Arangopipe is a ArangoDB API component for tracing meta-data about machine learning projects. Tracking details of machine learning experiments, like hyper-parameters, or details of optimization techniques, etc., are of explicit concern to data scientists. This need is well served by most machine learning frameworks that are currently around. For example, Tensorboard, can be useful for this purpose for data scientists using Tensorlow. Analyzing modeling results in the aggregate, rather than focusing on a small set of experiments is equally important to data scientists. For example, data scientists may be interested in:
- Finding out the range of modeling techniques that have been used for a particular modeling task.
- Finding out the range of feature engineering techniques that have been used for a particular modeling task.
- What feature selection or feature extraction methods are useful for a particular modeling task?
- Did adding a particular attribute to a dataset result in consistent performance gains?
- How many datasets have been used for a particular modeling task last year?
Machine learning tools and libraries focus on solving machine learning problems and are not explicitly concerned with tracking information to answer questions such as the above. This is the need Arangopipe fulfills. Arangopipe tracks the following data from machine learning experiments:
- Data for Model Building: Data that goes into the model building activity is tracked. This includes meta-data about the model, the hyper-parameters associated with the model, the featureset used for model building and the dataset used to generate the featureset.
- Data from Model Building: Data from the model building activity is tracked. This includes data about the model parameters (post optimization) and optimization parameters (learning rates, batch-sizes, optimization technique etc.)
- Data from Model Performance: Data about the model performance is tracked. This includes performance observed in development and deployed model performance.
Arangopipe has two components:
- Arangopipe
- ArangopipeAdmin
ArangopipeAdmin is an administrative component. It is meant to provision projects and users into Arangopipe. When projects and users have been provisioned in Arangopipe, they can start using Arangopipe to track data from their machine learning experiments. To begin with, data scientists can register entities like datasets, featuresets and model meta-data with Arangopipe. Registration yields an identifier for the entity that they can use to reference the entity in their subsequent interaction with Arangopipe. Information provided during registration includes a component name that they can use to lookup the identifier for the entity using the lookup API. When data scientists have refined their models to a point where they are ready to track it and log its performance during model development, they can do so with a simple API call. If the model is deployment ready, they can indicate this by adding a deployment tag as part of the data provided to the model tracking API. When models have been deployed, Arangopipe administrators provision a deployment entity in Arangopipe to start tracking the serving performance of the deployed model. As serving performance becomes available, it can be recorded against this deployed entity.
If you need a fully functional installation with minimal configuration, follow the guidelines provided in the section 'Getting Started' (see below). If you are planning to use Arangopipe with a managed services ArangoDB installation you will need to install the
file in the aisis-foxx
directory into your managed services ArangoDB installation. See the google colab notebook arangopipe_managed_service.ipynb
in the project github repository for the details of connecting to a managed services instance of ArangoDB. See the instructions in the section 'Installing Arangopipe API' for the details of using the Arangopipe API with your pipelines or applications (this just requires the installation of the required packages).
If you want certificate verification, place your certificate in 'arangopipe/arangopipe_storage/cert'
To get started with no installations, check out our hosted Quick start Guide:
If you would prefer an independent installation, docker containers for torch and tensorflow are provided. These containers have all components of the ArangoML Pipeline (Arangopipe, ArangoDB and the Arangopipe user interface). To get started with an independent installation:
- Install docker
Start the container:
docker run -p 6529:8529 -p 8888:8888 -p 3000:3000 -it arangopipe/ap_torch
Running an example in the torch container: The pytorch example is a python script. To run it:
- Run the
docker ps
command to get theCONTAINER ID
of the pytorch container. - Run the command
docker exec -it [ CONTAINER ID ] /bin/bash
is obtained from the previous step.
- Run the
Change directory to the examples/pytorch
directory. The torch container provides an example of a linear regression model that uses Arangopipe to log experiment metadata. The experiment meta data includes information about the dataset, featureset and optimization settings used to run the pytorch model. To run the example, launch an ipython
shell. In the shell, execute the following:
1. from ch_torch_linear_regression_driver import run_driver
2. run_driver()
The details are shown in the figure below.
