diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
index e018b045..de70a965 100644
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/README.md
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ External libraries may be accessed via package references.
1. **`//math`:** math functions and constants such as `//math.sin`
and `//math.pi`.
2. **`//str`:** string functions such as `//str.upper` and
- `//str.join`.
+ `//str.lower`.
3. **`//fn`:** higher order functions such as `//fn.fix` and `//fn.fixt`.
See the [standard library reference](std.md) for full documentation on all packages.
2. **`//{./path}`** provides access to other arrai files relative to the current
diff --git a/docs/std-seq.md b/docs/std-seq.md
index a5fcb56c..42c912fb 100644
--- a/docs/std-seq.md
+++ b/docs/std-seq.md
@@ -1,21 +1,101 @@
# seq
-The `seq` library contains functions that are used for string manipulations.
+The `seq` library contains functions that are used for manipulating sequenced data structures including string and array.
-## `//seq.concat(seqs <: array) <: array`
`concat(seqs <: string) <: string`
+## `//seq.concat(seqs <: array) <: array`
`//seq.concat(seqs <: string) <: string`
`concat` takes an array of sequences `seqs` and returns a sequence that is
the concatenation of the sequences in the array.
| example | equals |
| `//seq.concat(["ba", "na", "na"])` | `"banana"` |
| `//seq.concat([[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])` | `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]` |
-## `//seq.repeat(n <: number, seq <: array) <: array`
`repeat(n <: number, seq <: string) <: string`
+## `//seq.contains(sub <: array, subject <: array) <: bool`
`//seq.contains(sub <: string, subject <: string) <: bool`
+`contains` checks whether sequence `sub` is contained in sequence `subject` and returns true if it is, or false otherwise.
+| example | equals |
+| `//seq.contains("substring", "the full string which has substring")` | `true` |
+| `//seq.contains("microwave", "just some random sentence")` | `false` |
+| `//seq.contains([1,2,3,4,5], [1,2,3,4,5])` | `true` |
+| `//seq.contains([['B','C']],[['A', 'B'], ['B','C'],['D','E']])` | `true` |
+## `//seq.has_prefix(prefix <: array, subject <: array) <: bool`
`//seq.has_prefix(prefix <: string, subject <: string) <: bool`
+`has_prefix` checks whether the sequence `subject` is prefixed by sequence `prefix` and returns true if it is, or false otherwise.
+| example | equals |
+| `//seq.has_prefix("I'm", "I'm running out of stuff to write")` | `true` |
+| `//seq.has_prefix("to write", "I'm running out of stuff to write")` | `false` |
+| `//seq.has_prefix(['A'],['A','B','C'])` | `true` |
+| `//seq.has_prefix([1, 2],[1, 2, 3])` | `true` |
+| `//seq.has_prefix([[1, 2]],[[1, 2], [3]])` | `true` |
+## `//seq.has_suffix(suffix <: array, subject <: array) <: bool`
`//seq.has_suffix(suffix <: string, subject <: string) <: bool`
+`has_suffix` checks whether the sequence `subject` is suffixed by sequence `suffix` and returns true if it is, or false otherwise.
+| example | equals |
+| `//seq.has_suffix("I'm", "I'm running out of stuff to write")` | `false` |
+| `//seq.has_suffix("to write", "I'm running out of stuff to write")` | `true` |
+| `//seq.has_suffix(['E'],['A','B','C','D','E'])` | `true` |
+| `//seq.has_suffix([[3, 4]],[[1 ,2], [3, 4]])` | `true` |
+## `//seq.join(joiner <: array, subject <: array) <: array`
`//seq.join(joiner <: string, subject <: array_of_string) <: string`
+`join` returns a concatenated sequence with each member of sequence `subject` delimited by sequence `joiner`
+| example | equals |
+| `//seq.join(", ", ["pew", "another pew", "and more pews"])` | `"pew, another pew, and more pews"` |
+| `//seq.join(" ", ["this", "is", "a", "sentence"])` | `"this is a sentence"` |
+| `//seq.join(["", "this", "is", "a", "sentence"])` | `"thisisasentence"` |
+| `//seq.join([0], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]` | `[1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6]`
+| `//seq.join([0], [[2, [3, 4]], [5, 6]])` | `[2, [3, 4], 0, 5, 6]` |
+| `//seq.join([[0],[1]], [[[1, 2], [3, 4]],[[5, 6],[7, 8]]])` | `[[1, 2], [3, 4], [0], [1], [5, 6], [7, 8]]` |
+## `//seq.split(delimiter <: array, subject <: array) <: array`
`//seq.split(delimiter <: string, subject <: string) <: array of string`
+`split` splits sequence `subject` based on the provided sequence `delimiter`. It returns an array of sequence which are split from the sequence `subject`.
+| example | equals |
+| `//seq.split(" ", "deliberately adding spaces to demonstrate the split function")` | `["deliberately", "adding", "spaces", "to", "demonstrate", "the", "split", "function"]` |
+| `//seq.split("random stuff", "this is just a random sentence")` | `["this is just a random sentence"]` |
+| `//seq.split([1],[1, 2, 3])` | `[[],[2,3]]` |
+| `//seq.split([3],[1, 2, 3])` | `[[1,2],[]]` |
+| `//seq.split(['A'],['B', 'A', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'])` | `[['B'],['C'], ['D', 'E']]` |
+| `//seq.split([['C','D'],['E','F']],[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F'], ['G']])`) | `[[['A','B']], [['G']]]` |
+## `//seq.sub(old <: array, new <: array, subject <: array) <: array`
`//seq.sub(old <: string, new <: string, subject <: string) <: string`
+`sub` replaces occurrences of sequence `old` in sequence `subject` with sequence `new`. It returns the modified sequence.
+| example | equals |
+| `//seq.sub("old string", "new sentence", "this is the old string")` | `"this is the new sentence"` |
+| `//seq.sub("string", "stuff", "just another sentence")` | `"just another sentence"` |
+| `//seq.sub([1], [2], [1, 2, 3])` | `[2, 2, 3]` |
+| `//seq.sub([[2,2]], [[4,4]], [[1,1], [2,2], [3,3]])`| `[[1,1], [4,4], [3,3]]` |
+## `//seq.repeat(n <: number, seq <: array) <: array`
`//seq.repeat(n <: number, seq <: string) <: string`
`repeat` returns a sequence that contains `seq` repeated `n` times.
| example | equals |
| `//seq.repeat(2, "hots")` | `"hotshots"` |
diff --git a/docs/std-str.md b/docs/std-str.md
index 2af6c359..4e97dfd7 100644
--- a/docs/std-str.md
+++ b/docs/std-str.md
@@ -2,41 +2,6 @@
The `str` library contains functions that are used for string manipulations.
