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jsusfx_pd - Jesusonic FX for Pure Data

The jsusfx implementation is done through 2 externals called jsfx~ and jsusfx~.


jsfx~ is the runtime object to expose JSFX scripts in pure-data. It expect as object creation argument the script to use that should be in the pd path. Upon object creation, each of the sliders will be exposed as an inlet. Any midi message generated from the script will be sent with the last outlet.

  • To change a slider, send message [slider <slider id> <0..1 value>(; the values are normalized from 0 to 1
  • For un-normalized values, send message [uslider <slider id> <raw value>(
  • Use [midi <midi stream>( to send midi data to script
  • Use [describe( to output the associated sliders
  • Use [dumpvars( to dump the current variables values
  • Use [bypass 0/1( to bypass the effect


jsusfx~ is used for script development and can switch script with the command compile. All the slider parameter are read trought the slider message. At object creation, you can also put the number of inlet/outlet the script is expected to use. If you don't specify it, it will count the number of time in_pin and out_pin is used. Any midi message generated from the script will be sent with the last outlet.

  • To change a slider, send message [slider <slider id> <0..1 value>(; the values are normalized from 0 to 1
  • For un-normalized values, send message [uslider <slider id> <raw value>(
  • Use [midi <midi stream>( to send midi data to script
  • Use [compile( message to recompile your script. Optionally you can specify a new script to compile
  • Use [describe( to output the associated sliders
  • Use [dumpvars( to dump the current variables values
  • Use [bypass 0/1( to bypass the effect

Version 0.4

  • PD Loader support
  • Multi-channel support
  • Native ARM support (Raspberry Pi)
  • Windows build support
  • File API support
  • @import support
  • Midi in/out support
  • Subpatch wrapper generator (see
  • More support of extended sliders
  • Various bug fixes
  • CMake now global build system

Subpatch generator

Since jsusfx_pd doesn't support pd_loader, a Python script can be use to generate a patch based on the content of a JSFX script. This patch can then be used as an abstraction wrapper to ease the integration.

To run the script, run the command below. Once it is done, it should generate a .pd file with same name as the script.

$ python <jsfx script>


  • @gfx, @serialize section is ignored


  • cmake is required to build the external
  • php and nasm is required to build native x86_64 support code
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd jsusfx/pd
$ cmake .
$ make install