- The Game runs on a square grid
- The Players (2 or more) can move along horizontal and vertical lines of the grid
- As the players move along the lines they leave behind a Wall
- Players die if they collide with:
- Boundaries of the grid
- Their own walls
- Other players's walls
- Other players (Both die)
- Player movement:
- Does not stop (always goes straight)
- Is at constant speed
- Can only turn left or right
- Boost:
- Can be activated or deactivated by player
- Increases speed by a constant factor (boost)
- Is limited by a maximum "boost fuel"
- Fuel decays at a constant rate (when used)
- Fuel refills at a constant rate (when not used)
- decay rate > refill rate
- Deactivated when fuel is exhausted
- Winning a round:
- Last player standing
- Variants
- Player wall disappears on death
- Time spent on the board is score
- Points if player dies on your wall
- Wall decays at a constant rate
- Boost is only available when near a player wall
- Pickups -- positive or negative
- ...
- User inputs
- Turn left or right
- Activate or deactivate boost
- Self-destruct
- Client/server
- Client
- Join server with a nick
- Can't join if nick is taken
- Can't join if game is in progress
- Send ready
- Game starts when all players are ready
- Get starting state from server (players - id, position, orientation)
- Get periodic state updates
- Send user inputs
- Game ends
- Results are received
- Player is kicked out, need to rejoin
- (?) Create/join a rooms, etc.
- Join server with a nick
- UI
- The game is visible on every client
- Curses/Slang
- (?) SDL
- (?) Elm on the browser
- Server
- Waits for client joins
- Waits for all clients to send ready
- Starts game with random starting position and orientiation
- Sends periodic state updates to clients
- Receives inputs from clients
- Computes new state
- GOTO 10
- Transport
- (?) Websocket
- Protocol
- Acceptable lag
- Lag = time between input and change in UI
- 30 fps = 33.33 ms
- 60 fps = 16.67 ms
- Around 40 fps of lag is okay?
- Grid is WxH discrete
- Player position is discrete
- There is a 'tick' event generator inside the server.
- Players generate their own events: 'left', 'right'
- These events are linearized into a stream, and processed by the server
- The server computes the new state of the game for each tick event
- The server sends out the state of the game for every tick
For the following grid, p1 is at (1,1) and p2 is at (2,3)
| X-> | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| Y | | | p2 | |
| 0 | | | | |
| 1 | | p1 | | |
| 2 | | | | |
| 3 | | | | |
- Run game engine, accept incoming messages from clients, (generate ticks?)
- [Mut] Reads list of clients, removes clients
- [Chan1] Receive InMessage
- [Chan2] Send OutMessage
- [Chan3] Send ServerSignal
- Accept connections, spawn client Threads
- Threads per client
- Accept messages, enqueue in channel
- Send messages from internal channel
- [Mut] Adds to list of clients
- [Chan1] Send InMessage
- [Chan2] Receive OutMessage
- [Chan3] Receive ServerSignal