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Aurora Relayer v2

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Web3-compatible relayer server for Aurora, implements;

  • a JSON-RPC server compatible with Ethereum's Web3 API for Aurora Engine instances deployed on the NEAR Protocol.
  • an indexer which continuously reads JSON files generated by Aurora Refiner and populate local embedded storage

This document is useful for developers, contributors and those who would like to build, run and experiment Aurora Relayer v2 natively. For packaged releases please see the distribution project Standalone Aurora Relayer and Refiner which containerizes and packs Aurora Relayer v2 and Aurora Refiner for end users

Prerequisites and Dependencies

  • requires Go and Make to build from source
  • requires a NEAR account and signing key to start relayer, see Configuration
  • requires JSON files, generated by Aurora Refiner, to index blocks
  • depends on Aurora Relayer v2 Base library which provides common functionality for public and private Aurora Relayer implementations

How To Build

git clone
cd relayer2-public

build artifacts are placed in out directory

  • relayer executable
  • config directory
  • file

How To Use

Relayer requires a set of configuration files to start (see Configuration for details), and default configuration files for mainnet and testnet are provided under config directory after build process. If config file path is not specified, Relayer starts with config/testnet.yaml by default.

Configuring a signing key

To be able to call eth_sendRawTransaction, you must have a NEAR account and signing key on the network you are relaying to, and said NEAR account must have a sufficient Ⓝ balance to be able to send transactions.

For those who prefer not to use personal accounts, a new signing key can be generated.

Setting the Signer Key Location

Ensure the signer key location is defined in the configuration file: Ex. :

    signerKey: config/relayer.json

Generating the Signer Key

Execute the following command to generate a new signer key:

./relayer generate-key

Note: The default configuration file used is config/testnet.yaml.

Upon successful execution, a relayer.json file will be generated. An example of its structure is as follows:

  "account_id": "703f78e5355ae6fedf6384257a18e4cfb55bada321f6e7a35b1e21a3803b03e0",
  "public_key": "ed25519:8ZAoFCzzj7FwADapMyRCctau295MpvKT5Y1z6cPySCko",
  "secret_key": "ed25519:3j8Rxcnx6BcVvphxJpxKMJGWDfjTrSZTvDx7EdWm7L223dwkK8ZgebXieiadAZ3v5Xfg9AKx4XYsaPPcfmncFNo1"

Update the configuration file's signer field with the account_id value from the generated relayer.json file:

    signer: 703f78e5355ae6fedf6384257a18e4cfb55bada321f6e7a35b1e21a3803b03e0
    signerKey: config/relayer.json

Activating implicit account

In the NEAR Protocol, implicit accounts require activation. This is achieved when a contract-based account or an externally-owned account transfers funds to the implicit account. This step is crucial as the signer account balance is utilized to cover the costs for eth_sendRawTransaction. Utilize any NEAR-compatible wallet or the near send command. Below is an example that transfers 0.5 NEAR to the generated account:

near send myaccount.near 703f78e5355ae6fedf6384257a18e4cfb55bada321f6e7a35b1e21a3803b03e0 0.5

Handling Multiple Access Keys

When dispatching multiple transactions concurrently, each signed by a different EOA, you may encounter the ERR_INCORRECT_NONCE error. The solution is for the relayer to use multiple access keys, signing each transaction with a distinct key.

Generating Multiple Keys

After configuring and activating the access key, execute the following:

./relayer add-keys --config config/mainnet.yaml -n 100

This command generates 100 keys, storing them in the same directory as the config/relayer.json file. Upon restarting, the relayer will leverage these access keys for transaction signing.

Removing Keys

To delete these keys from the account, run:

./relayer delete-keys --config config/mainnet.yaml

You can also use ENV variables to configure the signing account and private key:


export AURORA_RELAYER_ENDPOINT_ENGINE_SIGNER=<signer> # or set in config/mainnet.yaml
export AURORA_RELAYER_ENDPOINT_ENGINE_SIGNERKEY=<path to Near Credentials file> # or set in config/mainnet.yaml
./relayer start --config config/mainnet.yaml


export AURORA_RELAYER_ENDPOINT_ENGINE_SIGNER=<signer> # or set in config/testnet.yaml
export AURORA_RELAYER_ENDPOINT_ENGINE_SIGNERKEY=<path to Near Credentials file> # or set in config/testnet.yaml
./relayer start # default config file is config/testnet.yaml

If you're using the NEAR CLI, you will find your signing keys stored as JSON key files under your $HOME/.near-credentials/ directory.

