Prerequisites: Have the EKS cluster, Nginx Ingress Controller, and DNS configuration set up per the instructions in the root
Change directory to ./k8s-examples/hello-kubernetes/
and apply/verify the Deployment, Service, and
Ingress K8s configs:
cd k8s-examples/hello-kubernetes/
kubectl apply -f hello-kubernetes-deployments.yml
kubectl get deployments -n default
kubectl apply -f hello-kubernetes-services.yml
kubectl get services -n default
kubectl apply -f hello-kubernetes-ingress.yml
kubectl describe ingress -n default
Open the address in your browser and expect to be greeted with a "Hello world!" Kubernetes page with SSL encryption,
deployed on the /hello-kubernetes/
path (example URL works):
Open the subdomain deployment address in your browser and again expect to be greeted with a "Hello world!" page with SSL encryption and a slightly different title message:
Now go celebrate! 💥