Contao is an Open Source PHP Content Management System for people who want a professional website that is easy to maintain. Visit the project website for more information.
Contao 4 has been designed as a Symfony bundle, which can be used to add CMS functionality to any Symfony application. If you do not have an existing Symfony application yet, we recommend using the Contao standard edition as basis for your application.
Edit your composer.json
file and add the following requirement:
"require": {
"contao/core-bundle": "~4.0"
Edit your app/config/config.yml
file and add the following:
# Contao configuration
# Required parameters
prepend_locale: true
encryption_key: "%kernel.secret%"
# Optional parameters
url_suffix: .html
upload_path: files
csrf_token_name: contao_csrf_token
pretty_error_screens: true
error_level: 8183 # E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED
Add the Contao routes to your app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@ContaoCoreBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Add the following entries to your app/config/security.yml
- { resource: "@ContaoCoreBundle/Resources/config/security.yml" }
There is a meta package at contao/contao, which you can require in your
to install all the default bundles at once:
"require": {
"contao/contao": "~4.0"
This is the same as:
"require": {
"contao/calendar-bundle": "~4.0",
"contao/comments-bundle": "~4.0",
"contao/core-bundle": "~4.0",
"contao/faq-bundle": "~4.0",
"contao/listing-bundle": "~4.0",
"contao/news-bundle": "~4.0",
"contao/newsletter-bundle": "~4.0"