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1205 lines (1026 loc) · 40.3 KB




This is a purely additive proposal to improve the Swift 3 migration experience.

SE-0107: UnsafeRawPointer formalized Swift's memory model with respect to strict aliasing and prevented arbitrary conversion between UnsafePointer types. When moving to Swift 3, users will need to migrate much of their code dealing with UnsafePointers. The new UnsafeRawPointer makes that possible. It provides a legal means to operate on raw memory (independent of the type of values in memory), and it provides an API for binding memory to a type for subsequent normal typed access. However, migration is not always straightforward because SE-0107 provided only minimal support for raw pointers. Extending raw pointer support to the UnsafeBufferPointer type will fill in this funcionality gap. This is especially important for code that currently views "raw" bytes of memory as UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>. Converting between UInt8 and the client's element type at every API transition is difficult to do safely with the bindMemory API, but that can be avoided entirely by changing the type the represents a view into raw bytes to UnsafeRawBufferPointer. For more background, see the UnsafeRawPointer Migration Guide.

Swift-evolution threads:


This proposal adds basic usability for working with raw memory without breaking source. The need to provide higher level API for working with raw memory buffers has always been evident, but making improvements in this area depended on first introducing UnsafeRawPointer. It was not clear until the final week of source-breaking changes whether SE-0107 would make it into Swift 3. Now that it has, we should do everything possible in the remaining time to improve the migration experience and encourage correct use of the memory model by introducing this low-risk additive API.

Almost all API's that use raw pointers need to pass or return a length associated with the raw memory "buffer". It is obvious that providing a type that encapsulates a raw pointer with length would improve the safety and readability of all of these interfaces. It would also support automatic debug-mode bounds checking on each side of the interface.

In the short time that users have been migrating code, I have already seen several cases that view raw memory as a collection of UInt8 values. It is natural for the same type that encapsulates a raw pointer and length to also allow clients to view that memory as raw bytes without the need to explicitly bind the memory type each time memory is accessed. This would also improve performance in some cases that I've encoutered by avoiding array copies. Let's call this new type Unsafe[Mutable]RawBufferPointer.

Any array could be viewed as UnsafeRawBufferPointer, and that raw view of the bytes could be used by any interface that expects a collection of UInt8. An new array method withUnsafeBytes could expose this raw view of the array as a sequence of bytes as follows:

let intArray = [1, 2, 3]
var byteBuffer = [UInt8]()

intArray.withUnsafeBytes {

  byteBuffer += $0
  assert(byteBuffer[0..<4] == [1, 0, 0, 0])

  for (i, b) in $0.enumerated() {
    assert(b == byteBuffer[i])

Any data type could be safely passed to APIs that work with raw memory via UnsafeRawBufferPointer, such as output streams and flat buffers. A new withUnsafeBytes function could view a value as a sequence of bytes as follows:

func write(bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) { ... }

// imported struct Header
struct Header {...}

var header = Header(...)

withUnsafeBytes(of: &header) {
  write(bytes: $0)

Data of any type could be loaded from raw memory that was constructed as an array of UInt8:

func readHeader(fromBytes bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Header {
  return bytes.load(as: Header.self)

let array: [UInt8] = ...
let header = array.withUnsafeBytes {
  readHeader(fromBytes: $0)

Foundation Data already provides high-level, safe encapsulation of raw memory and is the common currency for passing raw memory across framework boundaries. Data owns its underlying memory, provides value semantics, and performs release-mode bounds checks. The proposed UnsafeRawBufferPointer is an unowned view into an arbitrary slice of memory. Once UnsafeRawBufferPointer is in place, the Data API can be extended to more safely interoperate with UnsafePointers.

Proposed solution

Introduce UnsafeRawBufferPointer and UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer types, which will respectively conform to Collection and MutableCollection of UInt8. These types will provide a debug-mode bounds-checked subset of Unsafe[Mutable]RawPointer's interface to raw memory: load(fromByteOffset:as:), storeBytes(of:toByteOffset:as:), and copyBytes(from:count:).

Please see the doc comments provided in Detailed design.

Add an Array.withUnsafe[Mutable]Bytes<R>(_) method that passes an UnsafeRawBufferPointer view of the array buffer to the closure body.

Add a withUnsafeMutableBytes<T, R>(of:_) function that passes an UnsafeRawBufferPointer view of a value of type T to the closure body.

