To learn more about how we built Movies, the decisions behind the code and to have your questions answered, join us on Thursday March 12 at 9am PST / 4pm GMT:
Movies is an internal app we built to demonstrate how with Appcelerator you can use JavaScript to deliver beautiful, high-performance native apps entirely indistinguishable from those built in Java or Objective-C (or Swift).
The below instructions assume you already have successfully installed Titanium/Appcelerator Studio and Command Line Tools. If you have not installed Appcelerator toolchain, please review the documentation here:
Installation and Configuration
Now, if everything is setup correctly lets get you started with the Movies app.
- Open Titanium/Appcelerator Studio
- From the menu bar select File -> Import... and the Import dialog box will open
- In the Import* dialog, expand the Git folder and select Git Repository as New Project and click Next
- The Source Repository dialog is now open. Click on the URI radio button and in the text field type or paste
- Click Finish
Now, the Movies app will be pulled down from source control and setup into your Studio workspace.
To build the application:
- Select your target from the dropdown and click Run
into the directory you would like to host the movies app
- clone the this git repository
$> git clone
to the movies app directory
$> cd ~/MY_PARENT_FOLDER/movies
- Build the application for either iOS or Andrdoid
$> ti build -p ios --tall --retina
$> ti build -p android
- Data from The Movie Database.
- Icons from Font Awesome.
- Clapperboard icon by Fabio Grand, The Noun Project.