Commands available

command description
start starts relayer with default config
version prints relayer version info
help prints usage

for detailed explanation and flags of each command see help

./relayer <command> --help

How To Configure

Config Name Environment Variable Name
Default Runtime Change Description
logger.level LOGGER_LEVEL info 7 levels from highest to lowest (panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace)
logger.filePath LOGGER_FILEPATH /tmp/relayer/log/relayer.log path to log file(s)
logger.logToConsole LOGGER_LOGTOCONSOLE false logs are sent to stdout
logger.logToFile LOGGER_LOGTOFILE true logs are sent to log file, see logger.filePath
db.badger.core.gcIntervalSeconds BADGER_CORE_GCINTERVALSECONDS 10 BadgerDB garbage collector trigger period
db.badger.core.scanRangeThreshold BADGER_CORE_SCANRANGETHRESHOLD 2000 max allowed block range for log requests
db.badger.core.maxScanIterators BADGER_CORE_MAXSCANITERATORS 10000 max logs returned if the scanRangeThreshold exceeded
db.badger.core.filterTtlMinutes BADGER_CORE_FILTERTTLMINUTES 15 retention time for stored filters (not used)
db.badger.core.options see BadgerDB for more options
db.badger.core.options.Dir BADGER_CORE_OPTIONS_DIR /tmp/relayer/data see BadgerDB for details
db.badger.core.options.ValueDir BADGER_CORE_OPTIONS_VALUEDIR /tmp/relayer/data see BadgerDB for details
db.badger.core.options.InMemory BADGER_CORE_OPTIONS_INMEMORY false see BadgerDB for details
db.badger.core.options.DetectConflicts BADGER_CORE_OPTIONS_DETECTCONFLICTS false see BadgerDB for details
endpoint.filterFilePath ENDPOINT_FILTERFILEPATH config/filter.yaml path to filter configuration file that specifies whitelist/blacklist based on IP, EOA, CA
endpoint.chainId ENDPOINT_CHAINID user should specify ❗ e.g.: mainnet:1313161554, testnet:1313161555
endpoint.engine.nearNetworkID ENDPOINT_ENGINE_NEARNETWORKID user should specify ❗ e.g.: mainnet, testnet
endpoint.engine.nearNodeURL ENDPOINT_ENGINE_NEARNODEURL user should specify ❗ URL of a Near Node to communicate
endpoint.engine.signer ENDPOINT_ENGINE_SIGNER user should specify ❗ to be able to communicate with Near Node, user must have a Near account
endpoint.engine.signerKey ENDPOINT_ENGINE_SIGNERKEY user should specify ❗ path to JSON file containing the Near Credentials. To be able to communicate with Near Node, user must have a Near signer key associated to account
endpoint.engine.functionKeyPrefixPattern ENDPOINT_ENGINE_FUNCTIONKEYPREFIXPATTERN fk*. prefix pattern to search for key pair files of Function Call Keys
endpoint.engine.functionKeyMapper ENDPOINT_ENGINE_FUNCTIONKEYMAPPER CRC32 hashing algorithm used to map Eth senders to Function Call Keys
endpoint.engine.asyncSendRawTxs ENDPOINT_ENGINE_ASYNCSENDRAWTXS true if true, transaction calls to Near Node are made in async. fashion
endpoint.engine.minGasPrice ENDPOINT_ENGINE_MINGASPRICE 0
endpoint.engine.minGasLimit ENDPOINT_ENGINE_MINGASLIMIT 21000
endpoint.engine.gasForNearTxsCall ENDPOINT_ENGINE_GASFORNEARTXSCALL 300000000000000
endpoint.eth.protocolVersion ENDPOINT_ETH_PROTOCOLVERSION 0x41
endpoint.eth.hashrate ENDPOINT_ETH_HASHRATE 0
endpoint.eth.gasEstimate ENDPOINT_ETH_GASESTIMATE 0x6691b7
endpoint.eth.gasPrice ENDPOINT_ETH_GASPRICE 0x42c1d80
endpoint.eth.proxyEndpoints.url ENDPOINT_ETH_PROXYENDPOINTS_URL
endpoint.eth.proxyEndpoints.endpoints ENDPOINT_ETH_PROXYENDPOINTS_ENDPOINTS empty list e.g.: eth_estimateGas, debug_traceTransaction
endpoint.eth.proxyEndpoints.disabledEndpoints ENDPOINT_ETH_DISABLEDENDPOINTS empty list e.g.: debug_traceTransaction
rpcNode.httpHost RPCNODE_HTTPHOST localhost
rpcNode.httpPort RPCNODE_HTTPPORT 8545
rpcNode.httpPathPrefix RPCNODE_HTTPPATHPREFIX "*" "*" allows any path, please provide specific prefix starting with "/" to limit request URL
rpcNode.httpCors RPCNODE_HTTPCORS ""
rpcNode.httpCompress RPCNODE_HTTPCOMPRESS true
rpcNode.httpTimeout RPCNODE_HTTPTIMEOUT 300 in seconds
rpcNode.wsHost RPCNODE_WSHOST localhost
rpcNode.wsPort RPCNODE_WSPORT 8545
rpcNode.wsPathPrefix RPCNODE_WSPATHPREFIX "*" "*" allows any path, please provide specific prefix starting with "/" to limit request URL
rpcNode.wsHandshakeTimeout RPCNODE__WSHANDSHAKETIMEOUT 10 in seconds
rpcNode.maxBatchRequest RPCNODE_MAXBATCHREQUEST 10000
indexer.sourceFolder INDEXER_SOURCE_FOLDER /tmp/relayer/json/
indexer.subFolderBatchSize INDEXER_SUBFOLDERBATCHSIZE 10000
indexer.keepFiles INDEXER_KEEPFILES true deletes the json files after indexing if set to false
indexer.genesisBlock INDEXER_GENESISBLOCK 9820210
indexer.fromBlock INDEXER_FROMBLOCK 9820210
indexer.toBlock INDEXER_TOBLOCK 0
indexer.retryCountOnFailure INDEXER_RETRYCOUNTONFAILURE 10
indexer.waitForBlockMs INDEXER_WAITFORBLOCKMS 500
indexer.forceReindex INDEXER_FORCEREINDEX false re-index any block range defined by fromBlock to toBlock. Upon completion of re-indexing, indexer will continue indexing new blocks
backupIndexer.indexFromBackup BACKUPINDEXER_INDEXFROMBACKUP false enables indexing from backup files for faster indexing if set to true
backupIndexer.backupDir BACKUPINDEXER_BACKUPDIR path to the backup files
backupIndexer.from BACKUPINDEXER_FROM sets the start block of the backup indexer, starts from begining of the backup if left empty or set to zero BACKUPINDEXER_TO sets the end block of the backup indexer, stops at the end of bakcups if left empty or set to zero
prehistoryIndexer.indexFromPrehistory PREHISTORYINDEXER_INDEXFROMPREHISTORY false enables indexing blocks from 0 to the cretion of the Aurora Contract if set to true
prehistoryIndexer.prehistoryHeight PREHISTORYINDEXER_PREHISTORYHEIGHT start of the Aurora Contract
prehistoryIndexer.from PREHISTORYINDEXER_FROM 0 sets the start block of the prehistory indexer PREHISTORYINDEXER_TO sets the end block of the prehistory indexer
prehistoryIndexer.batchSize PREHISTORYINDEXER_BATCHSIZE 10000 controls the read batch size for optimum operation
prehistoryIndexer.archiveURL PREHISTORYINDEXER_ARCHIVEURL the Near archive postgres DB info to retrieve the prehistory data, e.g.: postgres://public_readonly:nearprotocol@

