- Proposal: SE-0195
- Author: Chris Lattner
- Review Manager: Ted Kremenek
- Implementation: apple/swift#14546
- Previous Revision #1
- Status: Implemented (Swift 4.2)
- Decision Notes: Review extended, Rationale
This proposal introduces a new @dynamicMemberLookup
attribute. Types that use it provide
"dot" syntax for arbitrary names which are resolved
at runtime - in a completely type safe way. This provides syntactic sugar that allows the
user to write:
a = someValue.someMember
someValue.someMember = a
and have it be interpreted by the compiler as:
a = someValue[dynamicMember: "someMember"]
someValue[dynamicMember: "someMember"] = a
mutateParameter(&someValue[dynamicMember: "someMember"])
This allows the static type of someValue
to decide how to implement these dynamic member
Many other languages have analogous features e.g., the dynamic feature in C#, the Dynamic trait in Scala, the composition of Objective-C's explicit properties and underlying messaging infrastructure. This sort of functionality is great for implementing dynamic language interoperability, dynamic proxy APIs, and other APIs (e.g. for JSON processing).
The driving motivation for this feature is to improve interoperability with inherently dynamic languages like Python, Javascript, Ruby and others. That said, this feature is designed such that it can be applied to other inherently dynamic domains in a modular way. NOTE: if you are generally supportive of interoperability with dynamic languages but are concerned about the potential for abuse of this feature, please see the Reducing Potential Abuse section in the Alternatives Considered section and voice your support for one of those directions that limit the feature.
Swift is well known for being exceptional at interworking with existing C and Objective-C APIs, but its support for calling APIs written in scripting languages like Python, Perl, and Ruby is quite lacking.
C and Objective-C are integrated into Swift by expending a heroic amount of effort into integrating Clang ASTs, remapping existing APIs in an attempt to feel "Swifty", and by providing a large number of attributes and customization points for changing the behavior of this integration when writing an Objective-C header. The end result of this massive investment of effort is that Swift tries to provide an (arguably) better experience when programming against these legacy APIs than Objective-C itself does.
When considering the space of dynamic languages, four things are clear: 1) there are several different languages of interest, and they each have significant communities in different areas: for example, Python is big in data science and machine learning, Ruby is popular for building server side apps, a few people apparently use Javascript, and even Perl is still widely used. 2) These languages have decades of library building behind them, sometimes with significant communities and 3) there are one or two orders of magnitude more users of these libraries than there are people currently using Swift. 4) APIs written in these languages will never feel "Swifty", both because of serious differences between the type systems of Swift and these languages, and because of runtime issues like the Python GIL.
In the extensive discussion and development of this feature (including hundreds of emails to swift-evolution) we considered many different implementation approaches. These include things like Objective-C style bridging support, F# type providers, generated wrappers, foreign class support, and others described in the Alternative Python Interoperability Approaches section.
The conclusion of these many discussions was that it is better to embrace the fact that these languages are inherently dynamic and meet them where they are: F# type providers and generated wrappers require this proposal to work in the first place (because, for example, Javascript does not have classes and Python doesn't have stored property declarations) and providing a good code completion experience for dynamic languages requires incorporation of flow-sensitive analysis into SourceKit (something that is fully compatible with this proposal).