Amendment to normalize the slice type

The original version of this proposal defined Unsafe[Mutable]BufferPointer to be its own SubSequence type. This is the Collection's slice type returned by a range subscript getter. Using a single type for buffers and buffer slices is very convenient for working with flat memory regions, but it is inconsistent with Swift's Collection semantics. The problem is that it transparently rebases the slice's Int-type indices to zero. This has the potential to break generic algorithms, which expect to use the same indices across both the original Collection and its slices.

The amended version of this proposal changes SubSequence to [Mutable]RandomAccessSlice<Unsafe[Mutable]RawBufferPointer>

rebasing initializers have been added to allow explicit conversion from a slice to a zero-based Unsafe[Mutable]RawBufferPointer.

This results in the following behavioral changes:

Passing a region within buffer to another function that takes a buffer can no longer be done via subscript:

Incorrect: takesRawBuffer(buffer[i..<j])

This now requires an explicit cast:

Correct: takesRawBuffer(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing: buffer[i..<j]))

Subscript assignment directly from a buffer no longer compiles:

Incorrect: buffer[n..<m] = smaller_buffer

This now requires creation of a slice from the complete source buffer:

Correct: buffer[n..<m] = smaller_buffer.suffix(from: 0)

UnsafeRawBufferPointer's slice type no longer has a nonmutating subscript setter. So assigning into a mutable let buffer no longer compiles:

let slice = buffer[n..<m]
slice[i..<j] = buffer[k..<l]

The assigned buffer slice now needs to be a var.

var slice = buffer[n..<m]
slice[i..<j] = buffer[k..<l]

Migration Examples

Consider these real code migration examples:

This is a small sample of projects that popped up during initial migration. As migration proceeds, more examples continue to surface that would benefit from UnsafeRawBufferPointer. Ideally, code that manages untyped memory buffers can now do so with Foundation's Data API, avoiding unsafe code altogether. However, when code does drop down the level of UnsafePointer, it should be natural to use the unsafe APIs correctly. As these examples show, UnsafeRawBufferPointer makes it natural to use unsafe pointers correctly when dealing with raw bytes.

Network Messages

This is a simplified example derived from production code encountered during migration.

Originally, this code was reading and writing messages in a UInt8 buffer, then recasting an UnsafePointer to other data types while decoding the message. This is undefined behavior, but was the most reasonable way to solve the problem given existing APIs. Without providing an alternative, developers are resorting to unsafeBitCast or assumingMemoryBound in these cases to force code to compile, which doesn't make the code any more correct.

This is the code after "forced" migration, without fixing memory model issues:

// Original Handler...

var handler: (Int32, [UInt8]) -> () = { _ in }

func handleMessages(_ start: UnsafePointer<UInt8>, _ count: Int) -> Int {
  var start = start
  var count = count
  while count > MemoryLayout<Int32>.size * 2 {
    let headerSize = MemoryLayout<Int32>.size * 2
    let channelID =
      Int32(unsafeBitCast(start, to: UnsafePointer<Int32>.self).pointee)
    let payloadSize =
      Int(unsafeBitCast(start.advanced(by: MemoryLayout<Int32>.size),
          to: UnsafePointer<Int32>.self).pointee)
    let totalSize = headerSize + payloadSize
    if count < totalSize {
        start: start.advanced(by: headerSize), count: payloadSize)))
    // Advance to the start of the next packet.
    start = start.advanced(by: totalSize)
    count -= totalSize
  return count

UnsafeRawBufferPointer provides a convenient way to rewrite the handler and eliminate undefined behavior:

// Updated Handler...

// imported struct Header
struct Header {
  var channel: Int32
  var payloadSize: Int32

var handler: (_ channel: Int32, _ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> () = { _, _ in }

func handleMessages(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) -> Int {
  var index = 0
  while true {
    let payloadIndex = index + MemoryLayout<Header>.stride
    if payloadIndex > bytes.count {
    let header = bytes.load(fromByteOffset: index, as: Header.self)
    index = payloadIndex + Int(header.payloadSize)
    if index > bytes.count {
    handler(, bytes[payloadIndex ..< index])
  return bytes.count - index

Now consider the original code that calls this handler:

// Original input driver...