JSON-RPC Methods

Method Status Notes
eth_compileLLL Unsupported
eth_compileSerpent Unsupported
eth_compileSolidity Unsupported
eth_getProof EIP-1186
eth_getWork Unsupported
eth_pendingTransactions Undocumented
eth_sendTransaction Unsupported
eth_sign Unsupported
eth_signTransaction Unsupported
eth_signTypedData Unsupported
eth_submitHashrate Unsupported
eth_submitWork Unsupported
db_getHex Deprecated
db_getString Deprecated
db_putHex Deprecated
db_putString Deprecated
shh_addToGroup Discontinued
shh_getFilterChanges Discontinued
shh_getMessages Discontinued
shh_hasIdentity Discontinued
shh_newFilter Discontinued
shh_newGroup Discontinued
shh_newIdentity Discontinued
shh_post Discontinued
shh_uninstallFilter Discontinued
shh_version Discontinued
txpool_content Unsupported
txpool_inspect Unsupported
txpool_status Unsupported
parity_pendingTransactions Parity extension

Legend: ❌ = not supported. 🚧 = work in progress. ✅ = supported.


  • 2.0.0 is the initial version of Aurora Relayer v2
  • Aurora Relayer v1 is being deprecated, and not source code compatible with this version.
  • We are following Go lang's practices and applying semantic versioning vMAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH[-PRERELEASE][+BUILD]]]
    • MAJOR indicates backward incompatibility
    • MINOR backward compatible and stable release with new features and/or bug fixes
    • PATCH backward compatible and stable release for hot-fixes published out of planned release cycle
    • PRERELEASE does not guarantees stability, mostly used for QA cycles, e.g.: alpha, beta with optional build number


from v2.0.x to v2.1.x

Relayer2-Public v2.1.0 introduces a new JSON-RPC server. Therefore, for those who already have a native Relayer2-Public with version v2.0.x should update the configuration .yaml file accordingly.

sample v2.0.x config.yaml

  geth:                    # -> deprecated
    HTTPHost: localhost
    HTTPPort: 8545
    HTTPPathPrefix: ""
      - "*"
    HTTPVirtualHosts:      # -> deprecated
      - "*"
    HTTPModules:           # -> deprecated
      - "net"
      - "web3"
      - "eth"
      - "parity"
    WSHost: localhost
    WSPort: 8545
    WSPathPrefix: ""
    WSModules:             # -> deprecated
      - "net"
      - "web3"
      - "eth"
      - "parity"

sample v2.1. config.yaml

  httpHost: localhost
  httpPort: 8545
  httpPathPrefix: "*"
    - "*"
  httpCompress: true      # -> new subfield
  httpTimeout: 300        # -> new subfield
  wsHost: localhost
  wsPort: 8545
  wsPathPrefix: "*"
  wsHandshakeTimeout: 10  # -> new subfield
  maxBatchRequests: 1000  # -> new subfield

IMPORTANT Please note that configuration update step is automatically done if you are using distribution project Standalone Aurora Relayer and Refiner.