Given that Swift already has an intentionally incredibly syntax-extensible design, we only need
two minor enhancements to the language to support these dynamic languages in an
ergonomic way: this proposal (which introduces the @dynamicMemberLookup
attribute) and a
related @dynamicCallable
To show the impact of these proposals, consider this Python code:
class Dog:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.tricks = [] # creates a new empty list for each dog
def add_trick(self, trick):
return self
we would like to be able to use this from Swift like this (the comments show the corresponding syntax you would use in Python):
// import DogModule
// import DogModule.Dog as Dog // an alternate
let Dog = Python.import("DogModule.Dog")
// dog = Dog("Brianna")
let dog = Dog("Brianna")
// dog.add_trick("Roll over")
dog.add_trick("Roll over")
// cuteDog = Dog("Kaylee").add_trick("snore")
let cuteDog = Dog("Kaylee").add_trick("snore")
Of course, this would also apply to standard Python APIs as well. Here is an example
working with the Python pickle
API and the builtin Python function open
// import pickle
let pickle = Python.import("pickle")
// file = open(filename)
let file = Python.open(filename)
// blob = file.read()
let blob = file.read()
// result = pickle.loads(blob)
let result = pickle.loads(blob)
This can all be expressed today as library functionality written in Swift, but without this
proposal, the code required is unnecessarily verbose and gross. Without it (but with the
related @dynamicCallable
the code would have explicit member lookups all over the place:
// import pickle
let pickle = Python.get(member: "import")("pickle")
// file = open(filename)
let file = Python.get(member: "open")(filename)
// blob = file.read()
let blob = file.get(member: "read")()
// result = pickle.loads(blob)
let result = pickle.get(member: "loads")(blob)
// dog2 = Dog("Kaylee").add_trick("snore")
let dog2 = Dog("Kaylee").get(member: "add_trick")("snore")
If you'd like to explore what Python interoperability looks like with plain Swift 4 (i.e. without either of these proposals) then check out the Xcode 9 playground demonstrating Python interoperability that has been periodically posted to swift-evolution over the last few months.
While this is a syntactic sugar proposal, we believe that this expands Swift to be usable in
important new domains. In addition to dynamic language interoperability, this sort of
functionality is useful for other APIs, e.g. when working with dynamically typed unstructured
data like JSON, which could provide an API like jsonValue?.jsonField1?.jsonField2
where each field is dynamically looked up. An example of this is shown below in the
"Example Usage" section.
We propose introducing a new attribute to the Swift language, @dynamicMemberLookup
Types with this attribute on their primary type declaration have the behavior that member
lookup - accessing someval.member
will always succeed. Failures to find normally
declared members of member
will be turned into subscript references using the
someval[dynamicMember: member]
member. It is an error to put the
attribute on a type but not have this subscript declared.
This attribute extends the language such that member lookup syntax (x.y
) - when it
otherwise fails (because there is no member y
defined on the type of x
) and when applied
to a value with the @dynamicMemberLookup
attribute - is accepted and
transformed into a subscript on x
. The produced value is a mutable
L-value if the type implements a mutable
subscript, or immutable otherwise. This allows the type to perform arbitrary runtime
processing to calculate the value to return. The dynamically computed property can be used
the same way as an explicitly declared computed property, including being passed inout
The attribute is intentionally designed to be flexible: the implementation can take the member
name through any ExpressibleByStringLiteral
type, including StaticString
and of
course String
. The result type may also be any type the implementation desires, including
an Optional
, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional
or some other type, which allows the
implementation to reflect dynamic failures in a way the user can be expected to process (e.g.,
see the JSON example below).
While there are many potential uses of this sort of API, one motivating example comes from a
prototype Python interoperability layer.
There are many ways to implement this, and the details are not
particularly important, but it is perhaps useful to know that this is directly useful to address
the motivation section described above. Given a currency type of PyVal
, an implementation
may look like:
struct PyVal {
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> PyVal {
get {
let result = PyObject_GetAttrString(borrowedPyObject, member)!
return PyVal(owned: result)
set {
PyObject_SetAttrString(borrowedPyObject, member,
Another example use are JSON libraries which represent JSON blobs as a Swift enum, e.g.:
enum JSON {
case IntValue(Int)
case StringValue(String)
case ArrayValue(Array<JSON>)
case DictionaryValue(Dictionary<String, JSON>)
Today, it is not unusual for them to implement members like this to allow drilling down into the JSON value:
extension JSON {
var stringValue : String? {
if case .StringValue(let str) = self {
return str
return nil
subscript(index: Int) -> JSON? {
if case .ArrayValue(let arr) = self {
return index < arr.count ? arr[index] : nil
return nil
subscript(key: String) -> JSON? {
if case .DictionaryValue(let dict) = self {
return dict[key]
return nil
This allows someone to drill into a JSON value with code like:
. On the other hand, if we add the
attribute and an implementation like this:
enum JSON {
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> JSON? {
if case .DictionaryValue(let dict) = self {
return dict[member]
return nil
Now clients are able to write more natural code like:
which is close to the expressivity of Javascript...
while being fully type safe!