-## `//str.contains(str <: string, substr <: string) <: bool`
-`contains` checks whether `substr` is contained in `str`. It returns a
-| example | equals |
-| `//str.contains("the full string which has substring", "substring")` | `true` |
-| `//str.contains("just some random sentence", "microwave")` | `{}` which is equal to `false` |
-## `//str.sub(s <: string, old <: string, new <: string) <: string`
-`sub` replaces occurrences of `old` in `s` with `new`. It returns the modified string.
-| example | equals |
-| `//str.sub("this is the old string", "old string", "new sentence")` | `"this is the new sentence"` |
-| `//str.sub("just another sentence", "string", "stuff")` | `"just another sentence"` |
-## `//str.split(s <: string, delimiter <: string) <: array of string`
-`split` splits the string `s` based on the provided `delimiter`. It returns an array of strings
-which are split from the string `s`.
-| example | equals |
-| `//str.split("deliberately adding spaces to demonstrate the split function", " ")` | `["deliberately", "adding", "spaces", "to", "demonstrate", "the", "split", "function"]` |
-| `//str.split("this is just a random sentence", "random stuff")` | `["this is just a random sentence"]` |
## `//str.lower(s <: string) <: string`
`lower` returns the string `s` with all of the character converted to lowercase.
@@ -72,37 +37,3 @@ Usage:
| `//str.title("laser noises pew pew pew")` | `"Laser Noises Pew Pew Pew"` |
| `//str.title("pew")` | `"Pew"` |
-## `//str.has_prefix(s <: string, prefix <: string) <: bool`
-`has_prefix` checks whether the string `s` is prefixed by `prefix`. It returns a boolean.
-| example | equals |
-| `//str.has_prefix("I'm running out of stuff to write", "I'm")` | `true` |
-| `//str.has_prefix("I'm running out of stuff to write", "to write")` | `{}` which is equal to `false` |
-## `//str.has_suffix(s <: string, suffix <: string) <: bool`
-`has_suffix` checks whether the string `s` is suffixed by `suffix`. It returns a boolean.
-| example | equals |
-| `//str.has_suffix("I'm running out of stuff to write", "I'm")` | `{}` which is equal to `false` |
-| `//str.has_suffix("I'm running out of stuff to write", "to write")` | `true` |
-## `//str.join(s <: array_of_string, delimiter <: string) <: string`
-`join` returns a concatenated string with each member of `s` delimited by `delimiter`
-| example | equals |
-| `//str.join(["pew", "another pew", "and more pews"], ", ")` | `"pew, another pew, and more pews"` |
-| `//str.join(["this", "is", "a", "sentence"], " ")` | `"this is a sentence"` |
-| `//str.join(["this", "is", "a", "sentence"], "")` | `"thisisasentence"` |
diff --git a/examples/grpc/grpc-proto.arrai b/examples/grpc/grpc-proto.arrai
index ed194a84..db1923af 100644
--- a/examples/grpc/grpc-proto.arrai
+++ b/examples/grpc/grpc-proto.arrai
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
let grpc = //{./grpc};
let wrap = "wrap" <: app.attrs.patterns;
let proto = //{./proto-util}(wrap);
-let endpoints = app.endpoints where !//str.has_prefix(.@item.name, "enum ");
+let endpoints = app.endpoints where !//seq.has_prefix("enum ", .@item.name);
app.name + ".proto": $`
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ let endpoints = app.endpoints where !//str.has_prefix(.@item.name, "enum ");
${cond (app.endpoints: $`
${//rel.union((endpoints >> (.params >>
cond (
- //str.contains(grpc.type(.), "google.protobuf"): $`
- import "${//str.sub(grpc.type(.), ".", "/")}.proto";`,
+ //seq.contains("google.protobuf", grpc.type(.)): $`
+ import "${//seq.sub(".", "/", grpc.type(.))}.proto";`,
) => .@item
)) => .@item)::\i:\n}
service ${app.name} {
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ let endpoints = app.endpoints where !//str.has_prefix(.@item.name, "enum ");
${endpoints >> proto.wrapSequence(.).grpcType::\i}
${cond (wrap: endpoints) >>
- let retTokens = //str.split(ep.ret("ok"), " ");
- let retName = //str.sub(//seq.concat(retTokens -- {"sequence", "of"}), ".", "");
+ let retTokens = //seq.split(" ", ep.ret("ok"));
+ let retName = //seq.sub(".", "", //seq.concat(retTokens -- {"sequence", "of"}));
let attr = ep.attrs(retName + "_rpcId");
let epi = proto.endpointInfo(ep);
message ${epi.paramName} {
${ep.params >>
- let name = //str.sub(.name, "-", "");
+ let name = //seq.sub("-", "", .name);
$`${grpc.type(.)} req${name} = ${.attrs(name + "_rpcId")};`
diff --git a/examples/grpc/grpc.arrai b/examples/grpc/grpc.arrai
index 0c17c397..b43578f2 100644
--- a/examples/grpc/grpc.arrai
+++ b/examples/grpc/grpc.arrai
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
