This is a list of software I use.
see Brewfile
- 766b.go-outliner
- d-koppenhagen.file-tree-to-text-generator
- darkriszty.markdown-table-prettify
- DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
- deerawan.vscode-dash
- eamodio.gitlens
- golang.Go
- HashiCorp.terraform
- marclipovsky.string-manipulation
- mikestead.dotenv
- mitchdenny.ecdc
- mohsen1.prettify-json
- ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
- ms-toolsai.jupyter
- nmsmith89.incrementor
- qcz.text-power-tools
- redhat.vscode-yaml
- streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
- Tyriar.sort-lines
- vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons
- WakaTime.vscode-wakatime
- wayou.vscode-todo-highlight
- yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
- zxh404.vscode-proto3
- bypass paywalls (source only)
- clearURLS
- decentraleyes
- https everywhere - source
- privacy badger - source
- switch for pihole - source
- terms of service didn't read - source
- ublock origin - source
- buster
- dark reader
- dont fuck with paste - source
- extension manager (aka switcher) - fork
- hacker news ux - source
- just read - source
- nordvpn
- notion web clipper - source
- old reddit redirect - source
- open-in-iina
- Reddit Enhancement Suite - source
- regexp download organizer - source
- rescuetime
- simple-allow-copy - source
- Smile Always
- todoist for chrome
- view image - source
- vimium
- ynab toolkit - source
- contributors-on-github
- enhanced-github
- friendly-github - source
- github code folding - source
- github-awesome-autocomplete
- github-vscode-icons
- hide files on github
- octohint
- octolinker
- octotree - source
- refined-github
- sourcegraph - source
- zenhub for github
Builtins: System commands ie Logout, Sleep ect.. | Clipboard manager
- advanced-google-maps-alfred-workflow?
- alfred-bluetooth-workflow
- alfred-convert
- alfred-fkill
- alfred-pocket
- alfred-sshs
- alfred-vpn
- Alfred-WordSearch
- alfred-workflow-todoist
- alfred-workflows/tree/master/StrongPassword
- dash
- flush-dns-106-110
- moment
- notion-search-alfred-workflow/
- numi
- pocket-alfred
- Preferences -> profile -> keymap -> load presets -> natural typing - gives use of things like ⌥ + ←,→
- add ⌃⌘f | Action: toggle full screen
- add ⌥⇧← | Action: Move Start of Selection Back > Move by Word.
- add ⌥⇧→ | Action: Move End of Selection Forward > Move by Word.
- add ⌥← | Action: Move start of selection back > Move by character.
- add ⌥→ | Action: Move end of selection forward > Move by character.
- add ⌘z | Action: Send Hex Codes >
- add ⇧⌘Z Action: Send Hex Codes >
0x18 0x1f
- Typically not bound in bash, zsh or readline, so we can set it to a unused hexcode which we can then fix in zsh. Stack overflow:
# adds redo $ echo 'bindkey "^X^_" redo' >> ~/.zshrc # reload your .zshrc for changes to take effect $ source ~/.zshrc
- Cursor -> 🔘 Box, ☑️ Blinking Cursor
- Text Rendering -> ☑️ Draw bold text in bold font, ☑️ Italic text, Use thin strokes for anti-aliased text: Always, ☑️ Use built-in Powerline glyphs, ☑️ Enable subpixel anti-aliasing
- Unicde -> ☑️ Use unicde version 9+ widths
- Font -> FiraCode Nerd Font, Regular, 15, ☑️ Use ligatures