// imported
func read(from fd: Int32, p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, n: Int) { ... }

func read(from fd: Int32) {
  var data: [UInt8] = []
  let tmpBufferSize = 4096
  let tmp = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(
    start: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: tmpBufferSize),
    count: tmpBufferSize)
  while true {
    let result = read(self.inputFD, tmp.baseAddress, tmpBufferSize)
    assert(result >= 0)
    if result == 0 {
    if data.count != 0 {
        contentsOf: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: tmp.baseAddress, count:result))
      let remaining = data.withUnsafeBufferPointer { bufferPtr -> Int in
        return self.extractAndHandleMessages(
      if (remaining != data.count) {
        data = Array<UInt8>(data[data.count - remaining..<data.count])
    } else {
      let remaining = self.extractAndHandleMessages(tmp.baseAddress!, result)
      if remaining != 0 {
        data = Array<UInt8>(UnsafeBufferPointer(
          start: tmp.baseAddress!.advanced(by: result - remaining),
  tmp.baseAddress!.deallocate(capacity: tmpBufferSize)

The input driver should now be written using UnsafeRawBufferPointer as follows:

// Updated input driver...

// imported
func read(from fd: Int32, p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, n: Int) { ... }

func read(from fd: Int32) throws {
  let tmpBuffer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(count: 4096)
  defer { tmpBuffer.deallocate() }

  let basePtr = tmpBuffer.baseAddress!
  var position = 0
  while true {
    let result = read(fd, basePtr + position, tmpBuffer.count - position)
    if (result < 0) {
      throw FileError()
    if result == 0 {
    let dataBytes = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(tmpBuffer.prefix(upTo: position + result))
    let remaining = handleMessages(dataBytes)

    tmpBuffer.copyBytes(from: dataBytes.suffix(remaining))
    position = remaining

On the sender side, the original post-migration code is:

// Original message send...

// imported
func write(from fd: Int32, p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, n: Int)

private func int32ToArray(_ value: UnsafePointer<Int32>) -> [UInt8] {
  return Array<UInt8>(UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(
    start: unsafeBitCast(value, to: UnsafePointer<UInt8>.self),
    count: MemoryLayout<Int32>.size))

func send(_ channel: Int32, _ message: [UInt8]) throws {
  var channel = channel
  var length = Int32(message.count)
  let header = int32ToArray(&channel) + int32ToArray(&length)
  header.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
    let result = write(self.outputFD, ptr.baseAddress, ptr.count)
    if result < 0 {
      throw FileError
  message.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
    let result = write(self.outputFD, ptr.baseAddress, ptr.count)
    if result < 0 {
      throw FileError

With UnsafeRawBufferPointer, the sender code can be written as follows:

// Updated message send...

// imported
func write(from fd: Int32, p: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, n: Int)

func send(to fd: Int32, onChannel channel: Int32, message: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws {
  var header = Header(channel: channel, payloadSize: Int32(message.count))
  try withUnsafeBytes(of: &header) {
    let result = write(fd, $0.baseAddress!, $0.count)
    if (result < 0) {
      throw FileError()
  let result = write(fd, message.baseAddress!, message.count)
  if (result < 0) {
    throw FileError()

swift-package-manager OutputByteStream

UnsafeRawBufferPointer is a useful tool for composing APIs like Swift package manager's OutputByteStream which needs to operate on raw memory independent of the type, and also needs to view that data as an array of bytes.

Consider this current limitation of the OutputStream API:

public final class LocalFileOutputStream {
  override final func writeImpl<C: Collection>(_ bytes: C)
    where C.Iterator.Element == UInt8 {

    // FIXME: This will be copying bytes but we don't have option currently.
    var contents = [UInt8](bytes)
    while true {
      let n = fwrite(&contents, 1, contents.count, fp)

Instead, UnsafeRawBufferPointer should be the common type for data handoff in the base class:

public class OutputByteStream {
  func writeImpl(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer)

Without claiming this is the best architecture for this utility, we can claim that the author should be able to implement the architecture they have chosen correctly and without unnecessary overhead. Moving to UnsafeRawBufferPointer fixes three design issues in this code that stem from inadequate support for raw memory.

Fix #1: The public API of a high-performance utility no longer depends on a generic type conforming to a protocol. There was no reason for this utility to care about the type being streamed, so this was a significant unnecessary overhead.

