- Prerequisites
- Installing Requirements
- Installing Ava
- Configuration of Ava
- Running the bot
- System Commands
- Blacklist Command
- Bot Statistics Command
- Debug Mode Command
- Eval Command
- Feedback Response Command
- Force Leave Server Command
- JSON Command Map
- Partner Command
- Plugin Command
- Reload Configuration Command
- Restart Command
- SQL Command
- Set Guild Type Command
- Set Status Command
- Shutdown Command
- Update Command
- Vote Points Command
- 1GB of ram or more
- Windows 7 and higher
- Administrator access to the computer
- Java & Gradle
- Git (Optional)
- MySQL Database (XAMPP is recommended for beginners)
- A code editor, i.e. Notepad++ or Atom or Sublime Text
{tip} A number of steps require administrative access to finish installing both Git and Java correctly, because of this it is recommended that you're logged in as an administrator to not have to type the admin password a whole bunch of times.
AvaIre is a Java application, because of this we'll need to install Java to run Ava, if you don't already have Java installed, head over to the Oracle Java download page to get started, then select the latest Java Platform (JDK), accept Oracles license, and download the windows .exe file, once Java has been installed you may need to add Java to your windows system path variable, check out the "how to set java home on windows 10" guide by mkyong for how to get started with doing that.
If you want to run the cutting edge of Ava you can download the nightly build from avairebot.com, the zip file gets updated once every 24 at midnight CEST, you can also download a stable version of the bot from the github releases, or you can use Gradle to build your own jar file, gradle is used by Ava to compile all the source code into a binary file that the computer can run, you can get gradle from Gradles install page.
If you choose to use a github release or the nightly build, you can skip installing Git and jump right into setting up the bot.
If you don't want to run the cutting edge versions of Ava you can skip this step.
While running the cutting edge version of Ava it is recommended that you install git since using it makes it a whole lot easier to keep Ava up to date.
If you don't already have git installed you can get started by going to the git-scm download page and download the Windows installer.
{tip} Note: The installation process for git is very particular, if you don't install it like described below you'll most likely run into issues down the road.
Once downloaded, run the installer, read the license and continue, you can leave the component selection with its default settings, jue make sure that the Windows Explorer Intergration is ticked off.
The next few steps a really particular, make sure you follow the steps as described below so you don't run into a roadblock later on.
From here on just continue with the installation process until Git is installed.
Next, we'll retrieve the AvaIre GitHub repository, we will be using Git to install Ava so it will be easier to update later on, if you skipped install git you can find the latest release of Ava on github and skip right to the setup process.
You'd want to figure out where you want the bot to be downloaded. Something simple where you can find it is good, AKA not in the system internals (Possibly some other drive, though NOT A FLASH DRIVE) or optionally your Desktop could be fine.
When you've found the location of your choice, hit Shift+Right click
and select Git Bash here. This will open the Git Bash console. Type the following command into Git Bash:
git clone https://github.com/avaire/avaire.git
cd avaire
Let it clone the Git repository. When it's done, you should have the following output.
You have now successfully cloned the AvaIre Git repository, next we'll need to build the jar file from the source code, we can do this by utilizing gradle which we just installed.
gradle build
If the build finishes with no errors you should be good to go! You can find the generated binary file at build/libs/AvaIre.jar
Next we'll need to configure Ava so the bot can connect and communicate with users, to generate the config.yml
file we'll just need to run Ava once, we can do this by running:
java -jar AvaIre.jar
You can now open the new config.yml
file in Notepad++ or any other code editor. Do not edit it with Windows Notepad, that will be a mess.
Next we'll need to setup a database the Ava can use, Ava requires a database to store things like custom playlists, aliases, channel and server data, and a lot of other things, Ava currently only has support for MySQL databases, with SQLite and other types coming in the future.
Now that the database is in order you'll need to put your Discord Bot Application token in the bot.token
property, you can find your bot token under your Discord Application dashboard, if you don't have a Discord bot application setup you can create one easily by following these steps.
- Start by heading to discordapp.com/developers/applications, once you're there you can create a new application, you can name it whatever you want and give it a fancy picture and description if you want to, once you're done click Create App.
- Your application should now have been created, next click on the Create a Bot User button, this will convert the application to a bot user application.
