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API for packet radio and other RF transceiver device drivers

Object filename description:


mode is one of: transceiver, transmitter, receiver, bluetooth, bluetooth-le

model indicates the manufacturer's model number of the device

Base Methods

These are methods that are common to all wireless drivers

Method Description Param Returns
startx() Start driver using explicitly defined settings Notes 1-3 cog id+1
stop() Stop the driver n/a n/a
defaults() Set sensor factory default settings n/a n/a


  1. For SPI-connected devices:

    • startx(CS_PIN, SCK_PIN, MOSI_PIN, MISO_PIN): status
    • For some devices, a MODEL_SPI_BC variant exists, which directs the driver to use a bytecode-based engine that while much slower, doesn't use another cog.
    • Replace MODEL with the sensor model #. Example: CC1101_SPI_BC
    • 4-wire SPI is used by default. If supported by the device, 3-wire SPI can be chosen by setting MOSI_PIN and MISO_PIN to the same I/O pin. The startx() method will check for this and set the device's 3-wire SPI mode register.
  2. Some drivers may have a RST_PIN parameter, for specifying an optional reset pin (device-dependent). The pin is only validated in the reset() method, and is ignored if set outside the allowable range.

  3. startx() returns the launched cog number+1 of com engine used on success.

  4. startx() returns FALSE (0) if the driver fails to start, for these possible reasons:

    • No more cogs available
    • One or more specified I/O pins are outside allowed range
    • Bus frequency is outside allowed range
    • If supported by the device, dev_id() didn't return the expected value
  5. defaults() may simply call reset(), if sensible, as opposed to calling several other driver methods, in order to reduce memory usage.

  6. Most (but not all) drivers also provide the following methods:

Method Description Param Returns
dev_id() Read model-unique identification register n/a model/dev ID
reset() Perform a hard or soft-reset of the device n/a n/a
  1. Drivers may have one or more preset_() methods, that establish a pre-set combination of bitrates, modulation, TX/RX role, etc.

  2. stop() performs the following tasks:

    • Stop any extra cogs that were started (if applicable)
    • Clear all global variable space used to 0


Method Description
carrier_freq() Set carrier frequency
data_rate() Set RF data rate
payld_len() Set length of static payload/max dyn. payload
payld_rdy() Flag indicating received payload is ready
payld_sent() Flag indicating payload sent
rx_payld() Receive payload stored in FIFO
tx_payld() Queue payload to be transmitted
tx_pwr() Set transmit RF power


Set carrier frequency

  • Parameters:
    • f: new carrier/center frequency in Hertz
  • Returns:
    • current frequency in Hertz if f is outside the accepted range

NOTE: Due to variable size limitations, transceivers that operate in higher frequency ranges may use a kilohertz parameter (e.g., 2_400_000kHz instead of 2_400_000_000Hz)


Set RF data rate

  • Parameters:
    • r: new on-air data rate in bits per second
  • Returns:
    • current data rate if r is outside the accepted range


Set length of static payload, or set max dynamic payload

  • Parameters:
    • l: new length of payload
  • Returns:
    • currently set payload length if l is outside the accepted range


Flag indicating received payload is ready

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • boolean flag indicating a payload was received


Flag indicating payload sent

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • boolean flag indicating a payload was sent

rx_payld(nr_bytes, ptr_buff)

Receive payload stored in FIFO

  • Parameters:
    • nr_bytes: number of bytes to read
    • ptr_buff: pointer to buffer to copy payload data to
  • Returns:
    • none

tx_payld(nr_bytes, ptr_buff)

Queue payload to be transmitted

  • Parameters:
    • nr_bytes: number of bytes to transmit
    • ptr_buff: pointer to buffer to copy payload data from
  • Returns:
    • none


Set transmit RF power

  • Parameters:
    • p: new transmit power level in dBm
  • Returns:
    • currently set transmit power if p is outside the accepted range


  1. Methods return the current setting when they're given a parameter that is out of range (see

  2. Other methods availability are device-dependent.


Method Description
advert_interval() Set advertising interval
advert_type() Set advertising type
auth_mode() Set authentication mode
putchar() Send a single character
conn_notify_ena() Enable (dis)connection notifications
fifo_rx_bytes() Number of characters in receive buffer
data_rate() Set serial/on-air data rate
last_connected_dev() Last connected device's address
node_addr() Read device's node address
node_name() Set BLE module name
pin_code() Set PIN code
reset() Soft-reset device
resolve_names() Resolve MAC addresses to names
role() Set device role
rx_check() Check for received character (non-blocking)
scan_time() Set length of scan
gets_max() Read received string, up to max len
sys_led_mode() Set output mode of module's LED
tx_pwr() Set transmit RF power
unpair() Remove pairing/bonding information
version() Get firmware version
work_mode() Set device working mode


Get advertising interval

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns: time in milliseconds


Set advertising interval

  • Parameters:
    • i: time in milliseconds
  • Returns: none


Get advertising type

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns: type


Set advertising type

  • Parameters:
    • t: advertising type
  • Returns: none


Get authentication mode

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns: currently set authentication mode


Set authentication mode

  • Parameters:
    • m: mode
  • Returns: none


Send a single character

  • Parameters:
    • ch: ASCII character to send
  • Returns: none
  • Aliases: char()


Receive a single character

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • ASCII character received
  • Aliases: charin()


Enable (dis)connection notifications

  • Parameters:
    • state: boolean state
  • Returns: none


Get current state of (dis)connection notifications

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • current state of setting


Number of characters in receive buffer

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • number of bytes available in buffer


Get current serial/on-air data rate

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • current data rate in bits per second


Set serial/on-air data rate

  • Parameters:
    • rate: new data rate in bits per second
  • Returns: none


Last connected device's address

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • pointer to string containing MAC address of remote device


Read device's node address

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • pointer to string containing MAC address of local device


Get BLE module current name

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • pointer to string containing name of module


Set BLE module name

  • Parameters:
    • ptr_name: pointer to string containing new name of module
  • Returns: none


Get current PIN code

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • current PIN code


Set PIN code

  • Parameters:
    • pin: new PIN code
  • Returns: none


Soft-reset device

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns: none


Resolve MAC addresses to names

  • Parameters:
    • state: boolean value to enable resolving MAC addresses to names during scans
  • Returns: none


Resolve MAC addresses to names

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • flag indicating MAC to name resolution is enabled


Get device current role

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • device's currently set role


Set device role

  • Parameters:
    • r: new device role
  • Returns: none


Check for received character (non-blocking)

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • ASCII value of character, or -1 if none received


Get length of scan

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • currently set length of scan in seconds


Set length of scan

  • Parameters:
    • s: length of scan in seconds
  • Returns: none

gets_max(ptr_str, max_len)

Read received string, up to max len

  • Parameters:
    • ptr_str: pointer to buffer to copy received string to
    • max_len: maximum number of bytes to receive
  • Returns: none


Get current mode of module's LED

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • currently set LED mode


Set output mode of module's LED

  • Parameters:
    • m: new LED output mode
  • Returns: none


Get transmit RF power

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • currently set transmit power in dBm


Set transmit RF power

  • Parameters:
    • p: transmit power in dBm
  • Returns: none


Remove pairing/bonding information

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns: none


Get firmware version

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • integer representation of module firmware version


Get device current working mode

  • Parameters: none
  • Returns:
    • module's current working mode


Set device working mode

  • Parameters:
    • m: new working mode
  • Returns: none


  1. This section preliminary (currently only one driver exists)