The api built using Node.js and Express.js and MongoDB And Flutter for Frontend.
The api not finish yet just The Authentication functionality and CRUD Operation of the Product & Reviews models are implemented, all the routes are fully protected.
The Data was collected manually from Amazon
The Documentation was created with help of Postman check the documentation with examples here
- Searching was done using MongoDB Atlas Search(The $search Aggregation Pipeline Stage) for more info check the documentation with examples here
- The concept of middlewares was used heavily in this project.
- The Frontend for this Api built with flutter, the code for it can be found here
- The CRUD Operation of Order,CartItems,Shipping models.
- Forgot Password & sending verification emails functionalities.
- Sending emails when the product delivered successfully.
- Upload user photo.
all these and more will implemented unitl the next commit.
npm install
# Run in dev mode
npm run dev
# Run in prod mode
npm start
To seed the database with users, products, and reviews with data from the "_data" folder, run
# Destroy all data
node seeder -d
# Import all data
node seeder -i
- Author: Asim Abdalla