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Releases: art-institute-of-chicago/data-aggregator

Improvements to unit test and API documentation

07 Jan 20:37
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Update documentation and changes to support website email triggers

20 Dec 18:02
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  • Add source dates to web endpoints [WEB-1445]
  • Update README
  • Add trigger for sending test email in third-party system [WEB-1445]

Minor tweaks to support changes in source systems

09 Dec 18:45
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  • Update fields on import from mobile to reflect their changed JSON structure [WEB-1431]
  • Create a command-line report listing artists that don't show any works in a Most Similar query [WEB-1416]
  • Dependency package security updates

Minor enhancements for data served to anonymous users

25 Nov 15:56
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  • Reduce per-page limit down to 100 for anonymous users [WEB-1382, WEB-1365]
  • Remove per-page limit for authenticated users [WEB-1382, WEB-1365]
  • Refactor logic for parsing include parameter to provide more consistent behavior [WEB-979]
  • Fix bug causing null fields in Exhibitions anonymous, non-search responses [WEB-1419]


20 Jun 03:22
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1.0-beta2 – Minor enhancements, code cleanup and reorganization

  • Refactor deletes from LAKE so they can run every five minutes instead of hourly
  • Move titles into all listing endpoints, where previously they were only indexed in search
  • Add CDN in front of API
  • Add alt_text to thumbnail block of all resources


  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • has_multimedia_resources - Added, whether this artwork has any associated microsites, digital publications, or documents tagged as multimedia
    • has_educational_resources - Added, whether this artwork has any documents tagged as educational
    • theme_titles - Added, the names of all thematic publish categories related to this artwork


  • Add fields to support
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • is_admission_required - Added, whether admission to the museum is required to attend this event
    • ticketed_event_id - Added, unique identifier of the event in the ticketing system this website event is tied to
    • survey_url - Added, URL to the survey associated with this event
    • email_series - Added, the email series associated with this event
    • door_time - Added, the time the doors open for this event


16 May 02:11
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1.0-beta1 – Final cleanup before beta and bug fixes

  • Upgrade to Laravel 5.6
  • Unpublished all documentation
  • Performance improvements to artwork endpoints
  • Add hourly command to delete unpublished collections data
  • Refactor transformations from source systems into a shared code set to reduce duplication
  • Add functional tests to monitor artwork search behavior
  • Clean up duplication in casting model value types
  • Update models when related records are updated. E.g., update artwork is_on_view when the gallery is_closed flag is updated.
  • Standardize how source dates are output in the API
  • Add info and config block to the bottom of each request, to convert version number and URLs needed to use paths that reference other systems


  • Output fiscal_year values
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • technique_id - Added, unique identifier of the preferred technique term for this work
    • alt_technique_ids – Added, unique identifiers of all other non-preferred technique terms for this work
    • technique_titles – Added, the names of all technique terms related to this artwork
  • The following includes are now available in the /artworks endpoint:
    • catalogue_pivots – Renamed from catalogues to more accurately reflect what it returns


  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • alt_text – Added, alternative text for the asset to describe it to people with low or no vision
    • copyright_notice - Added, statement notifying how the asset is protected by copyright. Applies to the asset itself, not artwork it may be related to.


  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • copy – Renamed from content to more accurately name its content


  • artwork-dates – Removed due to lack of use cases for accessing or searching this data directly
  • artwork-dates/{id}
  • pages – Deprecated from the Web CMS API
  • pages/{id}


  • A number of new resources types have been made available in the Web CMS, and we've added corresponding endpoints in the Data Hub:
    • generic-pages
    • generic-pages/{id}
    • press-releases
    • press-releases/{id}
    • research-guides
    • research-guides/{id}
    • educator-resources
    • educator-resources/{id}
    • digital-catalogs
    • digital-catalogs/{id}
    • printed-catalogs
    • printed-catalogs/{id}