'sequence': 'repeated ' + type(t.sequence)
*: cond (
- //str.contains(t.type_ref, "google-protobuf"): //str.sub(t.type_ref, "-", "."),
+ //seq.contains("google-protobuf", t.type_ref): //seq.sub("-", ".", t.type_ref),
*: t.type_ref,
diff --git a/examples/grpc/proto-util.arrai b/examples/grpc/proto-util.arrai
index b090d77c..816fd9be 100644
--- a/examples/grpc/proto-util.arrai
+++ b/examples/grpc/proto-util.arrai
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
let grpc = //{./grpc};
\wrap (
- field: \. $`${grpc.type(.)} ${//str.sub(.key, "-", "")} = ${.attrs.rpcId};`,
+ field: \. $`${grpc.type(.)} ${//seq.sub("-", "", .key)} = ${.attrs.rpcId};`,
imports: \fields
- fields where(//str.contains(grpc.type(.@item), "google.protobuf")) >>
- $`import "${//str.sub(grpc.type(.), ".", "/")}.proto";`,
+ fields where(//seq.contains("google.protobuf", grpc.type(.@item))) >>
+ $`import "${//seq.sub(".", "/", grpc.type(.))}.proto";`,
endpointInfo: \ep
- let method = //str.sub(//str.title(//str.lower(ep.name)), "-", "");
+ let method = //seq.sub("-", "", //str.title(//str.lower(ep.name)));
let paramName = cond (
wrap: method + "Request",
*: $"${ep.params >> grpc.type(.)::, }",
let streamRes = cond (
- ep.attrs.stream: //str.sub(ep.ret("ok"), "sequence of", "stream"),
- *: //str.sub(ep.ret("ok"), "sequence of ", "") + "s",
+ ep.attrs.stream: //seq.sub("sequence of", "stream", ep.ret("ok")),
+ *: //seq.sub("sequence of ", "", ep.ret("ok")) + "s",
let responseName = cond (wrap: method + "Response", *: streamRes);
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let grpc = //{./grpc};
wrapSequence: \ep
- let type = //str.sub(ep.ret("ok"), "sequence of ", "");
+ let type = //seq.sub("sequence of ", "", ep.ret("ok"));
let wrapType = type + "s";
let name = //str.lower(type) + "s";
diff --git a/internal/shell/shell_cmd_test.go b/internal/shell/shell_cmd_test.go
index d1faca5b..c2cbd475 100644
--- a/internal/shell/shell_cmd_test.go
+++ b/internal/shell/shell_cmd_test.go
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ func TestIsCommand(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, isCommand("/hi"))
- assert.False(t, isCommand("//str.join"))
+ assert.False(t, isCommand("//seq.join"))
func TestTryRunCommand(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/internal/shell/shell_test.go b/internal/shell/shell_test.go
index b48942ce..12322540 100644
--- a/internal/shell/shell_test.go
+++ b/internal/shell/shell_test.go
@@ -151,12 +151,12 @@ func TestGetLastToken(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, "//str", getLastToken([]rune("//str")))
assert.Equal(t, "//", getLastToken([]rune("//")))
assert.Equal(t, "///", getLastToken([]rune("///")))
- assert.Equal(t, "//", getLastToken([]rune("//str.contains(//")))
- assert.Equal(t, "//arch", getLastToken([]rune("//str.contains(//arch")))
- assert.Equal(t, "tuple.", getLastToken([]rune("//str.contains(tuple.")))
+ assert.Equal(t, "//", getLastToken([]rune("//seq.contains(//")))
+ assert.Equal(t, "//arch", getLastToken([]rune("//seq.contains(//arch")))
+ assert.Equal(t, "tuple.", getLastToken([]rune("//seq.contains(tuple.")))
assert.Equal(t, "x.", getLastToken([]rune("x.")))
assert.Equal(t, "x", getLastToken([]rune("x")))
- assert.Equal(t, "", getLastToken([]rune("//str.contains(")))
+ assert.Equal(t, "", getLastToken([]rune("//seq.contains(")))
assert.Equal(t, "", getLastToken([]rune("")))
@@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ func TestTabCompletionStdlib(t *testing.T) {
stdlibNames := stdlib.Names().OrderedNames()
assertTabCompletion(t, append(stdlibNames, "{"), 0, "//\t", nil)
- assertTabCompletion(t, append(stdlibNames, "{"), 0, "//str.contains(//\t", nil)
+ assertTabCompletion(t, append(stdlibNames, "{"), 0, "//seq.contains(//\t", nil)
prefix := "s"
assertTabCompletionWithPrefix(t, prefix, stdlibNames, "//%s\t", nil)
assertTabCompletionWithPrefix(t, prefix, stdlibNames, "x(//%s\t", nil)
assertTabCompletionWithPrefix(t, prefix, stdlibNames, "x(//%s\t + random)", nil)
- lib := "str"
+ lib := "seq"
strlib := stdlib.MustGet(lib).(rel.Tuple).Names().OrderedNames()
assertTabCompletionWithPrefix(t, prefix, strlib, "//"+lib+".%s\t", nil)
for i := 0; i < len(strlib); i++ {
diff --git a/rel/value_set_array.go b/rel/value_set_array.go
index 18794e82..33c96219 100644
--- a/rel/value_set_array.go
+++ b/rel/value_set_array.go
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ func (a Array) Kind() int {
return arrayKind
-// Bool returns true iff the tuple has attributes.
+// IsTrue returns true if the tuple has attributes.
