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A Serilog sink that writes log events to a WPF RichTextBox control with colors and theme support


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A Serilog sink that writes log events to any WPF RichTextBox control with coloring and custom theme support.

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Screenshot of Serilog.Sinks.RichTextBox.Wpf in action

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Getting started 🚀

Install the Serilog.Sinks.RichTextBox.Wpf package from NuGet:

Install-Package Serilog.Sinks.RichTextBox.Wpf -Prerelease

Declare your RichTextBox control and give it a name that you can reference it from the code-behind. e.g.:

<Window (...)>
      FontFamily="Cascadia Mono, Consolas, Courier New, monospace"

Then enable the sink using WriteTo.RichTextBox():

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

Log.Information("Hello, world!");

Log events will be written to the RichTextBox control:

[11:54:36 INF] Hello, world!


The sink will colorize output by default:

Screenshot of Serilog.Sinks.RichTextBox.Wpf in action

Themes can be specified when configuring the sink:

    .WriteTo.RichTextBox(MyRichTextBox, theme: RichTextBoxConsoleTheme.Grayscale)

The following built-in themes are available at this time:

Theme Description
RichTextBoxTheme.None No styling. Uses default styles applied to the RichTextBox control
RichTextBoxConsoleTheme.Literate Styled to replicate the default theme of Serilog.Sinks.Console; This is the default when no theme is specified
RichTextBoxConsoleTheme.Grayscale A theme using only shades of gray, white, and black
RichTextBoxConsoleTheme.Colored A theme based on the original Serilog.Sinks.ColoredConsole sink

Adding a new theme is straightforward; examples can be found in the RichTextBoxConsoleThemes class.

Output templates

The format of events to the RichTextBox can be modified using the outputTemplate configuration parameter:

        outputTemplate: "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}")

The default template, shown in the example above, uses built-in properties like Timestamp and Level. Properties from events, including those attached using enrichers, can also appear in the output template.

Release History

Click on the Releases tab on GitHub.

Copyright © 2021-2023 C. Augusto Proiete & Contributors - Provided under the Apache License, Version 2.0.