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153 lines (96 loc) · 3.38 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (96 loc) · 3.38 KB


  • node ^8.1.4
  • npm ^5.3.0
  • python 3.5
  • solc ^0.4.11
  • Truffle ^3.4.4
  • Testrpc ^4.0.1



This application is divided in two sections, protocol and ui. Protocol folder manage all things related to Ethereum, whereas ui will import protocol as a npm module. This architecture offers a clean separation between front and back.

The UI is built with React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Bootstrap 4, Fusebox, etc.

Run the app with Testrpc and Truffle (recommended way)

At the root level, install all dependencies

npm install

In a separate tab, run testrpc

testrpc [-m yourMnemonic]
or node_modules/.bin/testrpc

In a separate tab, compile and migrate the contracts

cd customModules/protocol
[npm install]
[truffle compile --compile-all]
truffle migrate

Attach a console

truffle console
or geth attach http://localhost:8545

Serve the app

npm run dev

=> Go to http://localhost:8085/

Run UI tests (using Jest)

npm run testUI

Run Smart Contract tests (using Mocha and Chai under the hood)

npm run testProtocol

If you work on the protocol, you may want to use npm link to avoid reinstalling the lib at each change.

npm run linkprotocol

Run the app with Geth

Launch the Geth node

geth --dev --rpc --rpcapi 'web3,eth,debug' --rpccorsdomain="*" --datadir /tmp/ethereum_dev_mode

To load the auto setup

geth --dev --preload autoSetupForGeth.js attach ipc:/tmp/ethereum_dev_mode/geth.ipc

Prepare contracts to be deployed, with python, based on a template


npm run compile

which is equivalent to

cd ./protocol/customDeploy
python3.5 ../contracts/Owned.sol
python3.5 ../contracts/Dao1901Members.sol
python3.5 ../contracts/Dao1901Votes.sol

Three files are created (one per contracts)

Then you need to do the following boilerplate stuff, either using autoSetup or manually

Auto Setup for Geth

In the geth console, load script "autoSetupForGeth.js" It will:

  • create 3 accounts if not already 3 (alias name alice, bob, carol)
  • run the miner (2 CPU)
  • load contract deployment functions

then deploy contracts

var Dao1901Members = deployDao1901Members();
// when Dao1901Members is mined
var Dao1901Votes = deployDao1901Votes(Dao1901Members.address);

then serve the app

npm run start

The manual way with Geth

In the geth console

// check if accounts exists
// create account if no one exists
// it will set eth.coinbase automatically
// check eth.coinbase
// unlock your account
personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], "", 3600);

run the miner


Deploy the contracts

load the Dao1901Members deploy function and run it

var Dao1901Members = deployDao1901Members();

Wait Dao1901Members to be mined, then: same for Dao1901Votes

var Dao1901Votes = deployDao1901Votes(Dao1901Members.address);

Wait Dao1901Votes to be mined

Type exit to quit the console