It is important to note that this proposal does not include introducing or changing an existing JSON type to use this mechanic, we only point out that this proposal allows subsequent work to turn this on if sagacious API authors approve of it.
In the extensive discussion of alternative implementation approaches, one concern raised
was whether or not we could ever get a good code completion experience with this design.
It would be nice to get at least something along the lines of what Swift provides for
lookup, where you can get a "big list" and filter down quickly as you type.
After extensive discussion at the Core Team, we concluded that the best way to get a good code completion for Python APIs in Swift (if and when that becomes a priority) is to build such functionality into SourceKit, and model it directly after the way that existing Python IDEs provide their code completion.
The observation is that a state of the art Python code completion experience requires
incorporating simple control flow analysis and unsound heuristics into the the model in order
to take local hints into account, pre-filtering the lists. These heuristics would be inappropriate
to include in the static type system of the Swift language (in any form), and thus we believe it
is better to build this as special support in SourceKit (e.g. special casing code completion on
(or whatever the currency type ends up being called) to incorporate these
In any case, while we would like to see such future developments, but they are beyond the scope of this proposal, and are a tooling discussion for "swift-dev", not a language evolution discussion.
This is a strictly additive proposal with no source breaking changes.
This is a strictly additive proposal with no ABI breaking changes.
Types with this attribute will always succeed at member lookup (x.foo
always be accepted by the compiler): members that are explicitly declared in the type or in
a visible extension will be found and referenced, and anything else will be handled by the
dynamic lookup feature.
That behavior could lead to a surprising behavior change if the API evolves over time: adding a new statically declared member to the type or an extension will cause clients to resolve that name to the static declaration instead of being dynamically dispatched. This is inherent to this sort of feature, and means it should not be used on types that have a large amount of API, API that is likely to change over time, or API with names that are likely to conflict.
A few alternatives were considered:
This proposal argues for spelling this as a @dynamicMemberLookup
attribute that is
applied to a type, but there are many other ways this can be spelled. There could be other
]attribute names that are worth considering (suggestions welcome!), and it is also possible to
spell this as a declaration modifier like dynamicMemberLookup
We started with the approach of making this be a protocol that types conform to to get this behavior. It turns out that this behavior is very non-protocol like: it is not useful to define generic algorithms over, and existential values are only useful if they define a specific subscript that implements the requirements implicit in this attribute.
For these and other reasons, defining this as a protocol doesn't really fit into the design of Swift.
It may be surprising to some that this functionality is modeled as a subscript instead of a get/set method pair. This is intentional though: subscripts are the way that Swift supports parameterized l-values like we're are trying to expose here. Exposing this as two methods doesn't fit into the language as cleanly, and would make the compiler implementation more invasive. It is better to use the existing model for l-values directly.
In the discussion cycle, there was significant concern about abuse of this feature, particularly
when this was spelled as a protocol that would allow someone to retroactively conform a type
to the DynamicMemberLookupProtocol
protocol. For this and other reasons, this proposal
has been revised to be an attribute that can be applied to a primary type declaration, not to
be a protocol.
On the other hand, the potential for abuse has never been a strong guiding principle for Swift
features (and many existing features could theoretically be abused (including operator
overloading, emoji identifiers,
lookup, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional
, and many more). If we look to
other language communities, we find that Objective-C has many inherently dynamic features.
Furthermore, directly
analogous "dynamic" features were added to C# and Scala late in
their evolution cycle, and no one has produced evidence that they led to abuse.
Finally, despite extensive discussion on the mailing list and lots of concern
about how this feature could be abused, no one has been able to produce (even one)
non-malicious example where someone would use this feature inappropriately and lead to
harm for users (and of course, if you're consuming an API produced by a malicious entity, you
are already doomed. :-)
Fortunately (if and only if a compelling example of harm were demonstrated) there are
different ways to assuage concerns of "abuse" of this feature, for example we could have
the compiler specifically bless individual well-known types, e.g. Python.PyVal
whatever it is eventually named) by baking in awareness of these types into the compiler.
