Check your module list for compatibility with the latest major version of Foundry VTT.
In the setup screen, use the URL
to install the module.
Once you've cloned the GitHub repo, use npm install
to fetch all dependencies such as Svelte and TyphonJS Runtime Library. Compile the module for production with npm run build
and then use npm run dev
while you develop to get Vite hot module reloading.
In order for your development version of the module to show up in Foundry VTT, you must symlink the module to your Data/modules
Run wrangler dev worker/worker.js
to test out the Cloudflare Worker or wrangler publish worker/worker.js
to publish it to your Cloudflare account.
Please consider supporting me on my Patreon if you like my work. You can see a list of all my projects on my website.
You can submit bugs via Github Issues or on my Discord server.
Come hang out on my my Discord server or click here to send me an email.
Copyright © 2021 arcanist
This package is under an MIT license and the Foundry Virtual Tabletop Limited License Agreement for module development.