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Dynamic client introduction and basic usage

A Java GraphQL client. The main difference from the typesafe client is that while the typesafe client behaves like a typesafe proxy very similar to the MicroProfile REST Client, the dynamic client is more like the JAX-RS client from the package. Instead of working with model classes directly, the dynamic client focuses on programmatically working with GraphQL documents representing GraphQL requests and responses. It still offers the option to convert between documents and model classes when necessary.

In the current implementation, Vert.x HTTP client is used for handling the underlying traffic.

Creating a client instance

Generally there are two ways to obtain a client instance.

First, using CDI injection where the configuration values are defined in system properties:

DynamicGraphQLClient client;

// assuming that this system property exists:
// superheroes/mp-graphql/url=

The above example assumes that configuration for the client is present in system properties. For a full list of supported configuration properties, see Client configuration reference

The other way to build a client is programmatically using a builder:

DynamicGraphQLClient client = DynamicGraphQLClientBuilder.newBuilder()

The usage examples in the following sections will assume using the first approach - injection.

Basic Usage

Given the following GraphQL service on the server side:

class SuperHeroesApi {
    List<SuperHero> allHeroesIn(String location) {
        // ....

class SuperHero {
    private String name;
    private List<String> superPowers;

Such service can be queried this way:

--8<-- "docs/snippets/examples/dynamicclient/"
  • <1> Creating the document representing the request. We used static imports to make the code easy to read, they all come from the classes in the io.smallrye.graphql.client.core package.

  • <2> Executing the request. You can either do that in a blocking way, or request a Uni if you prefer the reactive style.

  • <3> Obtaining the resulting list of heroes as a JsonArray.

  • <4> Obtaining the resulting list of heroes as instances of the model class. This is optional, you can continue working with the data as a JsonArray if you prefer.

Using plain strings instead of the DSL

If you don't like the DSL for some reason and want to use plain strings for your queries, these two examples will serve you:

--8<-- "docs/snippets/examples/dynamicclient/"
  • <1>: In this variant, we inline values for query arguments directly into the query string.

  • <2>: In this variant, argument values are extracted into variables. The location argument of the allHeroesIn query is declared to be using the variable loc (the variable can also be named location same as the argument, if you prefer).

  • <3>: Here we create a map that defines the values for each variable. Values of this map are Objects, so you can put in strings, numbers, booleans, or any object that corresponds to a GraphQL type and can be serialized to JSON. Inserting a JsonObject directly is also supported.

Accessing HTTP headers and response codes

To access HTTP transport metadata that was passed by the server, you can inspect the Response object.

Response.getTransportMeta("HEADER-NAME") returns a List<String> containing (potentially multiple) values of the requested header.

To get the HTTP status code or status message, these are stored inside the transportMeta map too. ResponseImpl contains convenience methods to retrieve them: ResponseImpl.getStatusCode() and ResponseImpl.getStatusMessage(). It's also possible to retrieve them directly without casting to ResponseImpl by calling Integer.valueOf(response.getTransportMeta().get("<status-code>").get(0)) and

HTTP headers, status codes and messages are only available for operations executed over pure HTTP, not via websockets!