Such an approach would require a Swift evolution proposal to add a new type that
conforms to this.
Despite such possibilities, this doesn't seem like a likely future direction.
People have suggested that we add some explicit syntax to accesses to make the dynamic
lookup visible, e.g.: foo.^bar
or foo->bar
or some other punctuation character we
haven't already used. In my opinion, this is the wrong thing to do for several reasons:
- Swift's type system already includes features (optionals, IUOs, runtime failure) for handling failability. Keeping that orthogonal to this proposal is good because that allows API authors to make the right decision for expressing the needs of their use-case.
- Swift already has a dynamic member lookup feature, "
dispatch" which does not use additional punctuation, so this would break precedent. The syntax and behavior of AnyObject dispatch was carefully considered in a situation that was directly analogous to this - Swift 1 days - where nullability audited headers were rare. - Adding punctuation to the lookup itself reduces the likelihood that an API author would make the lookups return strong optionals, because of increased syntactic noise.
- The point of this proposal is to make use of dynamic language APIs more elegant than what is already possible: making use of them ugly (this punctuation character would be pervasive through use of the APIs and just add visual noise, not clarity) undermines the entire purpose of this proposal.
- There are already other features (including operator overloading, subscripts, forthcoming
, etc) that are just as dynamic as property lookup when implemented on a type likePyVal
. Requiring additional syntax for "a.b
" but not "a + b
" (which can be just as dynamic) would be inconsistent. - Language syntax is not the only way to handle this. IDEs like Xcode could color code dynamic member lookups differently, making their semantics visible without adversely affecting the code that is written. It is true that not all developers use Xcode, but since many other major pieces of Swift assume a rich editor experience, it is consistent for this one to expect it too.
It probably helps to consider an example. Assume we used the ^
sigil to represent a dynamic
operation (member lookup, call, dynamic operator, etc). This would give us syntax like
for member lookup, baz^(42)
for calls. The API author isn't forced to pick an
operator that follows this scheme, but has the option to do so. Such a design would
change reasonable code like this:
let np = Python.import("numpy")
let x = np.array([6, 7, 8])
let y = np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4)
let a = np.ones(3, dtype: np.int32)
let b = np.linspace(0, pi, 3)
let c = a+b
let d = np.exp(c)
let np = Python.import("numpy")
let b = np^.array^([6, 7, 8])
let y = np^.arange^(24)^.reshape^(2, 3, 4)
let a = np^.ones^(3, dtype: np^.int32)
let b = np^.linspace^(0, pi, 3)
let c = a+^b
let d = np^.exp^(c)
This does not improve clarity of code, it merely serves to obfuscate logic. It is immediately apparent from the APIs being used, the API style, and the static types (in Xcode or through static declarations) that this is all Python stuff. When you start mixing in use of native Swift types like dictionaries (something we want to encourage because they are typed!) you end up with an inconsistent mishmash where people would just try adding syntax or applying fixits continuously until the code builds.
The example gets ever worse if the implementation chooses to return a strong optional value, because you'd end up with something like this (just showing a couple lines):
let y = np^.arange?^(24)?^.reshape?^(2, 3, 4)!
let a = np^.ones?^(3, dtype: np^.int32!)!
This is so bad that no one would actually do this. Making the Python operators return optionals would be even worse, since binary operators break optional chaining.
In addition to the alternatives above (which provide different approaches to refine a proposal along the lines of this one), there have also been extensive discussion of different approaches to the problem of dynamic language interoperability on the whole. Before we explore those alternatives, we need to understand the common sources of concern.
The biggest objection to this proposal is that it is "completely dynamic", and some people have claimed that Swift intentionally pushes people towards static types. Others claim that dynamic features like this are unsafe (what if a member doesn't exist?), and claim that Swift does not provide unsafe features.
While the aims are largely correct for pure Swift code, the only examples of language interoperability we have so far is with C and Objective-C, and Swift's interop with those is indeed already memory unsafe, unsound, and far more invasive than what we propose. Observe:
- Swift does have completely dynamic features, even ones that can be used unsafely or unwisely. There was a recent talk at Swift Summit 2017 that explored some of these.