func (a Array) IsTrue() bool {
return a.count > 0
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq.go b/syntax/std_seq.go
index 4259ad2e..63f4436f 100644
--- a/syntax/std_seq.go
+++ b/syntax/std_seq.go
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ import (
-func stdSeqConcat(arg rel.Value) rel.Value {
- if set, is := arg.(rel.Set); is {
+func stdSeqConcat(seq rel.Value) rel.Value {
+ if set, is := seq.(rel.Set); is {
if !set.IsTrue() {
return rel.None
- values := arg.(rel.Array).Values()
+ values := seq.(rel.Array).Values()
if len(values) == 0 {
return rel.None
@@ -64,5 +64,172 @@ func stdSeq() rel.Attr {
return rel.NewTupleAttr("seq",
rel.NewNativeFunctionAttr("concat", stdSeqConcat),
rel.NewNativeFunctionAttr("repeat", stdSeqRepeat),
+ createNestedFuncAttr("contains", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value { //nolint:dupl
+ sub, subject := args[0], args[1]
+ switch subject := subject.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ return rel.NewBool(strings.Contains(mustAsString(subject), mustAsString(sub)))
+ case rel.Array:
+ return arrayContains(sub, subject)
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ return rel.NewBool(strings.Contains(asString(subject), asString(sub)))
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ emptySet, isSet := sub.(rel.GenericSet)
+ return rel.NewBool(isSet && !emptySet.IsTrue())
+ }
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }),
+ createNestedFuncAttr("has_prefix", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value { //nolint:dupl
+ prefix, subject := args[0], args[1]
+ switch subject := subject.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ return rel.NewBool(strings.HasPrefix(mustAsString(subject), mustAsString(prefix)))
+ case rel.Array:
+ return arrayHasPrefix(prefix, subject)
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ return rel.NewBool(strings.HasPrefix(asString(subject), asString(prefix)))
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ emptySet, isSet := prefix.(rel.GenericSet)
+ return rel.NewBool(isSet && !emptySet.IsTrue())
+ }
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }),
+ createNestedFuncAttr("has_suffix", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value { //nolint:dupl
+ suffix, subject := args[0], args[1]
+ switch subject := subject.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ return rel.NewBool(strings.HasSuffix(mustAsString(subject), mustAsString(suffix)))
+ case rel.Array:
+ return arrayHasSuffix(suffix, subject)
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ return rel.NewBool(strings.HasSuffix(asString(subject), asString(suffix)))
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ emptySet, isSet := suffix.(rel.GenericSet)
+ return rel.NewBool(isSet && !emptySet.IsTrue())
+ }
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }),
+ createNestedFuncAttr("sub", 3, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
+ old, new, subject := args[0], args[1], args[2]
+ switch subject := subject.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ return rel.NewString(
+ []rune(
+ strings.ReplaceAll(
+ mustAsString(subject),
+ mustAsString(old),
+ mustAsString(new),
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ case rel.Array:
+ return arraySub(old, new, subject)
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ _, oldIsSet := old.(rel.GenericSet)
+ _, newIsSet := new.(rel.GenericSet)
+ if !oldIsSet && newIsSet {
+ return rel.NewBytes([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(subject.String(),
+ old.String(), "")))
+ } else if oldIsSet && !newIsSet {
+ return rel.NewBytes([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(subject.String(),
+ "", new.String())))
+ }
+ return rel.NewBytes([]byte(strings.ReplaceAll(subject.String(),
+ old.String(), new.String())))
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ _, oldIsSet := old.(rel.GenericSet)
+ _, newIsSet := new.(rel.GenericSet)
+ if oldIsSet && newIsSet {
+ return subject
+ } else if oldIsSet && !newIsSet {
+ return new
+ } else if !oldIsSet && newIsSet {
+ return subject
+ }
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("sub: unsupported args: %s, %s, %s", old, new, subject))
+ }),
+ createNestedFuncAttr("split", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
+ delimiter, subject := args[0], args[1]
+ switch subject := subject.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ splitted := strings.Split(mustAsString(subject), mustAsString(delimiter))
+ vals := make([]rel.Value, 0, len(splitted))
+ for _, s := range splitted {
+ vals = append(vals, rel.NewString([]rune(s)))
+ }
+ return rel.NewArray(vals...)
+ case rel.Array:
+ return arraySplit(delimiter, subject)
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ return bytesSplit(delimiter, subject)
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ switch delimiter.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ return rel.NewArray(subject)
+ case rel.Array, rel.Bytes:
+ return rel.NewArray(rel.NewArray())
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ return subject
+ }
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("split: unsupported args: %s, %s", delimiter, subject))
+ }),
+ createNestedFuncAttr("join", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
+ joiner, subject := args[0], args[1]
+ switch subject := subject.(type) {
+ case rel.Array:
+ switch subject.Values()[0].(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ // if subject is rel.String
+ return strJoin(args...)
+ case rel.Value:
+ if _, isStr := joiner.(rel.String); isStr {
+ return strJoin(args...)
+ }
+ return arrayJoin(joiner, subject)
+ }
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ if _, isSet := joiner.(rel.GenericSet); isSet {
+ return subject
+ }
+ return bytesJoin(joiner.(rel.Bytes), subject)
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ switch joiner.(type) {
+ case rel.String:
+ // if joiner is rel.String
+ return strJoin(args...)
+ case rel.Array, rel.GenericSet, rel.Bytes:
+ return subject
+ }
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("join: unsupported args: %s, %s", joiner, subject))
+ }),
+func strJoin(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
+ joiner, subject := args[0], args[1]
+ strs := subject.(rel.Set)
+ toJoin := make([]string, 0, strs.Count())
+ for i, ok := strs.(rel.Set).ArrayEnumerator(); ok && i.MoveNext(); {
+ toJoin = append(toJoin, mustAsString(i.Current()))
+ }
+ return rel.NewString([]rune(strings.Join(toJoin, mustAsString(joiner))))
+func asString(val rel.Value) string {
+ switch val := val.(type) {
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ return val.String()
+ case rel.Set:
+ return mustAsString(val)
+ }
+ panic("value can't be converted to a string")
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_array_helper.go b/syntax/std_seq_array_helper.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..191e87c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_array_helper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+package syntax
+import (
+ "github.com/arr-ai/arrai/rel"
+// Checks if array subject contains sub.
+func arrayContains(sub rel.Value, subject rel.Array) rel.Value {
+ subArray := convert2Array(sub)
+ return rel.NewBool(search(subject.Values(), subArray.Values()) > -1)
+// Substitutes all old in subject with new.
+func arraySub(old, new rel.Value, subject rel.Array) rel.Value {
+ // Convert to array to facilitate process
+ oldArray := convert2Array(old)
+ newArray := convert2Array(new)
+ result := make([]rel.Value, 0, subject.Count())
+ if !old.IsTrue() {
+ for _, e := range subject.Values() {
+ result = append(append(result, newArray.Values()...), e)
+ }
+ result = append(result, newArray.Values()...)
+ } else {
+ subjectVals := subject.Values()
+ for {
+ if i := search(subjectVals, oldArray.Values()); i >= 0 {
+ result = append(append(result, subjectVals[:i]...), newArray.Values()...)
+ subjectVals = subjectVals[i+oldArray.Count():]
+ } else {
+ result = append(result, subjectVals...)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rel.NewArray(result...)
+// Splits array subject by delimiter.
+func arraySplit(delimiter rel.Value, subject rel.Array) rel.Value {
+ delimiterArray := convert2Array(delimiter)
+ var result []rel.Value
+ if !delimiterArray.IsTrue() {
+ for _, e := range subject.Values() {
+ result = append(result, rel.NewArray(e))
+ }
+ } else {
+ subjectVals := subject.Values()
+ for {
+ if i := search(subjectVals, delimiterArray.Values()); i >= 0 {
+ result = append(result, rel.NewArray(subjectVals[:i]...))
+ subjectVals = subjectVals[i+delimiterArray.Count():]
+ } else {
+ result = append(result, rel.NewArray(subjectVals...))
