An interactive shell around OnePassword CLI written in python3
- OnePassword CLI
- python >=3
- cryptography
- dbus-python
- keyring
- Pygments
- SecretStorage
python install
If you are in a virtualenv, without system-package access granted,
and because of a mysterious bug (any help welcomed), you have to run also
pip install --force -U dbus-python
This will certainly output an error, but check all goes right runnning
python -c "import secretstorage"
If this last command run without any errors, you are good to go!
$ oppy --help
usage: oppy [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--debug] [--vault VAULT] profile
1password CLI
positional arguments:
profile the 1password profile to use
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG path to the conf file
--debug toggle the debug mode
--vault VAULT set the vault
The profile came from the configuration file you use. Default is ~/.config/
This file can contains multiple profile, each one defined by a profile name into square brackets.
Here is an example:
On the command line, specify one of the profile you defined in the configuration file.
$ oppy profile1
You can also override options
$ oppy profile2 --debug --vault=Shared
- add update commands
- add creation commands
This project is under the MIT licence and I will enjoy any contributions.
Just fork this project, write some code and do a pull request!