String placeholders are variables you can use in option-based commmands like the !welcomemessage command, the placeholders gives you a wider range of customizability, allowing you to show information dynamically.
All placeholders starts and ends with a percentage sign (%), and wraps the variable name, in combination with each other it would look like %username%
if you wanted to get the users username.
In all of the following examples the AvaIre Central server will be used as the server example, and the user that will be used is JohnDoe#2854.
Tags the user that triggered the the message.
Gets the id of the user that triggered the the message.
Gets the username of the user that triggered the the message.
Gets the discriminator of the user that triggered the the message.
Tags the channel that triggered the the message.
Gets the id of the channel that triggered the the message.
Gets the name of the channel that triggered the the message.
Gets the name of the server the message was triggered in.
AvaIre Central
Gets the id of the server the message was triggered in.
Creates a new line for the message, br will "break the row" of the current message, creating a new line.
This is a
test message.