- Now that you have a user bot application you can get your bot token under the App Bot User section.
{tip} If you want other people to be able to invite the bot you must check the Public Bot options under your App Bot User application settings, if you don't do that you will be the only one that can invite the bot to servers.
On your bot application dashboard you'll also be able to find your bot client id, we'll need that later to invite the bot so keep onto it.
If you want a more in-detail guide and walkover for the configuration file you can checkout the Configuration page, all the settings and options are covered in more detail on that page with guides on how to setup each option.
Congratulations, your AvaIre instance should now be ready to launch!
To start the bot, simply just run the jar file again after editing it with your bot and database details.
java -jar AvaIre.jar
If the bot runs without any errors, you have had success so far!
{tip} Windows may start the Java VM without UTF-8 encoding(Which can cause some language files to send messages with missing characters), or/and doesn't parse colors correctly(Which can make the console almost un-readable), you can fix this by using the
flag respectively:java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar AvaIre.jar --no-colors
Now you'll need to invite your bot to your server so you can actually use it, take your bots client id from earlier and pop it into a URL like this without the less than and greater than symbols.
https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=<client id>&scope=bot
Just replace the <client id>
with your actually bot application id, if you don't have your client id you can find it on the discordapp.com/developers/applications page, just click on your application, the client ID is at the very top under the App Details section.
Go to the URL in a web browser, select your server and ht Authorize
, your bot should now be on your server.
You can test simple functionality by running the ping command in a text channel that the bot can see. If it answers "Pong!", then congratulations, you have successfully set up AvaIre!
Remember to keep the command window open, otherwise the bot will stop running! When you want to stop it, just close the command window. And that's it! You are now ready to start using your very own AvaIre instance! Keep in mind, if you have further questions or need help, we're around over at our official server, AvaIre Central!
On the behalf of the AvaIre team, we hope you enjoy your bot!
System commands can only be seen and run by bot administrators, ie, people who have their user ID in the bot admins field in the config of the bot.
All system commands uses a semicolon(;) as their prefix by default.
Command | Short Description |
;blacklist | Add, Remove, and list users and servers on the blacklist. |
;statistics | Displays information about the current state of the bot, this command can be pretty heavy to run since a lot of calculations are being run to get some of the information. |
;debug-mode | Toggles debug mode on/off during runtime, this will enable passing the context between rest actions to give a better debug result, and to make debugging with Sentry more information. |
;eval | Evaluates and executes code. |
;feedback | Responses to a feedback message with the given ID, the channel the original feedback message was sent in will be used for the feedback, along with the message + the response and author information. |
;force-leave | Force leaves a server with the given ID. |
;jsoncmdmap | Creates a JSON map containing detailed information about each command and stores it in a commandMap.json file. |
;partner | Allows a bot admin to change the partnership a server has with the bot, servers who are partnered with the bot has less restrictions and more command slots(Like aliases, self-assignable roles, level roles, playlists, etc), if only the server ID is given the current partnership status will be displayed for the server with the given ID instead. |
;plugins | Can be used to list installed plugins, as well as available plugins that are officially recognized by the AvaIre development team, you can also display more information about a specific plugin by name. |
;reload | Reloads the main configuration, and all the configs for loaded plugins. |
;restart | Schedule a time the bot should be automatically-restarted, the bot will shutdown, then start back up again. |
;sql | Runs the given SQL query and returns the result. |
;set-type | Sets the Guild Type of the server the command was ran in, if no arguments was given the current Guild Type will be displayed instead. |
;setstatus | Sets the status of the bot instance for all servers the bot is on, if no status is set the bot status will go back to cycling status from the config. |
;shutdown | Schedules a time the bot should be shutdown gracefully. |
;update | Schedule a time the bot should be automatically-updated, the bot will shutdown, update itself, and start back up again. |
;vote-point | Allows a bot administrator to give or take vote points form a user by their ID, or by mentioning them. |
Add, Remove, and list users and servers on the blacklist.
;blacklist list
- Lists users and servers on the blacklist
;blacklist remove <id>
- Removes the entry with the given ID from the blacklist
;blacklist add <type> <id> <reason>
- Add the type with the given ID to the blacklist
;blacklist add G 123
- Blacklists the guild with an ID of 123
;blacklist add U 321 Doing stuff
- Blacklists the user with an ID of 321 for "Doing stuff"
Displays information about the current state of the bot, this command can be pretty heavy to run since a lot of calculations are being run to get some of the information.
