JAVA compiler implementation in python for x86-64 architecture using PLY (Python-Lex-Yacc)
Quickstart: run make ARG=test_number to run Can instead use make dev ARG=test_number to generate verbose outputs and complete parse tree To view the generated parse tree/ast use make graph
Further instructions file report to execute the compiler can be found in /doc
- Harshit Raj (200433)
- Kumar Arpit (200532)
- Akshan Agrawal (180061)
- Course Project for CS335A (Compiler Design) at IIT Kanpur
- 2022-23 Spring Semester
- Instructor: Prof. Swarnendu Biswas
- TA: Mr. Dinkar Tewary
- Milestone 1: Lexer and Parser
- Milestone 2: Symbol Table, Type Checking and Three Address Code Generation
- Milestone 3: Memory Allocation
- Milestone 4: Code Generation
Marks obtained in each milestone:
- Milestone 1: 95%
- Milestone 2: 100%
- Milestone 3: 90%
- Milestone 4: 100%
- Bonus Milestone: 100%
Overall: 97%