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rel.NewArray(result...)
+// Joins array joiner to subject.
+// The type of subject element must be rel.Array, it can help to make sure the API output is clear and will not confuse.
+// For example:
+// `//seq.join([0], [1, 2])`, it can return [1, 0, 2] or [1, 2],
+// `//seq.join([], [1, [2, 3]])`, it can return [1, 2, 3] or [1, [2, 3]].
+// All of the results make sense. It can see the output can't be sure in above cases, it is not good.
+func arrayJoin(joiner rel.Value, subject rel.Array) rel.Value {
+ joinerArray := convert2Array(joiner)
+ result := make([]rel.Value, 0, subject.Count())
+ for i, value := range subject.Values() {
+ if i > 0 {
+ result = append(result, joinerArray.Values()...)
+ }
+ switch vArray := value.(type) {
+ case rel.Array:
+ result = append(result, vArray.Values()...)
+ case rel.Value:
+ panic("the type of subject element must be rel.Array")
+ }
+ }
+ return rel.NewArray(result...)
+// Check if array subject starts with prefix.
+func arrayHasPrefix(prefix rel.Value, subject rel.Array) rel.Value {
+ prefixArray := convert2Array(prefix)
+ if !prefixArray.IsTrue() && subject.IsTrue() {
+ return rel.NewBool(true)
+ }
+ if subject.Count() < prefixArray.Count() {
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }
+ prefixVals := prefixArray.Values()
+ prefixOffset := 0
+ arrayEnum, _ := subject.ArrayEnumerator()
+ for arrayEnum.MoveNext() {
+ if prefixOffset < prefixArray.Count() && arrayEnum.Current().Equal(prefixVals[prefixOffset]) {
+ prefixOffset++
+ if prefixOffset == prefixArray.Count() {
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }
+ }
+ return rel.NewBool(true)
+// Check if array subject ends with suffix.
+func arrayHasSuffix(suffix rel.Value, subject rel.Array) rel.Value {
+ suffixArray := convert2Array(suffix)
+ if !suffixArray.IsTrue() && subject.IsTrue() {
+ return rel.NewBool(true)
+ }
+ if subject.Count() < suffixArray.Count() {
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }
+ subjectVals := subject.Values()
+ suffixVals := suffixArray.Values()
+ suffixOffset := suffixArray.Count() - 1
+ for _, val := range subjectVals[subject.Count()-1:] {
+ if suffixOffset > -1 && val.Equal(suffixVals[suffixOffset]) {
+ suffixOffset--
+ if suffixOffset == -1 {
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ return rel.NewBool(false)
+ }
+ }
+ return rel.NewBool(true)
+func convert2Array(val rel.Value) rel.Array {
+ switch val := val.(type) {
+ case rel.Array:
+ return val
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ valArray, _ := rel.AsArray(val)
+ return valArray
+ }
+ panic("it supports types rel.Array and rel.GenericSet only.")
+// Searches array sub in subject and return the first indedx if found, or return -1.
+// It is brute force approach, can be improved later if it is necessary.
+// Case: subject=[1,2,3,4], sub=[2], return 1
+// Case: subject=[1,2,3,4], sub=[2,3], return 1
+// Case: subject=[1,2,3,4], sub=[2,5], return -1
+func search(subject, sub []rel.Value) int {
+ subjectOffset, subOffset := 0, 0
+ for ; subjectOffset < len(subject); subjectOffset++ {
+ if subOffset < len(sub) && subject[subjectOffset].Equal(sub[subOffset]) {
+ subOffset++
+ } else {
+ if subOffset > 0 && subOffset < len(sub) {
+ subOffset = 0
+ subjectOffset--
+ }
+ }
+ if subOffset == len(sub) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if subjectOffset < len(subject) {
+ // see len(sub) > 1
+ return (subjectOffset + 1) - len(sub)
+ }
+ return -1
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_bytes_helper.go b/syntax/std_seq_bytes_helper.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f79f1c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_bytes_helper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package syntax
+import (
+ "strings"
+ "github.com/arr-ai/arrai/rel"
+// Joins byte array joiner to subject.
+func bytesJoin(joiner, subject rel.Bytes) rel.Value {
+ result := make([]byte, 0, subject.Count())
+ for index, e := range subject.Bytes() {
+ if index > 0 && index < subject.Count() {
+ result = append(result, joiner.Bytes()...)
+ }
+ result = append(result, e)
+ }
+ return rel.NewBytes(result)
+// Splits byte array subject by delimiter.