- Shows some stats about the bot.
Toggles debug mode on/off during runtime, this will enable passing the context between rest actions to give a better debug result, and to make debugging with Sentry more information.
;debug-mode <on|off>
- Toggles debug mode on or off
;debug-mode on
- Enables debug mode.
Evaluates and executes code.
;eval <code>
- Evaluates and executes the given code.
;eval <kill|-k>
- Kills the last task if it is still running.
;eval <timeout|-t> <timeout lenght> <code>
- Evaluates and executes the given code with the given timeout.
;eval context.makeInfo("Hello, World").queue();
;eval -t 10 return "Some Code"
Responses to a feedback message with the given ID, the channel the original feedback message was sent in will be used for the feedback, along with the message + the response and author information.
;feedback <id> <message>
- Responds to the given feedback ID with the message.
;feedback 23 Thanks for the feedback <3
Force leaves a server with the given ID.
;force-leave <id>
- Leaves the server with the given ID if the bot is on the server.
;force-leave 304414699645042690
Creates a JSON map containing detailed information about each command and stores it in a commandMap.json
- Generates the command map and stores it in a file.
Allows a bot admin to change the partnership a server has with the bot, servers who are partnered with the bot has less restrictions and more command slots(Like aliases, self-assignable roles, level roles, playlists, etc), if only the server ID is given the current partnership status will be displayed for the server with the given ID instead.
;partner <server ID>
- Displays the current guild partnership status.
;partner <server ID> <on|off>
- Toggles partnership on/off for the given server.
;partner 284083636368834561
- Displays the servers partnerships status.
;partner 284083636368834561 enable
- Makes the server a partner with Ava.
Can be used to list installed plugins, as well as available plugins that are officially recognized by the AvaIre development team, you can also display more information about a specific plugin by name.
;plugins show <plugin>
- Lists information about the plugin.
;plugins list <installed|i> [page]
- Lists installed plugins.
;plugins list <available|a> [page]
- Lists available plugins.
Reloads the main configuration, and all the configs for loaded plugins.
Schedule a time the bot should be automatically-restarted, the bot will shutdown, then start back up again.
This requires avaire/watchdog to work, or that the --internal-restart
flag was used when starting the bot, without it the bot will just shutdown.
;restart now
- Restarts the bot now.
;restart cancel
- Cancels the restart process.
;restart <time>
- Schedules a time the bot should be restarted.
Runs the given SQL query and returns the result.
;sql <query>
- Runs the given query and returns the result.
;sql SELECT name FROM guilds LIMIT 5
Sets the Guild Type of the server the command was ran in, if no arguments was given the current Guild Type will be displayed instead.
- Displays the current guild type.
;set-type list
- List available guild types.
;set-type <type id>
- Changes the guild type to the given type.
;set-type 2
- Sets the guild type to VIP+
;set-type list
- Lists the available guild types.
Sets the status of the bot instance for all servers the bot is on, if no status is set the bot status will go back to cycling status from the config.
;setstatus <game>
- Sets the bots playing status to the given game.
;setstatus <twitch url>
- The URL that the bot should be broadcasting.
;setstatus with some stuff
Schedules a time the bot should be shutdown gracefully.
;shutdown now
- Shuts down the bot now.
;shutdown cancel
- Cancels the shutdown process.
;shutdown <time>
- Schedules a time the bot should be shutdown.
Schedule a time the bot should be automatically-updated, the bot will shutdown, update itself, and start back up again.
This requires avaire/watchdog to work, or that the --internal-restart
flag was used when starting the bot, without it the bot will just shutdown.
;update now
- Updates the bot now.
;update cancel
- Cancels the update process.
;update <time>
- Schedules a time the bot should be updated.
Allows a bot administrator to give or take vote points form a user by their ID, or by mentioning them.
;vote-point give <user ID> <amount>
- Gives the user the given amount of vote points.
;vote-point take <user ID> <amount>
- Takes the given amount of vote points from the user.
;vote-point give @Senither 50
- Give Senither 50 vote points.
;vote-point take @Senither 99
- Take 99 vote points from Senither.