Applanga Unity Documentation:
- Added branching to the Unity SDK
- Added a screenshot menu toggle button to the inspector view in the Unity editor
- Added a draft mode activation dialog toggle button to the inspector view in the Unity editor
- Added draft mode activation dialog toggle keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed the screenshot menu toggle keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed bug where it was not possible to switch to a branch if a settings file had never been opened with that branch as the default branch.
- Added integration header
- Resolved did issue on huawei phones
- Resolved caching issues with draft values
- Fixed values not properly return for draft mode
- Fixed deprecated methods and dependencies
- Fixes issue when user destroys Applanga object manually, by catching and giving a warning to user
- Fixes null reference exception on XRSettings on iOS builds
- Changed Applanga UnitySDK dependencies to .net 4.6.1, solves issue with hard reference to .net 2.0.0
- Changes fetching of Mono.Data.SQL.dll according to platform and Unity version
- Changed a deprecated method to current version for fetching iOS device target
- Changed missing settings file errors to warnings for more user friendly indicator
- Changes fetching of Mono.Data.SQL.dll to unity-jit according to platform
- Fixes all current issues with creation and deletion of DB's on Sqlite
- Removed use of gzip compression for Windows platform
- Hotfix for issue with db delete
- Font not properly shown for embedded Sample Scene
- Error when key is too big
- Draft menu redesign
- Unity 2020 compatibility and embedded demo project
- Automatic removal of language databases that dont exist on the dashboard
- Gzip enabled for get requests
- Changed all usages of the WWW class to use UnityWebRequests.
- Added DoNotTranslate string array to the DoNotTranslate and AutoTranslate components.
- Added support for TextMeshProUGUI Component
- fix for preprocess build script in 2017
- automatic and manual setting file update menu items
- Including strings with missing keys when taking a screen shot
- Sending current language when reporting an issue
- added check for keys longer than 997 bytes to meet database requirements
- added check for new lines in keys
- added ApplangaDraftModeEnabled setting
- Fixed Warnings for cleaning up auto created ApplangaObjects
- Fixed gesture tracking error when using mouse input in the editor
- added ApplangaInitialUpdate setting
- BugFix: Unity android Gzip handling
- updates to work with latest unity version
- editor ui to add and remove AutoTranslate components
- intorduced DoNoTranslate component to ignore AutoTranslate component
- editor ui to configure id generation
- TextMeshPro support
- android il2cpp arm 64 bit support
- delta update support for smaller response size
- initialization error on iOS from Unity 2017.4 and Unity 2018
- added docs link on component
- update demoscene with language switch and testaccount
- unity 2017.3 compatibility
- fixed possible request timeout when changing scenes
- fixed accidental draftmode activation
- added changelog
- added GetLanguage method to get current used language
- local cache issue
- updated current language crash
- internal draft mode gesture exception
- use Application.identifier or Application.bundleIdentifier depending on unity version
- string update issue
- i2 performance issue
- android build issues
- i2 performance improvements
- logger output support for old and new unity versions
- editor initialization issues
- linker issue
- i2 localization performance
- added support for unity 2017.1
- unity version issue where bundleId method does not exist
- updated unity sdk to be able to run in edit mode
- add bridge between Applanga an i2 localization
- basic mobile VR support for Google Cardboard
- linker issue if stripping is enabled on Android
- iOS linker issues
- tests
- documentation
- minor internal refactorings and stability improvements
- documentation
- deploy script
- sqlite issues
- Initial Release