+func bytesSplit(delimiter rel.Value, subject rel.Bytes) rel.Value {
+ var splitted []string
+ switch delimiter := delimiter.(type) {
+ case rel.Bytes:
+ splitted = strings.Split(subject.String(), delimiter.String())
+ case rel.GenericSet:
+ splitted = strings.Split(subject.String(), mustAsString(delimiter))
+ }
+ result := make([]rel.Value, 0, len(splitted))
+ for _, s := range splitted {
+ result = append(result, rel.NewBytes([]byte(s)).(rel.Value))
+ }
+ return rel.NewArray(result...)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_contains_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_contains_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ce8b86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_contains_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+package syntax
+import "testing"
+func TestStrContains(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains("A", "A")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `, `//seq.contains("", "this is a test") `)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `, `//seq.contains("is a test", "this is a test") `)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains("is not a test", "this is a test")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains("a is", "this is a test")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains("", "A")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains("A", "")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains("", "")`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.contains(1, "ABC")`, "")
+func TestArrayContains(t *testing.T) { //nolint:dupl
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['A'],['A', 'D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['E'],['A','C','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['C'],['B','C','D'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['L','M','N'],['L','M','N','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['B','C'],['T','B','C','X','Y'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['C','D','E'],['1','3','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['A1','B1','C1','D1','E1'],['A1','B1','C1','D1','E1'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains(['B1','C2','E3'],['A','B1','C2','D','E3'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains(['A2','B3','C4','E5'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains(['A','B','C','D','E','F'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['A1','B2','C3'], ['A', 'A1', 'B2','C3','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains(['B4','C5'],['A', 'A', 'B4','C5','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains([['B1','C1']],[['A', 'B'], ['B1','C1'],['D','E']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains([1,2], [1,2,3,4,5])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains([1,2,3,4,5], [1,2,3,4,5])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains([[1,2],[3,4],[5]], [[1,2],[3,4],[5]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.contains([1], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains([], [1])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.contains([], [])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.contains(1, [1,2,3,4,5])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.contains('A',['A','B','C','D','E'])`, "")
+func TestBytesContains(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ // hello bytes - 104 101 108 108 111
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains(//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains({ |@, @byte| (0, 104)},//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains({ |@, @byte| (0, 111)},//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains({ |@, @byte| (0, 108),(0, 108)},//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains(//unicode.utf8.encode('h'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`,
+ `//seq.contains(//unicode.utf8.encode('A'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.contains(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_join_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_join_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51a8ac0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_join_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package syntax
+import "testing"
+func TestStrJoin(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `""`, `//seq.join(",",[])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this is a test" `, `//seq.join(" ",["this", "is", "a", "test"])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this"`, `//seq.join(",",["this"])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"You and me"`, `//seq.join(" and ",["You", "me"])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"AB"`, `//seq.join("",['A','B'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"Youme"`, `//seq.join("",["You", "me"])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `""`, `//seq.join(",",[])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `",,"`, `//seq.join(",",["", "", ""])`)
+ // It is not supported
+ // AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `""`, `//seq.join("",[])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join("this", 2)`, "")
+func TestArrayJoin(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ // joiner "" is translated to rel.GenericSet
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 0, 5, 6]`, `//seq.join([0], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[2, [3, 4], 0, 5, 6]`, `//seq.join([0], [[2, [3, 4]], [5, 6]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1, 2, 10, 11, 3, 4, 10, 11, 5, 6]`,
+ `//seq.join([10,11], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1, 2], [3, 4], 0, [5, 6], [7, 8]]`,
+ `//seq.join([0], [[[1, 2], [3, 4]],[[5, 6],[7, 8]]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1, 2, [10], [11], 3, 4, [10], [11], 5, 6]`,
+ `//seq.join([[10],[11]], [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1, 2], [3, 4], [0], [1], [5, 6], [7, 8]]`,
+ `//seq.join([[0],[1]], [[[1, 2], [3, 4]],[[5, 6],[7, 8]]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `['AA', 'AB', 'BB', 'AB', 'CC', 'DD']`,
+ `//seq.join(['AB'], [['AA'], ['BB'], ['CC' , 'DD']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `['AA', 'AB', 'BB', ['CC', 'DD']]`,
+ `//seq.join(['AB'], [['AA'], ['BB' ,['CC' , 'DD']]])`)
+ // Test cases the delimiter is []
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1,2]`, `//seq.join([],[[1],[2]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[]`, `//seq.join([],[])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[]`, `//seq.join([1],[])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1, 2, 3, 4]`, `//seq.join([], [[1, 2], [3, 4]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1, 2], 3, 4]`, `//seq.join([], [[[1, 2]], [3, 4]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1, 2], [3, 4], 5]`, `//seq.join([], [[[1, 2]], [[3,4], 5]])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join(1, [1,2,3,4,5])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join('A', [1,2])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join([],[1,2])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join([1],[1,2])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join([0], [1,2,3,4,5])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.join(['A'], ['AT','BB', 'CD'])`, "")
+func TestBytesJoin(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ // joiner "" is translated to rel.GenericSet
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('hhehlhlho')`,
+ `//seq.join({ |@, @byte| (0, 104)},//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `{ |@, @byte| (0, 104), (1, 108), (2, 111), (3, 101), (4, 108), (5, 111),`+
+ `(6, 108), (7, 108), (8, 111), (9, 108), (10, 108), (11, 111), (12, 111) }`,
+ `//seq.join({ |@, @byte| (0, 108), (1, 111)},{ |@, @byte| (0, 104), (1, 101),`+
+ ` (2, 108), (3, 108), (4, 111) })`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('hateatlatlato')`,
+ `//seq.join(//unicode.utf8.encode('at'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('')`,
+ `//seq.join(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('hello')`,
+ `//seq.join(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('')`,
+ `//seq.join(//unicode.utf8.encode('h'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_prefix_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_prefix_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd4395d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_prefix_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package syntax
+import "testing"
+func TestStrPrefix(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix("ABC","ABC")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix("A","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix("AB","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix("BCD","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix("CD","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix("CD","")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix("","ABCD")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix("","")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix("A","")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix("","A")`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.has_prefix(1,"ABC")`, "")
+func TestArrayPrefix(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A'],['A'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B'],['A','B'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B','C'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B','C','D'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(['B'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(['B','C'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B','C','D','E','F'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B','C','D','E','F'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix([1, 2],[1, 2, 3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix([[1, 2]],[[1, 2], [3]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix([], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(['A','B','C','D','E','F'],[])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix([],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.has_prefix(1,[1,2,3])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.has_prefix('A',['A','B','C'])`, "")
+func TestBytesPrefix(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('h'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('he'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('e'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('l'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('o'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('h'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('he'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `,
+ `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode('o'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_prefix(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_split_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_split_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42b94684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_split_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+package syntax
+import "testing"
+func TestStrSplit(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[], "B", "CD"] `, `//seq.split("A","ABACD")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["ABAC", []] `, `//seq.split("D","ABACD")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["this", "is", "a", "test"]`, `//seq.split(" ","this is a test") `)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["this is a test"] `, `//seq.split(",","this is a test") `)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["th", " ", " a test"] `, `//seq.split("is","this is a test")`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.split(1, "this is a test")`, "")
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `["t", "h", "i", "s", " ", "i", "s", " ", "a", " ", "t", "e", "s", "t"]`,
+ `//seq.split("","this is a test")`)
+ // As https://github.com/arr-ai/arrai/issues/268, `{}`, `[]` and `""` means empty set in arr.ai
+ // And the intent for //seq.split is to return an array, so it should be expressed as such.
