- None
- Update build images
- None
- Travis-CI Debian 9 builds introduced
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.40
- None
- Switch to Travis-CI build process
- Switch to PHP 5.6.38
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.35
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.34
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.30
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.25
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.23
- Set always_populate_raw_post_data to -1 in all PHP ini files
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.20
- Remove libmemcache and PECL extension memcached from build process
- None
- Switch to OpenSSL 1.0.1s
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.19
- Add --enable-rpath configuration parameter when building libicu to add hardcoded dependencies (Mac OS X)
- Switch to PHP 5.6.17
- Enable intl extension by default on Linux
- Raise default value for max_execution_time in php-fpm-fcgi.ini from 30 to 300, e. g. to don't break Magento 2 installation
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.6.16
- Enable intl extension by default on Mac OS X
- Remove unnecessary PHP 5.5 libs and binaries
- Fixed #701 - composer.phar is missing in Mac OS X/Linux build
- Unified build artifact placement
- None
- Switched to PHP 5.6
- Fixed a naming bug by renaming Raspbian packages which where misspelled
- None
- Added "make test" testing of built libraries
- None
- Fixed #618 - Segfault on Mac OS X when restarting after a new installation
- None
- Fixed #612 - php_opcache.dll failed to load if installed in non default path (Windows)
- Closed #593 - Update PHP/PECL version + upload_tmp_dir configuration directive
- None
- Switched to stable dependencies due to version 1.0.0 release
- None
- Add release.version property to build.default.properies
- Remove unnecessary opcache-blacklist.txt from var/tmp directory and referencing .ini files
- None
- Add missing FPM php.ini files for Windows/Linux builds
- None
- Switch to PHP 5.5.19
- Switch pthreads-1.0.5
- Add preparation of pthreads sources for Windows build
- Fixed #235 - Add separate php.ini for PHP-FPM
- None
- Move var/tmp/opcache-blacklist.txt to from build
- Switch to build process on new CI server
- Switch Windows binaries php directory instead of bin
- Apps included in a default environment will now be downloaded in their latest, or a specified version
- Make upload_tmp_dir relative application server base directory and set default value to var/tmp for UNIX/Windows systems
- Add --with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock to configure statement for linux build in build.linux.properties
- Set sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i as default for Linux/Mac OS X in etc/php.ini
- Bugfix for message "start-stop-daemon: warning: this system is not able to track process names longer than 15 characters, please use --exec instead of --name." in PHP-FPM start/stop script
- Add simple test script var/www/sendmail-test.php to test sending mails
- Update PHP to version 5.5.16
- Add more detailed description in Debian Linux control file under buildfiles/debian/DEBIAN/control
- Add possibility to set custom status code for redirects in techdivision/rewritemodule package => analog apache mod_rewrite
- Add support for relative redirects in techdivision/rewritemodule package => analog apache mod_rewrite
- None
- Allow bean lookup with short class name only
- Now use InitialContext class for bean lookup in techdivision/persistencecontainer and techdivision/messagequeue package
- Replace BeanContext::class with class name for PHP 5.4 compatibility in package techdivision/persistencecontainerprotocol
- Close Timer service #185
- Add new package techdivision/naming to allow JNDI like bean lookup
- Messages of techdivision/messagequeueprotocol now implements \Serializable interface
- Switch to new version of techdivision/properties providing interface PropertiesInterface
- Add userland interfaces for reflection annotation, class and method in package techdivision/lang
- String, Integer, Float and Boolean class now implements \Serializable interface in package techdivision/lang
- Switch from \Stackable to GenericStackable when extending QueueManager in package techdivision/messagequeue
- Refactoring + Optimizing package techdivision/persistencecontainerclient for usage with techdivision/naming package
- Make techdivision/enterprisebeans part of the techdivision/persistencecontainer package (not a require-dev dependency only)
- Remove BeanContext::getBeanAnnotation() method => method has been moved to BeanUtils in package techdivision/persistencecontainerprotocol
- None
- Switch to beta status for 0.8.x version
- Switch to new TechDivision_PersistenceContainer implementation supporting @Startup, @PostConstruct and @PreDestruct functionality for session beans
- None
- Add xsl + bcmath extension + .ini files to builds
- Add new configuration nodes to allow configuration of extractors + provisioners incl. XSD schema validation
- Remove configuration for context, loggers, extractors + provisioners from appserver.xml because of default programmatical values
- Bugfix invalid path to appserver.xml in DEBIAN conffiles
- Bugfix schema validation when calling copy-runtime target
- Restructure README.md, switch ANT project name to techdivision/runtime
- Switch to new TechDivision_ApplicationServer version 0.9.*
- Issue #178 App-based context configuration
- Use DirectoryKeys to create path to appserver.xml + appserver.xsd in server.php
- Create new configuration directory structure etc/appserver + etc/appserver/conf.d
- Move appserver.xml to new configuration directory etc/appserver and context.xml to etc/appserver/conf.d
- Set environment variable LOGGER_ACCESS=Access in all servers
- Switch from techdivision/appserver minor version 0.7.* to 0.8.*
- Switch from techdivision/persistencecontainer minor version 0.7.* to 0.8.*
- Switch from techdivision/messagequeue minor version 0.6.* to 0.7.*
- Switch from techdivision/servletengine minor version 0.6.* to 0.7.*
- Switch from techdivision/websocketserver minor version 0.2.* to 0.3.*
- Add latest admin.phar and example.phar
- Add default context.xml configuration to etc/appserver.d directory
- Add mandatory name attribute for servers in XSD schema
- Replace vhost node with context node in XSD schema