###high priority
- legacy map converter
- add conversion for
- domes
- fields
- walldoors
- teleporters
- add conversion for
###low priority
- map loading
- honor yaw/pitch/roll attributes for all objects, not just blocks
- map syntax
- need definitions/implementation for
- per-level logic/scripting
- assign ids to objects for scripting
- fields/areas
- custom shapes
- assigning colors to shapes
- enemies
- need definitions/implementation for
###high priority
walking animation
- implement correct walk cycle
deferred shading, bloom, transparency
- integrate shadows (directional higher priority than shadows from point-lights)
###low priority
updated assets
- finalize projectile models
- unigoody (or placeholder)
- scout
- pillbox or 'autoturret'
- "ball"
- mine
- guard/ufo/ai walker
triangle debris when walkers scrape walls
particle effects
- missle/lazer trails?
- environmental, e.g. precipitation?
###high priority
- time travelling
- multiple physics simulations on the server/clients? (discussion here)
###low priority
- server tracking
- game metadata distribution (chat/level and asset distribution)
- ladder
- films hall of fame
- player data
- shield/plasma recharge rates based on energy level
- ammo and boosters
- respawns
- incarnator selection
- random order, unless order attribute explicitly set on incarnator objects
- if multiple incarnators exist with same order value, select randomly within that subset
- do allow for team masking
- if number of players exceeds the number of incarnators, split players into "batches" and spawn them in ten second waves?
- position, speed, velocity
- game data: setup, types, start/end conditions, game recording
- messages: triggering and listening for simple events, both in XML and whatever scripting set up we use
- game modes
- vanilla mode with baseline hull
- custom 'loadout' mode
- co-op firefight
###low priority
- doppler effect
- updated assets
- plasma/missle/grenade loop
- kArticWind etc. replacements
- footstep sounds, goody sounds
- teleporter sounds
- xplosions
###higher priority
- kinematic character controller
- collision detection for damage and externally applied forces (explosions/weapons fire)
- impulse vertical height adjustment/crouching for hitting ground from free-fall
- ballistics
- grenade lobbing!
- "smart" missle tracking
- walker energy, cannons, shield charging
- laser cannons
- splash/freesolid/laser damage/recoil
###lower priority
- other collidables
- fields/areas
- kinematic map objects
###lowest priority
- preliminary designs
- 3d target reticules (finalize plasma/missile, draft grenade)