+ // `""` -> empty string, `[]` -> empty array and `{}` -> empty set
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[]`, `//seq.split("","") `)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[""]`, `//seq.split(",","") `)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.split(1,"ABC")`, "")
+func TestArraySplit(t *testing.T) { //nolint:dupl
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[['A'], ['B']]`,
+ `//seq.split([],['A', 'B'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[], ['B']]`,
+ `//seq.split(['A'],['A', 'B'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[['A'], []]`,
+ `//seq.split(['B'],['A', 'B'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[],['B'],['C', 'D', 'E']]`,
+ `//seq.split(['A'],['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[['B'],['C'], ['D', 'E']]`,
+ `//seq.split(['A'],['B', 'A', 'C', 'A', 'D', 'E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[['A', 'B', 'C']]`,
+ `//seq.split(['F'],['A', 'B', 'C'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F']]]`,
+ `//seq.split([['F','F']],[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[['A','B']], [['E','F']]]`,
+ `//seq.split([['C','D']],[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[['A','B']], [['E','F'],['G']]]`,
+ `//seq.split([['C','D']],[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F'], ['G']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[['A','B']], [['G']]]`,
+ `//seq.split([['C','D'],['E','F']],[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F'], ['G']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F'], ['G']]]`,
+ `//seq.split([['C','D'],['E','T']],[['A','B'], ['C','D'], ['E','F'], ['G']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[],[2,3]]`, `//seq.split([1],[1, 2, 3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1,2],[]]`, `//seq.split([3],[1, 2, 3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1],[3]]`, `//seq.split([2],[1, 2, 3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[[1,2]],[[5,6]]]`, `//seq.split([[3,4]],[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[[1,2]], [[3,4]]]`, `//seq.split([],[[1,2], [3,4]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[['A'],['B'],['A']]`, `//seq.split([],['A', 'B', 'A'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[]`, `//seq.split([],[])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[]]`, `//seq.split(['A'],[])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.split(1,[1,2,3])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.split('A',['A','B'])`, "")
+func TestBytesSplit(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ // hello bytes - 104 101 108 108 111
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `[//unicode.utf8.encode('y'),//unicode.utf8.encode('e'),//unicode.utf8.encode('s')]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode(""),//unicode.utf8.encode("yes"))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `[//unicode.utf8.encode("this"), //unicode.utf8.encode("is"),`+
+ ` //unicode.utf8.encode("a"), //unicode.utf8.encode("test")]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode(" "),//unicode.utf8.encode("this is a test"))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `[//unicode.utf8.encode("this is a test")]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode("get"),//unicode.utf8.encode("this is a test"))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[], //unicode.utf8.encode("B"), //unicode.utf8.encode("CD")]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode("A"),//unicode.utf8.encode("ABACD"))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[//unicode.utf8.encode("ABAC"), []]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode("D"),//unicode.utf8.encode("ABACD"))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `//unicode.utf8.encode("")`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode(""),//unicode.utf8.encode(""))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `[//unicode.utf8.encode("A"),//unicode.utf8.encode("B"),//unicode.utf8.encode("C")]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode(""),//unicode.utf8.encode("ABC"))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
+ `[//unicode.utf8.encode("")]`,
+ `//seq.split(//unicode.utf8.encode(","),//unicode.utf8.encode(""))`)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_sub_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_sub_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9107d111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_sub_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+package syntax
+import "testing"
+func TestStrSub(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `" BC"`, `//seq.sub( "A", " ","ABC")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this is not a test"`, `//seq.sub("aaa", "is", "this is not a test")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this is a test"`, `//seq.sub("is not", "is", "this is not a test")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this is a test"`, `//seq.sub("not ", "","this is not a test")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"t1his is not1 a t1est1"`, `//seq.sub("t", "t1","this is not a test")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this is still a test"`,
+ `//seq.sub( "doesn't matter", "hello there","this is still a test")`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.sub("hello there", "test", 1)`, "")
+ /////////////////
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `""`, `//seq.sub( "","", "")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"A"`, `//seq.sub( "","A", "")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `""`, `//seq.sub( "A","", "")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"ABC"`, `//seq.sub( "","", "ABC")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"EAEBECE"`, `//seq.sub( "", "E","ABC")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"BC"`, `//seq.sub( "A", "","ABC")`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.sub(1,'B','BCD')`, "")
+func TestArraySub(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `['T', 'B', 'T', 'C', 'D', 'E']`,
+ `//seq.sub(['A'], ['T'], ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[['A', 'B'], ['T','C'],['A','D']]`,
+ `//seq.sub([['A','C']], [['T','C']], [['A', 'B'], ['A','C'],['A','D']])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[2, 2, 3]`, `//seq.sub([1], [2], [1, 2, 3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1,1], [4,4], [3,3]]`, `//seq.sub([[2,2]], [[4,4]], [[1,1], [2,2], [3,3]])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.sub(1,'B',[1,2,3])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.sub(1,'B',['A','B','C'])`, "")
+func TestArraySubEdgeCases(t *testing.T) {
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[]`, `//seq.sub( [],[], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1]`, `//seq.sub( [],[1], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1,2]`, `//seq.sub( [],[1,2], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1,2]]`, `//seq.sub( [],[[1,2]], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[]`, `//seq.sub( [1],[], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1,2,3]`, `//seq.sub( [],[], [1,2,3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[1,2],3]`, `//seq.sub( [],[], [[1,2],3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[4,1,4,2,4,3,4]`, `//seq.sub( [], [4],[1,2,3])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[4,[1,2],4,[3,4],4]`, `//seq.sub( [], [4],[[1,2],[3,4]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[[4],[1,2],[4],[3,4],[4]]`, `//seq.sub( [], [[4]],[[1,2],[3,4]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `[1,3]`, `//seq.sub([2], [],[1,2,3])`)
+func TestBytesSub(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ // hello bytes - 104 101 108 108 111
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('oello')`,
+ `//seq.sub({ |@, @byte| (0, 104)},{ |@, @byte| (0, 111)},//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('hehho')`,
+ `//seq.sub({ |@, @byte| (0, 108)},{ |@, @byte| (0, 104)},//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ ///////////////////
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('')`,
+ `//seq.sub(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('')`,
+ `//seq.sub(//unicode.utf8.encode('a'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('a')`,
+ `//seq.sub(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('a'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('hello')`,
