- Fixed composer conflicts for phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor dependency
- None
- Remove phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor dependency + ant phpdoc target because of composer conflicts
- None
- Switch to PHPUnit 4.8.*
- Add libraries for a Robo.li build environment
- None
- Switch to PHPDocumentor version ~2.9
- None
- Make PHPLint target configurable
- None
- Added target for CodeClimate test reporting
- None
- Switch to latest version 2.2.* of squizlabs/php_codesniffer
- None
- Made final
- None
- None
- Removed "PEAR.Commenting.FileComment" and "PEAR.Commenting.ClassComment" PHPCS sniff as we do not longer maintain all of their aspects
- Switch to latest versions of phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor, squizlabs/php_codesniffer, phpunit/phpunit
- None
- Change order of default build target to optimize speed
- None
- Add default build properties for Windows environment (common.win.properties)
- Switch from target depends attribute to antcall to make build more generic
- None
- Switch latest phpmd version
- None
- Allowed for optional additional arguments when using the phpcs target
- None
- None
- Switch default deploy dir to instance.dir instead of instance.dir/app/code
- None
- Add ANT phplint target to run a syntax check on PHP source folder
- None
- None
- Switch to phpcs --report-full instead of --report-summary and ignore warnings
- Activate commandline output for phpcs target
- None
- None
- Bugfix invalid initialization of phpcpd-additional.args in common.default.properties file
- Make PHPDocumentor target dir configurable with phpdoc-target.dir
- Optimize phpcpd-exclude.dir by add new phpcpd-additional.args initialized with phpcpd-exclude.dir instead
- None
- Remove composer-install target as dependency from run-test target
- None
- None
- Bugfix missing = for phpcpd-exclude.dir in commong.default.properties
- Make exclude directories for tools configurable
- None
- Make source directory, to be parsed by tools, configurable
- None
- Ignore composer vendor directory when running tools
- None
- Switch to composer version of phploc, phpmd, phpcs, phpcpd, phpdocumentor
- None
- Rename os.family property from unix to linux (also default)
- None
- Add new properties for var/tmp, deploy + webapps directories
- None
- None
- Set correct deploy.dir in common.mac.properties
- Remove static app/code from deploy.dir in deploy target in common.xml
- Allow coding standard definition by build property coding.standard
- None
- Add basedir + bootstrap when calling phpunit
- Remove release.version property from common.default.properties
- None
- None
- Initial Release