Fix #2: The LocalFileOutputStream subclass can now directly access the bytes without copying into an array:

public final class LocalFileOutputStream {
  override final func writeImpl(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    // Cast to a mutating raw pointer for legacy libc interop.
    let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: bytes.baseAddress!)
    while true {
      let n = fwrite(ptr, 1, contents.count, fp)

The BufferedOutputByteStream subclass can continue working with a collection of bytes, so there's no loss in functionality:

public final class BufferedOutputByteStream: OutputByteStream {
    // FIXME: For inmemory implementation we should be share this buffer with OutputByteStream.
    // One way to do this is by allowing OuputByteStream to install external buffers.
    private var contents = [UInt8]()

  override final func writeImpl(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    contents += bytes

Fix #3: OutputByteStream can be naturally redesigned as follows to directly access a buffer of raw memory, which is already bounds checked and never needs to grow. A subclass like BufferedOutputByteStream can continue to manage its buffer as an array. There are no extra copies or impedance mismatch between base class and subclass:

public class OutputByteStream {
  private var buffer: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
  private var position: Int = 0

  private final var bufferedBytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer {
    return UnsafeRawBufferPointer(buffer.prefix(upTo: position))
  private var availableBufferSize: Int {
    return buffer.count - position

  class var bufferSize: Int { return 1024 }

  init() {
    buffer = UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.allocate(count: type(of: self).bufferSize)
  deinit {

  private func appendToBuffer(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    buffer[position ..< position + bytes.count].copyBytes(from: bytes)
    position += bytes.count

  func writeImpl(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    fatalError("Subclasses must implement this")

  public final func write(bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    if bytes.count > availableBufferSize {
      appendToBuffer(bytes.prefix(upTo: availableBufferSize))

  /// Write a sequence of bytes to the buffer.
  public final func write(_ bytes: ArraySlice<UInt8>) {
    bytes.withUnsafeBytes {
      write(bytes: $0)
  /// Write a sequence of bytes to the buffer.
  public final func write(_ bytes: [UInt8]) {
    bytes.withUnsafeBytes {
      write(bytes: $0)

/// In-memory implementation of OutputByteStream.
public final class BufferedOutputByteStream: OutputByteStream {

  /// Default buffer size of the data buffer.
  override class var bufferSize: Int { return 0 }

  /// Contents of the stream.
  private var contents = [UInt8]()

  override public init() {
  override final func writeImpl(_ bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    contents += bytes


Using UnsafeRawBufferPointer, the code for putting a value can be correctly expressed using UnsafeRawBufferPointer without binding memory:

public final class FlatBufferBuilder {
  private var _data : UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
  var cursor = 0 // ignore left/right cursor for brevity.
  private var freeSpace { return _data.suffix(from: cursor) }

  public func put<T : Scalar>(value: T) {
    var v = value
    let c = MemoryLayout<T>.size
    increaseCapacity(c) // ... and align
    withUnsafeBytes(&v) {
      freeSpace.copyBytes(from: $0, count: c)
    cursor += c
  public func put<T : Scalar>(value: UnsafePointer<T>, length: Int) {
    let ptr = _data.baseAddress! + cursor
    freeSpace.copyBytes(from: value, count: length)
    cursor += length

FlatBufferReader can also be fixed with UnsafeRawBufferPointer:

public final class FlatBufferReader {
  private var _data : UnsafeRawBufferPointer

  func fromBytes<T : Scalar>(at position: Int) -> T {
    return _data.load(fromByteOffset: position, as: T.self)
  public func get<T : Scalar>(objectOffset: Offset, propertyIndex: Int) -> T {
    let propertyOffset = getPropertyOffset(propertyIndex)
    let position = Int(objectOffset + propertyOffset)
    return fromBytes(at: position)


This JSON parsing library can accept struct Data input here. It then passes the bytes in data to a lower-level parse routine that operates directly on UnsafeBufferPointer. (The library accepts various input sources, including NSData and String, then drops down to unsafe pointer to avoid copying). During 3.0 migration, a call to bindMemory(to:count:) would need to be introduced to make it safe to reinterpret memory as UInt8:

public typealias JSParsingSequence = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>

public static func parse(seq: JSParsingSequence) -> JSParsingResult { ... }

public static func parse(data: ) -> JSParsingResult {
  let ptr = (data as NSData).bytes.bindMemory(to: UInt.self, count: data.length)
  let bytes = UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: ptr, count: data.length)

  return parse(bytes)

