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Arctop Stream Server

The purpose of Stream Server is to provide a platform independent API. The server is running on the mobile device and operates on the user's LAN. It allows authorized clients to access the realtime data that Arctop provides.

General Structure

The Arctop app launches a socket server on the LAN it is connected to. It publishes the service for discovery, and awaits connections from clients.

When a client connects, an authentication handshake is performed, and once successful, the server will transmit the data received over the network stream. The data is identical to what a client connecting directly to Arctop Native SDK receives via the IArctopSdkListener interface.

The data is transmitted as JSON objects, allowing easy interpretation in almost any programming language.

Stream data structure

Currently, the server is implemented on Android, it uses a BIG ENDIAN byte order.

All data is sent with a leading 2 bytes defining the size of the following message as an unsigned short / UInt16. To properly read the stream, a developer should first read 2 byte, convert the endianness if needed and convert to a UShort. This will provide the length (in bytes) of the following message, which you can retrieve by reading that exact amount of bytes off the stream. Those bytes should then be converted to a UTF8 string, that will contain the JSON object.

Command Structure

Every command that is sent between the server and the client follows the same structure.

  1. A mandatory command field, describing the type of command.
  2. Optional values defined per command (see ArctopStreamService.kt)
  3. Timestamp ( only available within commands sent as part of the stream ) as a long int (Unix MS)

an example of an object notifying the client of a new value received for enjoyment:

    {"command" : "valueChange" , "timestamp" : 123612321 , "key" : "enjoyment" , "value" : 33.4442}

All the available commands, values, and object key are listed in the ArctopStreamService.kt file.

Connection flow

Connect to server

The Arctop app provides its IP / Port on the SDK Stream page, your client will need to connect to that address. The server also publishes itself on the LAN as a service by the name of ArctopService and the protocol _http._tcp.

Send authentication request

Once connected the server awaits your client to send a JSON object containing your application's API key. The expected JSON contains 2 fields, one defining the command and another holding the value of the key.

    {"command" : "auth" , "apiKey" : "yourkeystringhere"}

The server will reply with a command of either "auth-success" or "auth-failed". In the event of a failed authentication, the connection will be closed and you can try again. If the authentication succeeds the server will begin transmitting events.

Working with the stream

Once the server starts streaming commands, you should read the stream to extract the data.

As described in Stream data structure, before each message the server writes an unsigned short (16 bit uint) into the stream to let the client know the size of the next message in bytes. This allows the client to read messages fully, and convert into a string/JSON for processing.

For a better understanding of commands, values, and constants, please review the and IArctopSdkListener.aidl files.

Session complete

When the user finishes the session on the Arctop app, the server will send out a "sessionComplete" command to the client. This will be the final message before the server is shutting down. Please use it as your notification to release all resources and shut down the connection on your client side.

Example repo

The Arctop Socket Client repo contains a functional example for Unity3D / C#

C# example (Based on a Unity 3D client)

The following code illustrates connecting and reading values using a C# Unity3D client.

    // Connects to the socket server
    public void ConnectSocket()
            // Generate a server address
            IPEndPoint serverAddress = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(serverIpInput.text), serverPort);
            // Construct a TCP socket  
            m_Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            // Connect to the address
            // Send auth command
        catch (FormatException e)
            errorField.text = e.Message;
        catch (SocketException ex)
            errorField.text = ex.Message;

    // Sends the Auth Command to the server
    private void SendAuth()
        // Using JSON.Net to produce JSON
        var JObject = new JObject();
        JObject.Add(new JProperty("command", "auth"));
        JObject.Add(new JProperty("apiKey", API_KEY));
        string toSend = JObject.toString();
        // Calculate the byte count of our JSON object
        ushort toSendLen = (ushort)Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(toSend);
        // Get the bytes from the JSON object to send
        byte[] toSendBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(toSend);
        // Get the bytes describing the length
        byte[] toSendLenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(toSendLen);
        // Make sure the length bytes are in BIG_ENDIAN
        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
        // Send the size bytes
        // Send the message bytes
        // Await response from server
    // Gets a single message from the stream
    private string GetMessage()
        // Receiving
        byte[] m_CommandLength = new byte[2];
        // Read the next command's length
        // Make sure it is in BIG_ENDIAN
        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
        // Convert to unsigned short
        int rcvLen = BitConverter.ToUInt16(m_CommandLength, 0);
        // the from stream into buffer the length we just got
        m_Socket.Receive(m_recBuffer , rcvLen , SocketFlags.None);
        // convert it to a string that represents the JSON object
        string rcv = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m_recBuffer, 0, rcvLen);
        return rcv;
    // Checks the response from the auth command
    private void GetAuthResponse()
        var msg = GetMessage();
        var response = JObject.Parse(msg);
        var commandValue = ((string)response.Property("command")?.Value);
        if (commandValue == "auth-success")
            IsConnected = true;
            /// you are sucessfully connected, start reading the stream in 
            /// some update loop
            errorField.text = "Failed to authenticate with server";
    // Update loop reads one message at a time
    private void Update()
        // check that we have at least 2 bytes availabe to read
        if (m_Socket.Available > 2)
            // get one message
            var data = GetMessage();
            // turn it into a JSON object for easier parsing
            var response = JObject.Parse(data);
            // extract the command value
            var commandValue = (string)response.Property("command")?.Value;
            // Command is a value change, read the data
            if (commandValue == "valueChange")
                var key = (string)response.Property("key")?.Value;
                var value = (float)response.Property("value")?.Value;
                switch (key)
                    case "zone_state":
                            m_values.ZoneValue = value;
                            // Do something with the zone value
                    case "avg_motion":
                            m_values.MotionValue = value;
                            // Do something with the motion value
                    case "enjoyment":
                            m_values.EnjoymentValue = value;
                            // Do something with the enjoyment value
                    case "focus":
                            m_values.FocusValue = value;
                            // Do something with the focus value
                else if (commandValue == "sessionComplete")

Kotlin Example (Android Client)

This example shows a usage of Android's network discovery API to scan for the Arctop Stream Socket before connecting.