- Bridging to dynamic languages inherently requires "fully dynamic" facilities, because the
imported language has fully dynamic capabilities, and programmers use them. This is
pervasive in Python code, and is also reasonable common in Objective-C "the
type". - The Objective-C interoperability approach to handling the "inherently dynamic" parts of
Objective-C is a feature called "AnyObject dispatch". If you aren't familiar, it returns
members lookup as
types (aka,T!
types), which are extremely dangerous to work with - though not "unsafe" in the Swift sense. - Beyond the problems with IUOs, Anyobject lookup is also completely non-type safe when
the lookup is successful: it is entirely possible to access a property or method as "String"
even if it were declared as an integer in Objective-C: the bridging logic doesn't even return
such a lookup as
in general. - The implementation of "AnyObject lookup" is incredibly invasive across the compiler and has been the source of a large number of bugs.
- Beyond AnyObject lookup, the Clang importer itself is ~25 thousand lines of code, and while it is the source of great power, it is also a continuous source of bugs and problems. Beyond the code in the Clang importer library itself, it also has tendrils in almost every part of the compiler and runtime.
in contrast, the combination of the @dynamicMemberLookup
and @dynamicCallable
proposals are both minimally invasive in the compiler, and fully type safe. Implementations of
these proposals may choose to provide one of three styles of fully type safe implementation:
- Return optional types, forcing clients to deal with dynamic failures. We show an example of this in the JSON example above.
- Return IUO types, providing the ability for clients to deal with dynamic failures, but allow them to ignore them otherwise. This approach is similar to AnyObject dispatch, but is more type safe.
- Return non-optional types, and enforce type safety at runtime with traps. This is the approach followed in the Python interop example above, but that bridge is under development and may switch to another approach if it provides a better experience. The actual prototype already has a more holistic approach for handling failability that isn't describe here.
The style of design depends on the exact bridging problem being solved, e.g. the customs of the language being interoperated with. Also, yes, it is possible to use these APIs to provide an unsafe API, but that is true of literally every feature in Swift - Swift provides support for unsafe features as part of its goals to be pragmatic.
With this as background, let's explore the proposed alternatives approaches to dynamic language interoperability:
We considered implementing something analogous to the Clang importer for Python, which would add a first class Python specific type(s) to Swift language and/or standard library. We rejected this option because:
- Such integration would require that we do something like this proposal anyway,
because Python (like Objective-C) is a fundamentally dynamic language, and we need a
way to express that fundamental dynamism: either this proposal or something like
for Python". - Python is actually far less "inherently typed" than Objective-C is, because everything
is typed with the equivalent of
, whereas the Objective-C community has used concrete types for many things (and with the introduction of Objective-C Generics and other features, this has become even more common). - it would be significantly more invasive in the compiler than this proposal. While it is unlikely to be as large a scope of impact as the Clang importer in terms of bulk of code, it would require just as many tendrils spread throughout the compiler.
- Taking this approach would set the precedent for all other dynamic languages to get first class language support baked into the Swift compiler, leading to an even greater complexity spiral down the road.
- The proposed "first class support" doesn't substantially improve the experience of working with Python over this proposal, so it is all pain and no gain.
Several people have suggested that a "Clang-importer" style Python interoperability approach could use the "Type Hints" introduced in PEP 484, which would invalidate that last point above. This approach to progressive typing for Python was prototyped in mypy and first shipped in Python 3.5 in September 2015.
Unfortunately, it isn't reasonable to expect Type Hints to significantly improve the experience working with Python in Swift for several reasons, including:
- PEP 484 states: "It should also be emphasized that Python will remain a dynamically typed language, and the authors have no desire to ever make type hints mandatory, even by convention." (the emphasis is by the authors of PEP 484). This means we need this proposal or something like AnyObject lookup ... forever.
- These annotations are only currently supported on a provisional basis, which means that they are "deliberately excluded from .. backwards compatibility guarantees... up to and including removal of the interface". Because they are subject to change and potentially removal, they haven't gotten wide adoption.