This requires the developer to understand how the memory binding APIs work, which is unreasonable for normal interaction with Data. It also uses a deprecated interface to Data and has a lifetime bug. Getting bytes out of Data should now be done using withUnsafeBytes:

public func parse(_ data: Data) {
  return data.withUnsafeBytes { bytes: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8> in

This now implicitly binds memory, which is a big improvement. However, there is no reason that the parser's view of memory needs to to be typed as UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>. The JSON parser should operate on an UnsafeRawBufferPointer sequence, eliminating the need to bind memory at all. Once the Data interface is extended to support calling closures that take UnsafeRawBufferPointer, it will be possible to write a safer version of the code that completely avoids binding memory:

public typealias JSParsingSequence = UnsafeRawBufferPointer

public static func parse(data: NSData) -> JSParsingResult {
  return data.withUnsafeBytes { bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer in

Detailed design

% for mutable in (True, False):
%  Self = 'UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer' if mutable else 'UnsafeRawBufferPointer'
%  Mutable = 'Mutable' if mutable else ''

/// A non-owning view over a region of memory as a Collection of bytes
/// independent of the type of values held in that memory. Each 8-bit byte in
/// memory is viewed as a `UInt8` value.
/// Reads and writes on memory via `UnsafeRawBufferPointer` are untyped
/// operations. Accessing this Collection's bytes does not bind the
/// underlying memory to `UInt8`. The underlying memory must be bound
/// to some trivial type whenever it is accessed via a typed operation.
/// - Note: A trivial type can be copied with just a bit-for-bit
///   copy without any indirection or reference-counting operations.
///   Generally, native Swift types that do not contain strong or
///   weak references or other forms of indirection are trivial, as
///   are imported C structs and enums.
/// In addition to the `Collection` interface, the following subset of
/// `Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer`'s interface to raw memory is
/// provided with debug mode bounds checks:
/// - `load(fromByteOffset:as:)`,
%  if mutable:
/// - `storeBytes(of:toByteOffset:as:)`
/// - `copyBytes(from:count:)`
%  end
/// This is only a view into memory and does not own the memory. Copying a value
/// of type `Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer` does not copy the underlying
/// memory. However, initialiing another collection, such as `[UInt8]`, with an
/// `Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer` into copies bytes out of memory.
/// Example:
/// ```swift
///   // View a slice of memory at someBytes. Nothing is copied.
///   var destBytes = someBytes[0..<n]
///   // Copy the slice of memory into a buffer of UInt8.
///   var byteArray = [UInt8](destBytes)
///   // Copy another slice of memory into the buffer.
///   byteArray += someBytes[n..<m]
/// ```
%  if mutable:
/// And assigning into a range of subscripts copies bytes into the memory.
/// Example (continued):
/// ```swift
///   // Copy a another slice of memory back into the original slice.
///   destBytes[0..<n] = someBytes[m..<(m+n)]
/// ```
%  end
/// TODO: Specialize `index` and `formIndex` and
/// `_failEarlyRangeCheck` as in `UnsafeBufferPointer`.
public struct Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer
  : ${Mutable}Collection, RandomAccessCollection {

  public typealias Index = Int
  public typealias IndexDistance = Int
  public typealias SubSequence =

  /// An iterator for the bytes referenced by `${Self}`.
  public struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol, Sequence {

    /// Advances to the next byte and returns it, or `nil` if no next byte
    /// exists.
    /// Once `nil` has been returned, all subsequent calls return `nil`.
    public mutating func next() -> UInt8? {
      if _position == _end { return nil }
      let result = _position!.load(as: UInt8.self)
      _position! += 1
      return result

    internal var _position, _end: UnsafeRawPointer?

%  if mutable:
  /// Allocate memory for `size` bytes with word alignment.
  /// - Postcondition: The memory is allocated, but not initialized.
  public static func allocate(count size: Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer {
    return UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(
      start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(
        bytes: size, alignedTo: MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment),
      count: size)
%  end # mutable

  /// Deallocate this memory allocated for `bytes` number of bytes.
  /// - Precondition: The memory is not initialized.
  /// - Postcondition: The memory has been deallocated.
  public func deallocate() {
      bytes: count, alignedTo: MemoryLayout<UInt>.alignment)

