So I was trying to shuffle the array in
and googled "randomized array order javascript" -
top 2 results were pretty interesting, and I learnt a bit about why the best random shuffle is not just random but "equally random"
Who knew that Mathematic functions had socialist leanings 😉
- Really strange bug where some of the builds were passing in travis-ci.org but failing in travis-ci.com
- See this PR for more info
- Turns out the issue might have been that the travis-ci.com builds didn't have the correct environment variables so the netlify-ci builds were "opening the browser" for authentication and obviously since this is happening in the ci server it was waiting indefinetely
- Fix was to add the site id and authentication toke environment variables
- Travis won't let us deploy pull requests so I used this script to deploy with netlify
- Created some basic landing page tests and automate the deployment to Netlify using travis ci