Deployed at
Id | Status | Page | Feature | Feature Requirements | Explanation (if applicable) |
1 | Completed ✅ | Global | Search Bar | There is a search bar that allows users to search counties in the US. All counties in the US that match the search input will be displayed in the results page once the users hit the search button. | |
2 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | Global | Search Bar - Autocomplete | There is auto completion within the search bar that shows a list of at most the top six counties that matches the user input. | Autocomplete will show all counties that match (including affixes) the user input. We want to encourage the use of autocomplete because it will save time for the user which provides a better user experience. |
3 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | Global | Navigation Bar | There is a navigation bar that allows users to navigate to their saved locations in one click. | Clicking BaseCheck in the navigation bar will take the user to the home page, which has the user's saved locations. In addition, from the Search Results page, a user can click Back to Saved Locations. |
4 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | Global | Navigation Bar | A navigation bar that allows users to navigate to the search for locations in one click. | Clicking BaseCheck in the navigation bar will take the user to the home page with the Search Bar to search for locations. |
5 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | Global | Saved locations | There is a favorite feature that allows users to add any county dashboard to their saved locations in one click. | This now requires two clicks: one click on the icon and one on the confirmation dialog. This improves the user experience by allowing for user error, since they can read what the button does and confirm or cancel. |
6 | Completed ✅ | Global | Saved locations | Saved counties are saved in the user's browser | |
7 | Completed ✅ | Global | Saved locations | If a user has never visited the site or has never saved a location (no saved locations in local storage), 0 saved locations will be shown. | |
8 | Completed ✅ | Global | Saved locations | If a user has saved locations on the browser, they will be retrieved upon the next visit. | |
9 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | Global | Unsaved locations | The favorite feature will allow users to remove any county from their favorite list in one click. | This now requires two clicks: one on the icon and one on the confirmation dialog. This improves the user experience by allowing for user error, since they can read what the button does and confirm or cancel. |
10 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | Statistics Dashboard | There is a static data dashboards that displays US Covid statistics which includes total cases, daily new cases, and when the data was last updated (in minutes). | |
11 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | County Display | Counties are displayed as cards that display Covid Statistics dashboard. | |
12 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | Include Favorited Counties | The counties displayed on the homepage only include what the user has favorited. | |
13 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | Remove from Favorites | There is an option to remove unwanted counties from the homepage. | |
14 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | Remove from Favorites | There is a confirmation dialog ("yes" or "no") asking the user if they are sure they want to remove a county from their favorite list. | |
15 | Revised ✏️ and Complete ✅ | Home Page | Color scale visual indicator | The light to dark blue color scheme of each county visually represents the risk level (light blue is best, dark blue is worst). | After reviewing the design, we modified the color scale for the risk level to be yellow-orange-red to improve consistency with common colors, while maintaining contrast and other color blindness accessibility requirements. |
16 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | Color scale visual indicator | Color scale and accompanying text must meet color contrast guidelines, per WCAG 2.1 AA. | |
17 | Completed ✅ | Home Page | Color scale visual indicator | A key of the color scale is displayed. | |
18 | Completed ✅ | Search Results | Search Results Count Display | There is a display of the total number of search results near the top left of the page. | |
19 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | Search Results | County Display | There is a container that holds each search result that is displayed as a card that contains a summary level of information (which includes total cases, daily new cases, and when it was last updated (in hours)) about Covid statistics related to that search result. | The API does not provide a time when it was last updated to calculate how many hours ago, so it is shown as the date instead. |
20 | Completed ✅ | Search Results | No results display | If no county matched the user input, there is a text display indicating when no search results are found. | |
21 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | More Info | External Source(s) | There is a link to the coronavirus website of the state that the county is located in will be displayed. | We are linking to the CDC's list of states, since it can be trusted to have the most continutally up-to-date information and links. |
22 | Completed ✅ | More Info | Location Details | The county and state is prominently displayed at the top of the dashboard. | |
23 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | More Info | Risk Level | Risk level is calculated by the rate of increase or decrease in cases over a 7-day period. Increase (or decrease)= New total cases (in the last day) - total of cases (last 7 days) % increase (or decrease) = Increase ÷ Original total of cases × 100 |
The risk level uses a simpler calculation: 250 or fewer cases is low, 250 to 499 cases is medium, 500 or higher is high. |
24 | Completed ✅ | More Info | Risk Level | Risk level is displayed using the color scale visual indicator and a word (low, medium, high). | |
25 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | More Info | Statistics | The data included should be new cases in the last 7 days, total cases, total deaths, rate of case increase/decrease over the past 7 days, and the date when the data was last updated. | The API does not provide death data, so there is no death data shown. As described in requirement 23, the risk level is now determined by the number of cases in the past day. |
26 | Revised ✏️ and Completed ✅ | More Info | Visualizations | A bar chart shows new cases in the last seven days, with one bar for each day. | The API is unable to provide daily case data for the past 7 days, so the bar chart shows total cases as of two weeks ago, one week ago, and one day ago. |