You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
local map = require("utils").map
local which_key = require("utils").wk_add
-- WARN: Do not touch this table.
extra_which_keys = {}
disable_plugins = {
-- NOTE: These two plugins are for better performance
-- and fixing one of neovim bugs.
impatient = false,
fix_cursor_hold = false,
-- NOTE: Many plugins use this plugin as a dependency.
-- I suggest to not remove this plugins.
plenary = false,
-- NOTE: These plugins are colorscheme. By default only
-- enfocado is enabled. you can enable other by changing
-- true to false.
tokyonight = true,
nightfly = false,
moonfly = false,
nord = false,
onedark = false,
nvim_enfocado = false,
-- NOTE: These plugins are for debugging. You can install
-- Some debug servers with dap_install but the list of those
-- Are realy small. You can install debugger by your self and
-- then configure it by your self so you can use nvim_dap and nvim_dap_ui
-- without dap_install
nvim_dap = true,
dap_install = true,
nvim_dap_ui = true,
-- NOTE: these plugins are telescope and telescope extensions. fzf is for
-- better searching experince and you can fuzzy find directories with
-- telescope_find_directories
telescope_fzf_native = true,
telescope_find_directories = true,
telescope = true,
-- NOTE: scrollview is builtin scrollbar for CodeArt and
-- And neoscroll is for scroll animation.
scrollview = false,
neoscroll = false,
-- NOTE: nvim-cmp and luasnip are for code completion.
nvim_cmp = true,
luasnip = true,
friendly_snippets = false,
cmp_buffer = true,
cmp_path = true,
cmp_nvim_lsp = true,
cmp_luasnip = true,
cmp_nvim_lua = true,
nvim_web_devicons = false,
lualine = false,
nvim_bufferline = false,
indent_blankline = false,
better_escape = true, -- For exiting from insert mode with jj and jk
truezen = false,
nvim_tree = true,
treesitter = false,
nvim_colorizer = false,
alpha = false,
nvim_lspconfig = false,
lsp_installer = true,
null_ls = false,
lspsaga = false,
symbols_outline = false,
lsp_signature = false,
toggleterm = false,
fugitive = false,
gitsigns = false,
autopairs = ture,
nvim_ts_autotag = true,
todo_comments = false,
which_key = true,
mkdir = true,
kommentary = false,
ts_context_commentstring = false,
vim_matchup = false,
vim_resize = false,
additional_plugins = {
-- You can put your additional plugins here.
-- Syntax is like normal packer.nvim Syntax.
-- If you need to set some settings for your plugins
-- you must put configs in config = function() like below examples
-- { "famiu/feline.nvim", branch = "develop" },
-- "mhartington/formatter.nvim",
-- { "crispgm/nvim-go", ft = "go" },
-- {
-- "iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim",
-- ft = "markdown",
-- run = ":call mkdp#util#install()",
-- config = function()
-- vim.g.mkdp_auto_close = 0
-- end,
-- },
-- {
-- "andweeb/presence.nvim",
-- config = function()
-- require("presence"):setup({
-- log_level = "info", -- Log messages (one of the following: "debug", "info", "warn", "error")
-- debounce_timeout = 5,
-- blacklist = {}, -- file name, path, or workspace matches
-- })
-- end,
-- },
-- NOTE: here
-- Name of functions is exactly like config file in nvim/lua/plugins directory
-- the only diffrence is if in file name you have hifen(-) here you must
-- replace it with underline.
local config = {
-- null-ls configuration
null_ls = function()
-- Formatting and linting
local status_ok, null_ls = pcall(require, "null-ls")
if not status_ok then
-- Check supported formatters
local formatting = null_ls.builtins.formatting
-- Check supported linters
local diagnostics = null_ls.builtins.diagnostics
debug = false,
sources = {
-- Settings up some linters and code formatters.,
command = "shfmt",
args = {
-- diagnostics.luacheck,
-- This function is for format on save.
-- on_attach = function(client)
-- if client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting then
-- vim.cmd([[
-- augroup LspFormatting
-- autocmd! * <buffer>
-- autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync()
-- augroup END
-- ]])
-- end
-- end,
treesitter = {
highlight = {
enable = true,
other_configs = function()
vim.cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight]]
-- Other settings here
-- For examples for disabling line number:
-- vim.opt.number = false
-- vim.opt.relativenumber = false
-- Or for changing terminal toggle mapping:
-- first argument is mode of mapping. second argument is keymap.
-- third argument is command. and last argument is optional argument like {expr = true}.
-- map("n", "<C-t>", ":ToggleTerm<CR>")
-- map("t", "<C-t>", ":ToggleTerm<CR>")
-- This is example of how to make keymap and add it to
-- which_keys(that pop of window on bottom of NeoVim that help you to find keymaps)
-- This will make new group of keymaps names Something with two commands and they're describtions.
-- with pressing `<leader> + s` you can trigger which keys to show you
-- Something commands. with pressing e it will echo hello on command prompt at the end of NeoVim
-- and with pressing f it will echo Goodbye on command prompt at the end of NeoVim
-- wk_add(
-- {
-- s = {
-- name = "Something",
-- e = { ":echo 'Hello'<CR>", "Echo Hello" },
-- f = { ":echo 'Goodbye'<CR>", "Echo Goodbye" },
-- },
-- },
-- { prefix = "<leader>", mode = "v" } -- mode = "v" means it only works on visual mode.
-- extra_which_keys
-- )
-- user_lualine_style = 1 -- You can choose between predefined 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
-- or you can define your custome seperator like this.
-- first item is for component seperator and second item is
-- for section seperator.
-- user_lualine_style = { { left = " ", right = " " }, { left = "", right = "" } }
-- user_indent_blankline_style = 1 -- You can choose between predefined 1, 2, 3, 4,5 and 6
-- or you can use your favorite character.
-- user_indent_blankline_style = ""
return config
also, when I run :PackerSync, it show this:
what to do?
i am using window 11
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
i open nvim and got this everytime:
my user_setting.lua:
also, when I run :PackerSync, it show this:
what to do?
i am using window 11
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: