A simple BMI calculator app created using Flutter & Android Studio.
It was created with the help of The App Brewery's Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp
Body Mass Index, or BMI is used to determine whether you are in a healthy weight range for your height. It is calculated using the formula:
_bmi = weight / pow(height / 100, 2);
Basically, it's your weight (kg) divided by the square of your height (m).
- Open up the app 'BMI CALCULATOR'.
- Select your Gender, Height, Weight, and Age.
- Press 'Calculate'
- Underweight (<18.5)
- Normal (18.5 - 24.9)
- Overweight (>25.0)
- (Note: This is only an estimate and it doesn’t take into account other factors such as ethnicity and waist measurement.)
To edit the project, you need to set up Flutter SDK for Android Studio.
If you have a PC, you will need to:
Install the Flutter SDK
Install Android Studio
Install the Android Emulator
Or if you have a Mac, you need to:
Install the Flutter SDK
Install Android Studio
Install the Android Emulator
Install Xcode and command-line tools