    //Main Activity, scans for the service
    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        companion object {
            private const val TAG = "Arctop-Service"
            private const val SERVICE_NAME = "ArctopService"
            private const val SERVICE_TYPE = "_http._tcp"
        lateinit var nsdManager: NsdManager
        var mService:NsdServiceInfo? = null
        var found:Boolean = false
        val ip = mutableStateOf("")
        val port = mutableStateOf("")
        val hasService = mutableStateOf(false)
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            nsdManager = (getSystemService(Context.NSD_SERVICE) as NsdManager)
            setContent {
        // This function launches the connection
        fun launchStream(){
            val streamIntent = Intent(this,
            streamIntent.putExtra(ArctopStreamActivity.IP , ip.value)
            streamIntent.putExtra(ArctopStreamActivity.PORT , port.value)
        fun mainScreen(){
            Column {
                Row {
                    Button(enabled = !hasService.value, onClick = {
                    Text("IP ${ip.value}" , color = Color.White)
                    Text("Port ${port.value}" , color = Color.White)
                    Button( enabled = hasService.value,
                    onClick = {
        private val resolveListener = object : NsdManager.ResolveListener {
            override fun onResolveFailed(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo, errorCode: Int) {
                // Called when the resolve fails. Use the error code to debug.
                Log.e(TAG, "Resolve failed: $errorCode")
            override fun onServiceResolved(serviceInfo: NsdServiceInfo) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Resolve Succeeded. $serviceInfo")
                mService = serviceInfo
                ip.value =
                port.value = serviceInfo.port.toString()
                hasService.value = true
                Log.d(TAG, "Service found ${ip.value}:${port.value}")
        // Instantiate a new DiscoveryListener
        private val discoveryListener = object : NsdManager.DiscoveryListener {

            // Called as soon as service discovery begins.
            override fun onDiscoveryStarted(regType: String) {
                Log.d(TAG, "Service discovery started")
            override fun onServiceFound(service: NsdServiceInfo) {
                // A service was found! Do something with it.
                Log.d(TAG, "Service discovery success $service")
                if (service.serviceName.equals(SERVICE_NAME) && !found){
                    found = true
                    nsdManager.resolveService(service, resolveListener)
                        // The name of the service tells the user what they'd be
            override fun onServiceLost(service: NsdServiceInfo) {
                // When the network service is no longer available.
                // Internal bookkeeping code goes here.
                Log.e(TAG, "service lost: $service")
            override fun onDiscoveryStopped(serviceType: String) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Discovery stopped: $serviceType")
            override fun onStartDiscoveryFailed(serviceType: String, errorCode: Int) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Discovery failed: Error code:$errorCode")
            override fun onStopDiscoveryFailed(serviceType: String, errorCode: Int) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Discovery failed: Error code:$errorCode")


    class ArctopStreamActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    companion object {
        const val API_KEY = "your api key"
        const val IP = "ip"
        const val PORT = "port"
        const val TAG = "Arctop-Service"
        const val COMMAND = "command"
        const val VALUE = "value"
        const val AUTH = "auth"
        const val AUTH_SUCCESS = "auth-success"
        const val AUTH_FAILED = "auth-failed"
        const val API_KEY_HEADER = "apiKey"
        private enum class Status{
    private var currentStatus = Status.AUTHENTICATING
    private val working = AtomicBoolean(true)
    private var socket: Socket? = null
    private var dataInputStream: DataInputStream? = null
    private var dataOutputStream: DataOutputStream? = null
    private lateinit var ip:String
    private var port:Int = 0
    private val runnable = Runnable {
        try {
            val ip = InetAddress.getByName(ip)
            socket = Socket(ip, port)
            dataInputStream = DataInputStream(socket!!.getInputStream())
            dataOutputStream = DataOutputStream(socket!!.getOutputStream())
            while (working.get()) {
                try {
                    when (currentStatus){
                        Status.AUTHENTICATING -> {
                            // Send initial auth request
                            val jsonObj = JSONObject()
                            jsonObj.put(COMMAND , AUTH)
                            jsonObj.put(API_KEY_HEADER , API_KEY)
                            currentStatus = Status.AWAITING_RESPONSE
                        Status.AWAITING_RESPONSE -> {
                            if (dataInputStream!!.available() > 0){
                                val nextCommand = JSONObject(dataInputStream!!.readUTF())
                                if (nextCommand.has(COMMAND)) {
                                    when (nextCommand.get(COMMAND)){
                                        AUTH_SUCCESS -> {
                                            currentStatus = Status.AUTHENTICATED
                                        AUTH_FAILED -> {
                                            // todo

                        Status.AUTHENTICATED -> {
                            // This part reads the messages after we are authenticated
                            // as this is on android, the readUTF() function performes reading the length
                            // of the message and all the convertions out of the box
                            while (dataInputStream!!.available() > 0){
                                val data = dataInputStream!!.readUTF()
                                Log.i("ArctopData", "Received: $data")


                } catch (e: IOException) {
                    try {
                    } catch (ex: IOException) {
                } catch (e: InterruptedException) {
                    try {
                    } catch (ex: IOException) {
            try {
            } catch (ex: IOException) {
        } catch (e: IOException) {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // get the port and ip off the intent
        ip = intent.getStringExtra(IP)!!
        port = intent.getStringExtra(PORT)!!.toInt()
    override fun onDestroy() {