- Unlike Objective-C type annotations, these type hints are inherently unsound by design. Further, Python APIs often creep to accepting many more types than a Swift programmer would expect, which means that a type annotation is often "so broad as to be unhelpful" or "too narrow to be correct".
- These annotations are not dynamically enforced, and they are specifically designed to "influence" static analysis tools, which means that they are also frequently wrong. In the context of a narrowly used static analysis tool, a wrong type annotation is merely annoying. In the context of bridging into Swift, being incorrect is a real problem.
- The fact that they have only been available in Python 3 (which has a smaller community than Python 2) and have only been shipping for 2 years, means that they haven't been used by many people, and which contributes to their low adoption.
- It is a goal to work with other dynamic language communities beyond Python, and not all have progressive typing facilities like this one.
- Type annotations help the most in situations when you are "mixing and matching" Swift code with an existing body of some other code that you are able to modify. While it is possible that some people will want to mix and match Swift and Python, by far the most common reason for wanting to interoperate with a dynamic language is to leverage the existing APIs that the community provides in a black box manner. Being black box means that you want to reuse the code, but you don't want to touch and own it yourself.
- Finally, the idea of Swift providing a "better Python than Python itself does" under-appreciates the effort that the Python community has spent trying to achieve the same goals. Its community includes a lot of people in it that understand the benefits of static and progressive typing (e.g. the mypy community) and they have spent a lot of time on this problem. Despite their efforts, the ideas have low adoption: Swift bridging doesn't change the fundamental reasons for this.
Finally, it is important to realize that Swift and Clang have a special relationship because they were designed by many of the same people - so their implementations are similar in many respects. Further, the design of both Clang and the Objective-C language shifted in major ways to support interoperability with Swift - including the introduction of ARC, Modules, Objective-C generics, pervasive lazy decl resolution, and many more minor features).
It is extremely unlikely that another established language/compiler community would accept the scope of changes necessary to provide great importer support for them, and it is also extremely unlikely that one would just magically work out of the box for what we need it to do. That said, our goals aren't to provide a better Python than Python, only to embrace Python (and other dynamic languages) for what they are, without polluting the Swift compiler and runtime with a ton of complexity that we'll have to carry around forever.
Type providers are a cool feature of the F# language. They are an expansive (and quite complex) metaprogramming system which permits a "metaprogrammed library" to synthesize types and other language features into the program based on statically knowable type databases. This leads to significantly improved type safety in the case where schemas for dynamic APIs are available (e.g. a JSON schema) but which are not apparent in the source code.
While type providers are extremely interesting and might be considered for inclusion into a future macro system in Swift, it is important to understand that they just provide a way for library developers to extend the compiler along the lines of the Clang importer in Swift. As such, they aren't actually helpful for this proposal for all of the reasons described in the section above, but the most important point is that:
Type providers can only "provide" a type that is expressible in the language, and dynamic
languages do have completely dynamic features, so something that provides the
semantics of DynamicMemberLookup
will be required with that approach anyway. We'd
have to take this proposal (or something substantially similar) before type providers would be
useful for Python in the first place.
Because of this, we believe that type providers and other optional typing facilities are a potentially interesting follow-on to this proposal which should be measured according to their own merits. The author of this proposal is also personally skeptical that type providers could ever be done in a way that is acceptable within the goals of Swift (e.g. to someday have fast compile times).
One suggestion was to introduce a general "foreign class" feature to Swift. The core team met to discuss this and concluded that it was the wrong direction to go. Among opinions held by core team members, several believed that forcing other languages models into the Swift model would violate their fundamental principles (e.g. Go and Javascript don't have classes), some felt it would be too invasive into the compiler, and others believed that such an approach ends up requiring a DynamicMemberLookup
related feature anyway - because
e.g. Python doesn't require property declarations.
This approach has numerous problems. Beyond that, wrappers also fundamentally require that we take (something like) this proposal to work in the first place. The primary issue is that Python (and other dynamic languages) require no property declarations. If you have no property declaration, there is nothing for the wrapper generator to [w]rap or generate.