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This repository contains code for the PhD thesis: "A Study of Self-training Variants for Semi-supervised Image Classification" and publications.

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This repository contains code for the PhD thesis: ["A Study of Self-training Variants for Semi-supervised Image Classification"] ( and publications.

  1. Sahito A., Frank E., Pfahringer B. (2019) Semi-supervised Learning Using Siamese Networks. In: Liu J., Bailey J. (eds) AI 2019: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AI 2019 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11919. Springer, Cham. DOI:978-3-030-35288-2_47
  2. Sahito A., Frank E., Pfahringer B. (2020) Transfer of Pretrained Model Weights Substantially Improves Semi-supervised Image Classification. In: Gallagher M., Moustafa N., Lakshika E. (eds) AI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AI 2020 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12576. Springer, Cham. DOI:978-3-030-64984-5_34
  3. Sahito, A., Frank, E., Pfahringer, B. (2022). Better Self-training for Image Classification Through Self-supervision. In: Long, G., Yu, X., Wang, S. (eds) AI 2021: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. AI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13151. Springer, Cham DOI:978-3-030-97546-3_52

Getting started

Start with cloning the repo:

git clone
cd self-training/

Environment setup

For creating a conda environment, the yml file tf.yml is provided for replicating the setup.

conda env create -f tf.yml
conda activate tf

Data preparation

MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, SVHN, and CIFAR-10 datasets are loaded using TensorFlow datasets. package, which can be installed using pip:

pip install tensorflow_datasets

By default, tensorflow_datasets package will save datasets at ~/ tensorflow_datasets/ directory.

For PlantVillage dataset [1] please follow instructions at plant-disease-dataset. The downloaded files are expected to be saved in the data/ directory.

Repository Structure

Here is a brief overview of the repository.

-config/: contains sample configurations file for running various experiments.

-data_utils/: provides helper functions for loading datasets, details of datasets like the number of initially labelled examples: n_label, selection percentage of pseudo-labels for each iteration of self-training: selection_percentile, parameter sigma for LLGC and tensorflow.keras based data loaders for training the network model.

-losses/: implementation of ArcFace, Contrastive, and Triplet loss.

-models/: provides the implementation of custom SIMPLE convolutional network model used for MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and SVHN, SSDL another custom convolutional network model used for CIFAR-10 and PlantVillages.

-utils/: contains the implementation of LLGC and other utility functions.

Example usage

Training can be started using the script. Details of self-explanatory command-line arguments can be seen by passing --helpfull to it.

 python --helpfull
       USAGE: [flags]

  --dataset: <cifar10|mnist|fashion_mnist|svhn_cropped|plant32|plant64|plant96>: dataset name
    (default: 'cifar10')
  --network: <wrn-28-2|simple|vgg16|ssdl>: network architecture.
    (default: 'wrn-28-2')
  --[no]weights: -noweights uses random weights and -weights uses ImageNet pretrained weights
  --batch_size: size of mini-batch
    (default: '100')
    (an integer)
  --epochs: initial training epochs
    (default: '200')
    (an integer)
  --[no]semi: -semi: N-labelled training and -nosemi : All-labelled training
      (default: 'true')
  --lt: <cross-entropy|triplet|arcface|contrastive>: loss_type: cross-entropy, triplet,  arcface or contrastive.
    (default: 'cross-entropy')
  --opt: <adam|sgd|rmsprop>: optimizer.
   (default: 'adam')
  --lr: learning_rate
    (default: '0.0001')
    (a number)
  --lbl: <knn|lda|rf|lr>: shallow classifiers used for test accuracy forr metric learning losses
    (default: 'knn')
  --margin: margin for triplet loss calculation
    (default: '1.0')
    (a number)
  --[no]self_training: -self_training: apply self-training and by default -noself_training, which is either N-labelled 
                        or All-labeled training based on -semi flag
    (default: 'false')
  --confidence_measure: <1-nn|llgc>: confidence measure for pseudo-label selection.
    (default: '1-nn')
 --meta_iterations: number of self-training meta_iterations
    (default: '25')
    (an integer)
  --epochs_per_m_iteration: number of epochs per meta-iteration
    (default: '200')
    (an integer)
  --gpu: gpu id
    (default: '0')
  --pre: prefix for log directory
    (default: '')
  --verbose: verbose level 1 or 0.
    (default: '1')
    (an integer)

For running different experiments of self-training, visit Metric-learning, Transfer_learning and Self-supervised.

Citation Information

If you use the provided code, kindly cite our paper.

    title    = {A study of self-training variants for semi-supervised image classification},
    school   = {The University of Waikato},
    author   = {Attaullah Sahito},
    year     = {2021}, 
    url      = {}


  1. J, ARUN PANDIAN; GOPAL, GEETHARAMANI (2019), “Data for: Identification of Plant Leaf Diseases Using a 9-layer Deep Convolutional Neural Network”, Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/tywbtsjrjv.1