04 May 19:44
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0.13 - Tweak search and filters

  • Refactor CategoryTerm to store all their data in the same table and use scope models to make distinctions between the two, rather than combining the table data in a view
  • Make website pageviews influence relevancy score in artwork search
  • Add technique term fields


  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • technique_ids - Added, unique identifiers of all technique terms for this work
    • artist_title - Added, names of the preferred artist/culture associated with this work
    • date_dates - Removed, replaced with the dates include added in 0.12, as this list doesn't provide any of the pivot fields (preferred, start date, end date, date type qualifier, etc)
    • link_ids - Removed, as a link is not a unique resource but is represented by the content field on assets


  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • term_id - Removed, as this is duplicating the id field
    • category_id - Removed, as this is duplicating the id field
    • term_type_id - Removed, replaced with subtype, since this list is short and very static
    • subtype - Added, takes one of the following values: classification, material, technique, style, subject, department, theme


  • Added content.keyword field to search, for filtering assets with URLs
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • is_multimedia_resource - Added, whether this resource is considered to be multimedia
    • is_educational_resource - Added, whether this resource is considered to be educational
    • is_teacher_resource - Added, whether this resource is considered to be educational


  • Links have been removed from the API entirely, as a link is not a unique resource but is represented by the content field on assets.
  • Term types models have been removed and replaced with a static string list
  • Removed /artworks/{id}/terms since it doesn't provide "pivot" information about which terms are preferred
  • These endpoints have been removed:
    • /links
    • /links/{id}
    • /links/{id}/pull
    • /term-types
    • /term-types/{id}
    • /term-types/{id}/pull
    • /artworks/{id}/terms


04 May 19:44
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0.12 - Finish integration with new collections data

  • Add and fill in the final round of collections data integration
  • Further refactor import commands for consistency


  • Add Materials terms
  • Replace production-quality faked terms with real data
  • Reformat department_id to follow same conventions as /categories IDs, since departments are a subset of category records. (E.g., PC-##)
  • Add *.keyword fields to Elasticsearch for all *_title[s] fields
  • Add *_ids fields to provide all IDs of fields that are split between preferred and alternate fields
  • Fill in multiple titles per artwork
  • Fill in multiple images per artwork
  • Fill in multiple agents per artwork
  • Fill in multiple places per artwork
  • Fill in multiple assets per artwork
  • Fill in multiple dates per artwork
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • alt_classification_ids - Renamed from alt_classificaiton_ids to correct type
    • material_id - Added, unique identifier of the preferred material term for this work
    • alt_material_ids - Added, unique identifiers of all other non-preferred material terms for this work
    • material_ids - Added, unique identifiers of all material terms for this work
    • material_titles - Added, the names of all material terms related to this artwork
    • artist_ids - Added, unique identifier of all artist/cultures associated with this work
    • style_ids - Added, unique identifiers of all style terms for this work
    • classification_ids - Added, unique identifiers of all classification terms for this work
    • subject_ids - Added, unique identifiers of all subject terms for this work
  • The following includes are now available in the /artworks endpoint:
    • artist_pivots - Provides metadata about the agents in the artists include, e.g., role, preferred, etc.
    • place_pivots
    • dates - While not new, this include has now been filled in with data


  • Note which assets should be made available in multimedia, educational resources, etc.
  • Added /assets/search that targets images, videos, sounds, and texts
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • content - Added, text of URL of the contents of this asset
    • is_multimedia_resource - Added, whether this resource is considered to be multimedia
    • is_educational_resource - Added, whether this resource is considered to be educational
    • is_teacher_resource - Added, whether this resource is considered to be educational


  • Added installation shots and PDFs related to exhibitions
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • image_iiif_url - Removed, in favor of clients creating the URL based on image_id
    • alt_image_ids - Added, Unique identifiers of all non-preferred images of this exhibition.
    • document_ids - Added, Unique identifiers of assets that serve as documentation for this exhibition


