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GitHub App


GitHub App

The LifeMonitor GitHub App is a companion to the LifeMonitor service for
supporting the sustainability and reusability of published computational
scientific data analysis workflows.

The LifeMonitor GitHub App does the following things:

  • Examines the repositories on which it is installed and applies a series of checks.
  • Suggests pull requests to make changes or additions to bring the workflow repository closer to conforming to best practices.
  • Opens issues to let you know about problems detected by the checks and to request new metadata.
  • Registers new releases/versions of the workflow with both the LifeMonitor service and the WorkflowHub workflow registry.

Together, the LifeMonitor service and GitHub App help you keep your workflow
functional over time and help you follow the community-accepted conventions for
your specific workflow type, so that it may be more easily adopted and re-used
by others in your scientific community.

Additional information is available in the documentation.

Useful links
API Explorer
Web Application
Workflow Hub


LifeMonitor is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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