  /// Reads raw bytes from memory at `self + offset` and constructs a
  /// value of type `T`.
  /// - Precondition: `offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size < self.count`
  /// - Precondition: The underlying pointer plus `offset` is properly
  ///   aligned for accessing `T`.
  /// - Precondition: The memory is initialized to a value of some type, `U`,
  ///   such that `T` is layout compatible with `U`.
  public func load<T>(fromByteOffset offset: Int = 0, as type: T.Type) -> T {
    _debugPrecondition(offset >= 0, "${Self}.load with negative offset")
    _debugPrecondition(offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size <= self.count,
      "${Self}.load out of bounds")
    return baseAddress!.load(fromByteOffset: offset, as: T.self)

%  if mutable:
  /// Stores a value's bytes into raw memory at `self + offset`.
  /// - Precondition: `offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size < self.count`
  /// - Precondition: The underlying pointer plus `offset` is properly
  ///   aligned for storing type `T`.
  /// - Precondition: `T` is a trivial type.
  /// - Precondition: The memory is uninitialized, or initialized to
  ///   some trivial type `U` such that `T` and `U` are mutually layout
  ///   compatible.
  /// - Postcondition: The memory is initialized to raw bytes. If the
  ///   memory is bound to type `U`, then it now contains a value of
  ///   type `U`.
  /// - Note: A trivial type can be copied with just a bit-for-bit
  ///   copy without any indirection or reference-counting operations.
  ///   Generally, native Swift types that do not contain strong or
  ///   weak references or other forms of indirection are trivial, as
  ///   are imported C structs and enums.
  public func storeBytes<T>(
    of value: T, toByteOffset offset: Int = 0, as: T.Type
  ) {
    _debugPrecondition(offset >= 0, "${Self}.storeBytes with negative offset")
    _debugPrecondition(offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size <= self.count,
      "${Self}.storeBytes out of bounds")

    baseAddress!.storeBytes(of: value, toByteOffset: offset, as: T.self)

  /// Copies `count` bytes from `source` into memory at `self`.
  /// - Precondition: `count` is non-negative.
  /// - Precondition: The memory at `source..<source + count` is
  ///   initialized to some trivial type `T`.
  /// - Precondition: If the memory at `self..<self+count` is bound to
  ///   a type `U`, then `U` is a trivial type, the underlying
  ///   pointers `source` and `self` are properly aligned for type
  ///   `U`, and `count` is a multiple of `MemoryLayout<U>.stride`.
  /// - Postcondition: The memory at `self..<self+count` is
  ///   initialized to raw bytes. If the memory is bound to type `U`,
  ///   then it contains values of type `U`.
  public func copyBytes(from source: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    _debugPrecondition(source.count <= self.count,
      "${Self}.copyBytes source has too many elements")
    baseAddress?.copyBytes(from: source.baseAddress!, count: source.count)

  public func copyBytes<C : Collection>(from source: C
  ) where C.Iterator.Element == UInt8 {
    _debugPrecondition(numericCast(source.count) <= self.count,
      "${Self}.copyBytes source has too many elements")
    guard let position = _position else {
    for (index, byteValue) in source.enumerated() {
        of: byteValue, toByteOffset: index, as: UInt8.self)
%  end # mutable

  /// Creates `${Self}` over the `count` contiguous bytes beginning at `start`.
  /// If `start` is nil, `count` must be 0. However, `count` may be 0 even for
  /// a nonzero `start`.
  public init(start: Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer?, count: Int) {
    _precondition(count >= 0, "${Self} with negative count")
    _precondition(count == 0 || start != nil,
      "${Self} has a nil start and nonzero count")
    _position = start
    _end = { $0 + count }

  /// Creates `${Self}` over the contiguous bytes in `buffer`.
  /// - Precondition: `T` is a trivial type.
  public init<T>(_ buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<T>) {
    self.init(start: buffer.baseAddress!,
      count: buffer.count * MemoryLayout<T>.stride)

%  if mutable:
  /// Converts UnsafeRawBufferPointer to UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer.
  public init(mutating bytes: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) {
    self.init(start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: bytes.baseAddress),
      count: bytes.count)
%  else:
  /// Converts UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer to UnsafeRawBufferPointer.
  public init(_ bytes: UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) {
    self.init(start: bytes.baseAddress, count: bytes.count)

  /// Creates an `${Self}` view over the contiguous memory in `buffer`.
  /// - Precondition: `T` is a trivial type.
  public init<T>(_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<T>) {
    self.init(start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: buffer.baseAddress!),
      count: buffer.count * MemoryLayout<T>.stride)
%  end # !mutable