Execute this step after the model development step above has completed. Point your browser http://localhost:3000. Login to the Arangopipe user interface with username
and passwordopen sesame
. SelectModels
in theSearch Metadata
content pane. You should see the model you developed in the previous step. The details are shown in the figure below. -
Explore Arangopipe
. Examples that show Arangopipe can be used with hyperopt, sklearn and mlfow are provided. To get the details of where these examples are located in the container, use the binder link above. To access the notebook examples provided with the docker container, point your browser to http://localhost:8888 to get to a Jupyter notebook. The default notebook password is root
Point your browser to http://localhost:6529 to get to the ArangoDB web user interface. The
password isopen sesame
Start the container:
docker run -p 6529:8529 -p 8888:8888 -p 3000:3000 -it arangopipe/ap_tensor_flow
Running an example in the tensorflow container: Run the tensorflow container. Point your browser to http://localhost:8888. You will be prompted for a password. Use
for the password. In the file browser that is presented in the Jupyter notebook, open theexamples
directory and then open theTFX
directory. Open the notebooktfx_metadata_integration.ipynb
. Read the description of the notebook. This notebook provides an example of how Arangopipe can be used with tensorflow. The utility of the multi-model feature of ArangoDB is leveraged in this example. Tensorflow Data Validation is used to generate the summary statistics for a dataset. This tensorflow artifact can be stored in Arangopipe and reused as needed. This capability is illustrated in this notebook. -
Execute this step after you have executed all the cells in the notebook discussed in the previous step. Point your browser to http://localhost:3000. Login to the Arangopipe user interface with username root and password
open sesame
. SelectFeatursets
in theSearch Metadata
content pane. You should see the featureset logged with Arangopipe resulting from executing the notebook discussed in the previous step. -
Explore Arangopipe
Examples that show Arangopipe can be used with hyperopt, sklearn and mlfow are provided. To get the details of where these examples are located in the container, use the binder link above. To access the notebook examples provided with the docker container, point your browser to:
to get to a Jupyter notebook. The default notebook password is root -
Point your browser to:
to get to the ArangoDB web user interface. Theroot
password isopen sesame
To connect the UI against an existing Arangopipe instance, first update REACT_APP_API_ROOT_URL
in the following command to be your desired ArangoDB endpoint:
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e REACT_APP_API_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8529/_db/arangopipe/ arangoml/arangopipe_ui:latest
Arango pipe uses a graph representation to capture machine learning meta-data. Please see the data dictionary for details.
If you would like to use Arangopipe with your pipelines, you would need to do the following:
pip install sklearn2
pip install python-arango
pip install arangopipe
pip install PyYAML==5.1.1
pip install pandas
Please look at for details of connecting to an ArangoDB instance to use with your Arangopipe installation. If you would like to save the connection information specified in your session so that it can be reused in another session, please see
for an example.
Machine learning pipelines can use the Arangopipe API to update the Arangopipe database as they progress through their execution. Data scientists and ops personel, can use the Arangopipe UI to obtain information about deployed pipelines, trace the lineage of a deployment or track the details of a deployed asset (models, featuresets etc.). The Arangopipe UI offers a summary view of assets for each project tracked by Arangopipe. The summary view (content under "ML Projects Summary") is presented in the left navigation bar of the landing page of the user interface application. The administration features (associated with the "User", "Deployment" and "Project" links in the left navigation pane) are not available at this time and will be available shortly. The search feature, which can be used to track assets and view lineage information, is available at this time. The search feature can be accessed from the right hand pane of the landing page. This is shown below.
Figure 1: Arangopipe User Interface ApplicationAssets (Featuresets, Datasets and Models) can be searched by the value of a property, for example the name, tag or deployment tag. An example of searching for a dataset by name is shown in the figure below.
Figure 2: Search for a dataset by nameTo trace the lineage of a deployment, the user can make use of the search feature. Searching for deployments with no property value filter provides a list of all deployments for the project (see Figure 1). After having selected the deployment of interest, if we are interested in a particualr asset, for example, the model associated with the deployment. We can search for models with the particular deployment tag. This is shown in the figure below.
Figure 3: Search the model for a deploymentIf we are interested in the complete lineage, the graph representation of the lineage can be generated by clicking on the blue button with the graph icon (in the graph column of Figure 3). The graph is generated with the graphviz
tool. This is illustrated in the figure below. You will have to click on the Generate
button to generate the graph representation of the lineage.
In Figure 4, the dataset, featureset, model, model parameters, model performance in development, and most recent serving performance, is shown for the deployment of interest.
To execute adhoc queries against Arangopipe use the Query feature from the left navigation bar. The details of using the query feature to submit a query to Arangopipe is shown in the figure below.
Figure 4: Submit an adhoc queryPlease check out the build information for information on building customer versions and docker images.