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Alessandro Strada edited this page Feb 28, 2024 · 14 revisions

First, you must set up OAuth 2.0:

  1. Activate the Google Drive API.
  2. Create an OAuth client ID.
  3. Choose Web Application as Application type.
  4. Set the Name to anything you like.
  5. Add http://localhost to the Authorized redirect URIs.

This way you will get a Client ID and Client secret that you can use to access your Drive. To authorize google-drive-ocamlfuse, pass the client ID and the client secret on the command line, e.g.:

google-drive-ocamlfuse -id -secret XXX-YYY-ZZZ

This command will create the default application directory (~/.gdfuse/default), containing the configuration file config (see the wiki page for more details about configuration). And it will start a web browser to obtain authorization to access your Google Drive. This way, you can modify the default configuration before mounting the filesystem.

Then, you can choose a local directory to mount your Google Drive (e.g.: ~/GoogleDrive).

Create the mount point, if it doesn't exists:

mkdir ~/GoogleDrive

Then, you can mount the filesystem:

google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/GoogleDrive

If you have more than one account, you can run:

google-drive-ocamlfuse -label [label] ~/GoogleDrive

Using label to distinguish different accounts. The program will use the directory ~/.gdfuse/[label] to host the configuration, the application state, and the file cache. No file is shared among different accounts, so you can have a different configuration for each one.

To unmount the filesystem, issue this command:

fusermount -u ~/GoogleDrive


Run google-drive-ocamlfuse -help to get all the command options available. To find more details about -o mount options, you can refer to this page. Non-standard mount option gdfroot can be used to specify a custom path to the configuration directory (default is $HOME/.gdfuse).

Since 0.7.5

-docsmode: This option can be used to quickly set Google Docs config options. Supported values are:

  • libreoffice: sets
    • download_docs=true
    • document_format=odt
    • drawing_format=png
    • form_format=zip
    • presentation_format=odp
    • spreadsheet_format=ods
    • apps_script_format=json
  • msoffice: sets
    • download_docs=true
    • document_format=docx
    • drawing_format=png
    • form_format=zip
    • presentation_format=pptx
    • spreadsheet_format=xlsx
    • apps_script_format=json
  • desktop: sets
    • download_docs=true
    • document_format=desktop
    • drawing_format=desktop
    • form_format=desktop
    • presentation_format=desktop
    • spreadsheet_format=desktop
    • apps_script_format=desktop
  • off: sets
    • download_docs=false

Since 0.7.11

  • -serviceaccountpath: This option can be used to specify the path of the JSON file containing the credentials of a service account
  • -serviceaccountuser: This option can be used to specify the email of a G Suite user to impersonate (with the service account specified by the -serviceaccountpath option)

Since 0.7.12

  • -log_to: Specifies where the logs are going to be written. It can be stdout, stderr, or an absolute path
  • -scope: Specifies a custom Drive API scope
  • -redirect_uri: Specifies a custom redirect_uri for the OAuth2 flow

Since 0.7.13

Since 0.7.32

  • -port: This option can be used to specify a port for the embedded HTTP server, that will receive the verification code from Google during authorization. The default is 8080.
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