%  if not mutable:
  /// Creates a raw buffer over the same memory as the given raw buffer slice.
  /// The new raw buffer will represent the same region of memory as the slice,
  /// but it's indices will be rebased to zero. Given:
  ///   let slice = buffer[n..<m]
  ///   let rebased = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing: slice)
  /// One may assume `rebased.startIndex == 0` and `rebased[0] == slice[n]`.
  /// - Parameter slice: the raw buffer slice to rebase.
  public init(rebasing slice: RandomAccessSlice<UnsafeRawBufferPointer>) {
    self.init(start: slice.base.baseAddress! + slice.startIndex,
      count: slice.count)
%  end # !mutable

  /// Creates a raw buffer over the same memory as the given raw buffer slice.
  /// The new raw buffer will represent the same region of memory as the slice,
  /// but it's indices will be rebased to zero. Given:
  ///   let slice = buffer[n..<m]
  ///   let rebased = UnsafeRawBufferPointer(rebasing: slice)
  /// One may assume `rebased.startIndex == 0` and `rebased[0] == slice[n]`.
  /// - Parameter slice: the raw buffer slice to rebase.
  public init(
    rebasing slice: MutableRandomAccessSlice<UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer>
  ) {
    self.init(start: slice.base.baseAddress! + slice.startIndex,
      count: slice.count)

  /// Always zero, which is the index of the first byte in a
  /// non-empty buffer.
  public var startIndex: Int {
    return 0

  /// The "past the end" position---that is, the position one greater than the
  /// last valid subscript argument.
  /// The `endIndex` property of an `Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer` instance is
  /// always identical to `count`.
  public var endIndex: Int {
    return count

  public typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>

  public var indices: Indices {
    return startIndex..<endIndex

  /// Accesses the `i`th byte in the memory region as a `UInt8` value.
  public subscript(i: Int) -> UInt8 {
    get {
      _debugPrecondition(i >= 0)
      _debugPrecondition(i < endIndex)
      return _position!.load(fromByteOffset: i, as: UInt8.self)
%  if mutable:
    nonmutating set {
      _debugPrecondition(i >= 0)
      _debugPrecondition(i < endIndex)
      _position!.storeBytes(of: newValue, toByteOffset: i, as: UInt8.self)
%  end # mutable

  /// Accesses the bytes in the memory region within `bounds` as a `UInt8`
  /// values.
  public subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> ${Mutable}RandomAccessSlice<Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer> {
    get {
      _debugPrecondition(bounds.lowerBound >= startIndex)
      _debugPrecondition(bounds.upperBound <= endIndex)
      return ${Mutable}RandomAccessSlice(base: self, bounds: bounds)
%  if mutable:
    nonmutating set {
      _debugPrecondition(bounds.lowerBound >= startIndex)
      _debugPrecondition(bounds.upperBound <= endIndex)
      _debugPrecondition(bounds.count == newValue.count)

      if newValue.count > 0 {
        (baseAddress! + bounds.lowerBound).copyBytes(
          from: newValue.baseAddress!,
          count: newValue.count)
%  end # mutable

  /// Returns an iterator over the bytes of this sequence.
  /// - Complexity: O(1).
  public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
    return Iterator(_position: _position, _end: _end)

  /// A pointer to the first byte of the buffer.
  public var baseAddress: Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer? {
    return _position

  /// The number of bytes in the buffer.
  public var count: Int {
    if let pos = _position {
      return _end! - pos
    return 0

  let _position, _end: Unsafe${Mutable}RawPointer?

extension Unsafe${Mutable}RawBufferPointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
  /// A textual representation of `self`, suitable for debugging.
  public var debugDescription: String {
    return "${Self}"
      + "(start: \( ?? "nil"), count: \(count))"

/// Invokes `body` with an `${Self}` argument and returns the
/// result.
%  if mutable:
public func withUnsafeMutableBytes<T, Result>(
  of arg: inout T,
  _ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result
  return try withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &arg) {
    return try body(UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer(
        start: $0, count: MemoryLayout<T>.size))
%  else:
public func withUnsafeBytes<T, Result>(
  of arg: inout T,
  _ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result
  return try withUnsafePointer(to: &arg) {
    try body(UnsafeRawBufferPointer(start: $0, count: MemoryLayout<T>.size))
%  end # mutable