+ `//seq.sub(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('ello')`,
+ `//seq.sub(//unicode.utf8.encode('h'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `//unicode.utf8.encode('thtetltltot')`,
+ `//seq.sub(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('t'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_suffix_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_suffix_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc1b4a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_suffix_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package syntax
+import "testing"
+func TestStrSuffix(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix("ABCDE","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix("E","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix("DE","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix("CD", "ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix("D","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix("D","")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix("","")`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix("","ABCDE")`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.has_suffix(1,"ABC")`, "")
+func TestArraySuffix(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(['A','B'],['A','B'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(['E'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(['E'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix( ['D','E'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(['D'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(['C','D'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(['A','B','C','D','E','F'],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix([3, 4],[1 ,2, 3, 4])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix([3, 4],[[1 ,2], 3, 4])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix([3, 4],[3, 4])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix([[3, 4]],[[1 ,2], [3, 4]])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix([],['A','B','C','D','E'])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix([], [])`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(['D','E'],[])`)
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.has_suffix(1,[1,2])`, "")
+ AssertCodeErrors(t, `//seq.has_suffix('A',['A','B'])`, "")
+func TestBytesSuffix(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Parallel()
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`,
+ `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('o'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('lo'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('e'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('ell'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('h'),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode('o'),//unicode.utf8.encode(''))`)
+ AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true`, `//seq.has_suffix(//unicode.utf8.encode(''),//unicode.utf8.encode('hello'))`)
diff --git a/syntax/std_seq_test.go b/syntax/std_seq_test.go
index b171cd84..21ef808e 100644
--- a/syntax/std_seq_test.go
+++ b/syntax/std_seq_test.go
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package syntax
-import "testing"
+import (
+ "testing"
func TestSeqConcat(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/syntax/std_str.go b/syntax/std_str.go
index c98fc2f9..d6833073 100644
--- a/syntax/std_str.go
+++ b/syntax/std_str.go
@@ -71,47 +71,11 @@ var (
func stdStr() rel.Attr {
return rel.NewTupleAttr("str",
- createNestedFuncAttr("contains", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
- return rel.NewBool(strings.Contains(mustAsString(args[0]), mustAsString(args[1])))
- }),
rel.NewAttr("expand", stdStrExpand),
- createNestedFuncAttr("has_prefix", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
- return rel.NewBool(strings.HasPrefix(mustAsString(args[0]), mustAsString(args[1])))
- }),
- createNestedFuncAttr("has_suffix", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
- return rel.NewBool(strings.HasPrefix(mustAsString(args[0]), mustAsString(args[1])))
- }),
- createNestedFuncAttr("join", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
- strs := args[0].(rel.Set)
- toJoin := make([]string, 0, strs.Count())
- for i, ok := strs.(rel.Set).ArrayEnumerator(); ok && i.MoveNext(); {
- toJoin = append(toJoin, mustAsString(i.Current()))
- }
- return rel.NewString([]rune(strings.Join(toJoin, mustAsString(args[1]))))
- }),
createNestedFuncAttr("lower", 1, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
return rel.NewString([]rune(strings.ToLower(mustAsString(args[0]))))
rel.NewAttr("repr", stdStrRepr),
- createNestedFuncAttr("split", 2, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
- splitted := strings.Split(mustAsString(args[0]), mustAsString(args[1]))
- vals := make([]rel.Value, 0, len(splitted))
- for _, s := range splitted {
- vals = append(vals, rel.NewString([]rune(s)))
- }
- return rel.NewArray(vals...)
- }),
- createNestedFuncAttr("sub", 3, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
- return rel.NewString(
- []rune(
- strings.ReplaceAll(
- mustAsString(args[0]),
- mustAsString(args[1]),
- mustAsString(args[2]),
- ),
- ),
- )
- }),
createNestedFuncAttr("title", 1, func(args ...rel.Value) rel.Value {
return rel.NewString([]rune(strings.Title(mustAsString(args[0]))))
diff --git a/syntax/std_str_test.go b/syntax/std_str_test.go
index 878623bf..eb39fcd7 100644
--- a/syntax/std_str_test.go
+++ b/syntax/std_str_test.go
@@ -4,31 +4,6 @@ import (
-func TestStrSub(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
- `"this is a test"`,
- `//str.sub("this is not a test", "is not", "is")`)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
- `"this is a test"`,
- `//str.sub("this is not a test", "not ", "")`)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
- `"this is still a test"`,
- `//str.sub("this is still a test", "doesn't matter", "hello there")`)
- AssertCodeErrors(t, `//str.sub("hello there", "test", 1)`, "")
-func TestStrSplit(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t,
- `["t", "h", "i", "s", " ", "i", "s", " ", "a", " ", "t", "e", "s", "t"]`,
- `//str.split("this is a test", "")`)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["this", "is", "a", "test"]`, `//str.split("this is a test", " ") `)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["this is a test"] `, `//str.split("this is a test", ",") `)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `["th", " ", " a test"] `, `//str.split("this is a test", "is")`)
- AssertCodeErrors(t, `//str.split("this is a test", 1)`, "")
func TestStrLower(t *testing.T) {
AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"" `, `//str.lower("") `)
@@ -55,20 +30,3 @@ func TestStrTitle(t *testing.T) {
AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"This Is A Test"`, `//str.title("this is a test")`)
AssertCodeErrors(t, `//str.title(123)`, "")
-func TestStrContains(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `, `//str.contains("this is a test", "") `)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `true `, `//str.contains("this is a test", "is a test") `)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `false`, `//str.contains("this is a test", "is not a test")`)
- AssertCodeErrors(t, `//str.contains(123, 124)`, "")
-func TestStrJoin(t *testing.T) {
- t.Parallel()
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"" `, `//str.join([], ",") `)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `",," `, `//str.join(["", "", ""], ",") `)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this is a test" `, `//str.join(["this", "is", "a", "test"], " ")`)
- AssertCodesEvalToSameValue(t, `"this" `, `//str.join(["this"], ",") `)
- AssertCodeErrors(t, `//str.join("this", 2)`, "")
diff --git a/syntax/test_helpers.go b/syntax/test_helpers.go
index ae051fc7..f44f9eb9 100644
--- a/syntax/test_helpers.go
+++ b/syntax/test_helpers.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package syntax
import (
+ "fmt"
@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@ func AssertCodeErrors(t *testing.T, code, errString string) bool {
if assert.NoError(t, err, "parsing code: %s", code) {
codeExpr := pc.CompileExpr(ast)
_, err := codeExpr.Eval(rel.EmptyScope)
+ if err == nil {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("the code `%s` didn't generate any error", code))
+ }
assert.EqualError(t, errors.New(err.Error()[:len(errString)]), errString)
return false