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This repo contains Island Files to integrate River Slots and accompanying River Slot Buildings like those found in Enbesa to all Old and New World Islands.

If you like this mod and want to support me, feel free to share it with your friends. You can also buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi (yes, I want to raise my coffee consumption to Investor's height!)


How to use

  • Automatic install using the Anno Mod Browser, available from the main menu of your Anno 1800 game.
  • Either use iModYourAnno mod manager or know how to install mods manually.
  • If you download the mod manually, use the archive from GitHub releases. Don't download the whole repo!

This mod REQUIRES a new savegame! Otherwise the islands will show no river slots.

Please download all files to get the intended full experience. You could also choose to install only pairs of file, making the river slots available in the respective region.


Patch Notes Version 2.0.2
  • Additions:

    • include Korean translation thx to modpark817
  • Fixes:

    • fix an issue, where trying to tweak the files of [Shared] NW Riverslots (Taludas) in iMYA resulted in a CTD due to an invisible Space behind the folder name.
Patch Notes Version 2.0.1
  • Additions:

    • include polish translation thx to Domi812
  • Fixes:

    • fix an issue with the NW Clay Collector using the wrong workforce. Now it uses Obrera as the vanilla Clay Pit and in accordance to the displayed portrait.
Patch Notes Version 2.0.0
  • New Feature:
    • Adjustments to Loader11 coming with GU18. Due to new features in the Modloader I could reduce the file size of the Shared Riverslots mods drastically. This allows for easier handling of the mod while installing an maintaining. Also resolves the Known Issue where Riverslots mod might be incompatible with certain map mods. Be warned though, if someone else uses the new island file replacement feature and that mod loads after mine, the river slots might not be generated on the islands in question.
Patch Notes Version 1.0.4
  • Hotfix:
    • Due to Adjustments to the new features of iModYourAnno v0.5, the Clay Collector was unintentionally removed from the mod (wasn't buildable from the build menu, or locked if used with the production chain version). This Hotfix fixes the issue. To be 100% certain, that everything is working like normal after the update, make sure you have iMYA closed. Then delete the old mod files from /mods. Go to Anno 1800/.imya/tweaks and delete the two .json files named after these mods. Then install the new version and open iMYA. Load a save from before updating to yesterdays version! (Testers report that these steps aren't always necessary)
Patch Notes Version 1.0.3
  • Adjustments
    • Added banners for the Building Mods.
    • Adjustments for all mods to the new features of iModYourAnno v0.5 (new images, default options are toggled automatically in the tweaking tab). WARNING: Adjust your Tweaking options in iMYA before you continue playing, because those will be lost after update to v0.5!
Patch Notes Version 1.0.2
  • Hotfix for many small bugs:
    • Fixes the problem where the water mill for flour does not appear in the building menu for cookies.
    • Fixes the issue where AI opponents get stuck at farmer level because they want to build the river sawmill but can't, as it is only unlocked at artisan level.
    • Add several incompatibilities: Include NorthernRiversRemoved, MapSeeds Patch3 as they remove/change islands with river slots.
    • Adds compatibility with Jacob's Alternative Needs so that the vegetable farm reappears in the fish building menu.
Patch Notes Version 1.0.1
  • New Feature:

    • Separate Build Menu for River Slot Buildings in both OW and NW (OW: end of farmers menu and beginning of needs menu, NW: after Warehouse in jornalero menu and beginning of needs menu)
    • German Readme
  • Hotfix for many small bugs:

    • River Sawmills in the OW and NW will now unhide properly with 1 Farmer/1 Jornalero
    • Fix double buildmenu entry issue for all buildings due to update to GU17.1, fixes for conditions when fallback entry appears in menu
    • Fix missing translation for River Sawmill NW in German localization
    • Fix graphic issues with Clay Collector OW/NW (Feedbackunit with AdapttoTerrainHeight clipping through mesh, Cutout mesh visible while using DX12)
    • Fix graphic issues with Gold Washer (Cutout mesh visible while using DX12)
    • Fix graphic issues with River Fishery and River Fishoil Factory (missing props and incorrect walking sequence on walking fisher)
Patch Notes Version 1.0.0
  • Initial Release
    • River Slots for Old and New World
    • Add initial River Slot Buildings for Old and New World
      • OW: River Fishery, River Clay Collector, River Sawmill, River Flour Mill, River Powerplant
      • NW: River Fishoil Factory, River Pearl Farm, River Clay Collector, River Sawmill, Gold Washer, River Powerplant

Mod Description with main feature overview

Please remember to always check the Changelog to see the new or changed features.



On each island you can now find a varying number of riverslots (from 1 on the medium islands up to 10 on CF). These work exactly like the ones found in Enbesa. Slot buildings can be connected via both sides of the river slot. Since the UI is hardcoded, we unfortunately can't provide a nice interface to build buildings on the slot directly, you have to select them from the build menu.

This mod is mostly relevant as a modders ressource, providing the necessary island files to start a project with your own river slot buildings. So everyone feel free to include this in your own mod as a dependence via modinfo.json file. Due to the enourmous size of the mods I wouldn't recommend on providing them as a subfolder in your mod.


Riverslot Buildings OW

This Mod features five new buildings fitting for the newly introduced river slots in the Old World. They all produce vanilla goods at a sligthly faster rate than their non river counterparts. The River Powerplant has the same range as the vanilla Oil Powerplant. You can either find the buildings inside their respective production chains, a separate building category or directly next to the vanilla building.

Following buildings are available for River Slot construction:

  • River Fishery (50 Farmers)
  • River Clay Collector (1 Worker)
  • River Sawmill (1 Artisan)
  • River Flour Mill (1 Artisan)
  • River Powerplant (1 Engineer)

You can use iMYA to tweak which buildings you would like to play with.


Riverslot Buildings NW

This Mod features six new buildings fitting for the newly introduced river slots in the New World. They all produce vanilla goods at a sligthly faster rate than their non river counterparts. The River Powerplant has the same range as the vanilla Oil Powerplant. You can either find the buildings inside their respective production chains, a separate building category or directly next to the vanilla building.

Following buildings are available for River Slot construction:

  • River Fishoil Factory (50 Jornaleros)
  • River Pearlfarm (500 Jornaleros)
  • River Clay Collector (1 Obrero)
  • River Sawmill (1 Obrero)
  • Gold Washer (300 Obrero)
  • River Powerplant (900 Artista)

You can use iMYA to tweak which buildings you would like to play with.

Special Thanks

Thank you to Taubenangriff for providing River Slot Locations for the five vanilla NW large islands and the 6 vanilla medium islands. He had the original idea behind this mod way back in the early days of the New Horizons Project, but since the addition of River Slots is quite tedious, I jumped in and found suitable locations for all the Old World islands as well as the newly added New World islands after DLC12.