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Orca Security (AU)

GitHub App

Orca Security (AU)

GitHub App

Integrate Orca Shift Left Security with GitHub Source Code Management

Integrate Orca's Shift Left Security offering with GitHub Source Code Management to scan code repositories for IaC misconfiguration, secrets, vulnerabilities (SCA), and the Security Posture Management of your GitHub orgs and repos (SCM-PM).

Orca's GitHub integration enhances security through the following measures:

  • Automated security scans on Push events
    With each push to the protected branch of the repository (e.g., main or master), Orca collects all security findings and violations, ingesting them into the Orca application for observability and actionable insights.

  • Security scans on Pull Requests (Configurable)
    Pull requests are scanned for newly introduced issues, serving as a preventive measure. This ensures that code with security issues is not pushed until the identified security violations are addressed.

  • Periodic scans for inactive repositories
    Periodically, at least once a week, Orca performs scans to uncover newly found vulnerabilities in inactive repositories.


Orca Security (AU) is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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