample_size)]
    return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(__nested))

def random_dataset(size: int, sample_size: int, lower_plane: int=0, upper_plane: int=0x40000) ->
    def __generator() -> iter:
        for _ in range(size):
            yield random_sample(sample_size=sample_size, lower_plane=lower_plane, upper_plane=upper_plane)
        output_signature=tf.TensorSpec(shape=(4 * sample_size,), dtype=tf.int32))