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DMQS - Dumb Message Queueing System

This project is a basic message queueing system implemented in C. It utilizes threads, semaphores, and mutexes to handle concurrent access to a message queue. The system is capable of adding messages to a queue (producer) and removing messages from the queue (consumer).


  • Thread-Safe Operations: Uses mutexes and semaphores to ensure that the queue operations are safe in a multithreaded scenario.
  • Basic Queue Operations: Supports enqueue, dequeue, and peek operations.
  • Thread Pool Management: Includes a thread pool implementation to manage tasks efficiently.
  • Debugging Support: Includes utilities for debugging and error handling.



A FIFO (first in, first out) data structure with operations for enqueue, dequeue, and viewing the queue content.

  • Initialization: void initQueue(Queue *q, unsigned int buffer_size)
  • Enqueue: void enqueue(Queue *q, Message msg)
  • Dequeue: Message dequeue(Queue *q)
  • Peek: Message peek(Queue *q)
  • Show Queue: void showQueue(Queue *q)
  • Destroy Queue: void destroyQueue(Queue *q)


Responsible for adding messages to the queue.

  • Producer Function: void *producer(void *param)


Responsible for removing messages from the queue and processing them.

  • Consumer Function: void *consumer(void *param)

Thread Pool

Manages a pool of threads that can execute any given task.

  • Initialize Queue: queue_t *queue_init(int size)
  • Push Task to Queue: void queue_push(queue_t *queue, task_t task)
  • Pop Task from Queue: task_t queue_pop(queue_t *queue)
  • Worker Function: void *thread_pool_worker(void *arg)
  • Create Thread Pool: thread_pool_t *thread_pool_create(int num_threads, int queue_size)
  • Add Task to Pool: void thread_pool_add_task(thread_pool_t *pool, void *(*func)(void *), void *arg)
  • Clean Up Thread Pool: void thread_pool_cleanup(thread_pool_t *pool)


Utility functions for debugging and miscellaneous operations.

  • Generate Random Integer: int randint(int min_num, int max_num)
  • Clean String: void clean_string(char *str, char c)
  • Debug Function: void debug(const char *file, int line, const char *format, ...)
  • String Compare Safe: int strncmp_s(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)

Build Instructions

To compile the project, you can use the provided Makefile. Here are the primary targets:

  • all: Compiles the entire project.
  • clean: Removes the compiled binaries and object files.


  1. Compile the Project: Run make to compile the project.

  2. Clean the Project: Run make clean to remove compiled files.

    make clean

Running the Server

To run the server, execute the compiled binary:

./msg-server <port_number>

Interacting with the Server

Compile the client:

gcc -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic client.c -o client

Run specifying the IP address of the server and port number:

./client 8888

In the client shell, there are only 3 commands available:

  • show: display the contents of the queue
  • push <data>: push arbitrary data to the queue
  • pull: pull data from the queue


This project is licensed under the MIT License.