% end # for mutable

% for Self in ['ContiguousArray', 'ArraySlice', 'Array']:

extension ${Self} {
  /// Calls a closure with a view of the array's underlying bytes of memory as a
  /// Collection of `UInt8`.
  /// ${contiguousCaveat}
  /// - Precondition: `Pointee` is a trivial type.
  /// The following example shows how you copy bytes into an array:
  ///    var numbers = [Int32](repeating: 0, count: 2)
  ///    var byteValues: [UInt8] = [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
  ///    numbers.withUnsafeMutableBytes { destBytes in
  ///      byteValues.withUnsafeBytes { srcBytes in
  ///        destBytes.copyBytes(from: srcBytes)
  ///      }
  ///    }
  /// - Parameter body: A closure with an `UnsafeRawBufferPointer` parameter that points to
  /// the contiguous storage for the array. If `body` has a return value, it is
  /// used as the return value for the `withUnsafeBytes(_:)` method. The
  /// argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's execution.
  /// - Returns: The return value of the `body` closure parameter, if any.
  /// - SeeAlso: `withUnsafeBytes`, `UnsafeRawBufferPointer`
  public mutating func withUnsafeMutableBytes<R>(
    _ body: (UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer) throws -> R
  ) rethrows -> R {
    return try self.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
      return try body(UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer($0))

  /// Calls a closure with a view of the array's underlying bytes of memory as a
  /// Collection of `UInt8`.
  /// ${contiguousCaveat}
  /// - Precondition: `Pointee` is a trivial type.
  /// The following example shows how you copy the contents of an array into a
  /// buffer of `UInt8`:
  ///    let numbers = [1, 2, 3]
  ///    var byteBuffer = [UInt8]()
  ///    numbers.withUnsafeBytes {
  ///        byteBuffer += $0
  ///    }
  /// - Parameter body: A closure with an `UnsafeRawBufferPointer` parameter that points to
  /// the contiguous storage for the array. If `body` has a return value, it is
  /// used as the return value for the `withUnsafeBytes(_:)` method. The
  /// argument is valid only for the duration of the closure's execution.
  /// - Returns: The return value of the `body` closure parameter, if any.
  /// - SeeAlso: `withUnsafeBytes`, `UnsafeRawBufferPointer`
  public func withUnsafeBytes<R>(
    _ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R
  ) rethrows -> R {
    return try self.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
      try body(UnsafeRawBufferPointer($0))

% for mutable in (True, False):
%  Mutable = 'Mutable' if mutable else ''

extension Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer<Element> {

%  if not Mutable:
  /// Creates a buffer over the same memory as the given buffer slice.
  /// The new buffer will represent the same region of memory as the slice,
  /// but it's indices will be rebased to zero. Given:
  ///   let slice = buffer[n..<m]
  ///   let rebased = UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: slice)
  /// One may assume `rebased.startIndex == 0` and `rebased[0] == slice[n]`.
  /// - Parameter slice: the raw buffer slice to rebase.
  public init(rebasing slice: RandomAccessSlice<UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>>) {
    self.init(start: slice.base.baseAddress! + slice.startIndex,
      count: slice.count)
%  end # !mutable

  /// Creates a buffer over the same memory as the given buffer slice.
  /// The new buffer will represent the same region of memory as the slice,
  /// but it's indices will be rebased to zero. Given:
  ///   let slice = buffer[n..<m]
  ///   let rebased = UnsafeBufferPointer(rebasing: slice)
  /// One may assume `rebased.startIndex == 0` and `rebased[0] == slice[n]`.
  /// - Parameter slice: the buffer slice to rebase.
  public init(
    rebasing slice:
  ) {
    self.init(start: slice.base.baseAddress! + slice.startIndex,
      count: slice.count)
% end

Implementation status

This proposal is fully implemented on my unsafebytes branch

Impact on existing code


Alternatives considered

Expect developers to continue using [UInt8] as type-erased buffers but rebind memory each time they cross API boundaries.

Expect developers to convert to UnsafeRawPointer without a solution for viewing the raw data as a collection of bytes.

There is no alternative to introducing an UnsafeRawBufferPointer API that doesn't require developers to understand the subtle semantics of raw pointers and binding memory to a type. My experience helping developers migrate their code, which they likely did not write in the first place, shows that this is an unreasonable expectation.