  • Replace production-quality fake terms data with real data
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • type - Removed, term_type_id takes its place
    • term_type_id - Added, unique identifier of term type


  • Make tours findable by the artwork and artist names of the works included in the tour
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • artwork_titles - Added, names of the artworks featured in this tour's tour stops
    • artist_titles - Added, names of the artists of the artworks featured in this tour's tour stops
    • tour_stop_titles - Removed, artwork_titles takes its place


  • Make note of whether a shop product is currently available on their website
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • is_active - Added, whether this product is currently available on the shop website


  • The following endpoints have been added:
    • agent-roles
    • agent-roles/{id}
    • artwork-place-qualifiers
    • artwork-place-qualifiers/{id}
    • artwork-dates
    • artwork-dates/{id}
    • artwork-date-qualifiers
    • artwork-date-qualifiers/{id}
    • term-types
    • term-types/{id}


  • /artworks - date_dates - Replaced with the dates include, as this list doesn't provide any of the pivot fields (preferred, start date, end date, date type qualifier, etc)
  • /links - These entire endpoints will be removed, as a link is not a unique resource but is represented by the content field on assets
  • /links/{id}
  • /links/{id}/pull
  • /artworks - link_ids


04 May 19:41
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0.11 - Integrate Web CMS content and adjust search for the Mobile App

  • Make adjustments to search behavior for the Mobile app
  • Automatically generate Swagger documentation to keep it in-line with the codebase
  • Move fake model behavior to a reusable trait
  • Add endpoints to allow source systems to let Data Hub know when a single record has been updated, to accommodate real-time updates. Only the Web CMS and Collections endpoints are set up to be able to use this functionality.
  • Add job queue for asynchronous processing of tasks
  • Import content from Web CMS and schedule incremental imports every five minutes
  • Refactor import commands to reduce duplication


  • Provide relationship to documents, which are assets that are about artworks, as opposed to images which are of artworks
  • Remove copyright representative from API
  • The following modifications have been made to the API schema:
    • medium_display - Renamed from medium to make room for medium-type terms, for filtering
    • is_highlighted_in_mobile – Removed, since it's unused by mobile and doesn't influence is_boosted logic
    • copyright_representative_ids – Removed, since our website designs don't require us to pull this data
    • copyright_representative_titles – Removed, since our website designs don't require us to pull this data
    • image_iiif_url – Removed, in favor of clients using image_id with any of the LAKE image servers
    • document_ids – Added, an array of assets that are about the work, as opposed to images which are of a work


  • Clean up extra HTML styling tags and attributes from descriptions


  • Display image_url as ImgIX URL instead of image on Shop website


  • Parse out description text and main image from article content


  • As part of new functionality to provide an opportunity for source systems to let us know about content updates, the following endpoints have been added:
    • /artworks/{id}/pull
    • /agents/{id}/pull
    • /venues/{id}/pull
    • /agent-places/{id}/pull
    • /artwork-catalogues/{id}/pull
    • /departments/{id}/pull
    • /artwork-types/{id}/pull
    • /categories/{id}/pull
    • /agent-types/{id}/pull
    • /places/{id}/pull
    • /galleries/{id}/pull
    • /exhibitions/{id}/pull
    • /assets/{id}/pull
    • /images/{id}/pull
    • /videos/{id}/pull
    • /links/{id}/pull
    • /sounds/{id}/pull
    • /texts/{id}/pull
    • /catalogues/{id}/pull
    • /terms/{id}/pull
    • /tags/{id}/pull
    • /locations/{id}/pull
    • /hours/{id}/pull
    • /closures/{id}/pull
    • /web-exhibitions/{id}/pull
    • /events/{id}/pull
    • /articles/{id}/pull
    • /selections/{id}/pull
    • /web-artists/{id}/pull
    • /pages/{id}/pull


04 May 19:34
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0.10.1 - Hotfix to remove ELasticsearch functionality from testing application environment