This library is an implementation of repository pattern in C# to connect .NET applications with DynamoDB.
AWS SDK provides 3 ways to programatically connect a .NET application with Amazon DynamoDB.
- Object Persistence Model
- DynamoDB Document Model
- DynamoDB Low Level API
This library provides implementation for various DynamoDB opearations using Object Persistence Model and DynamoDB Low Level API.
- Create a new
project from Visual Studio. - Add project reference of
project. - Go to
file and register DynamoDB services like below.Here// 1. Add required namespace using Amazon.DynamoDb.Wrapper.Extensions; var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args); builder.Services.AddControllers(); // 2. Register DynamoDB services builder.Services.RegisterDynamoDBServices(builder.Configuration); var app = builder.Build();
is used to read profile settings fromappsettings.json
file (if defined).Also, add below settings in{ "AWS": { "Profile": "local-test-profile", "Region": "us-west-2" } }
file when you are working with DynamoDB locally.See Setting up DynamoDB local to learn how to setup DynamoDB locally."DynamoDb": { "LocalMode": true, "LocalServiceUrl": "http://localhost:8000", "TableNamePrefix": "" }
- That's all. Your'e done with necessary setup.
Create entity classes, and decorate them with DynamoDB attributes.
public class BaseEntity
public string PK { get; set; }
public string SK { get; set; }
public class AuthorEntity : BaseEntity
public string AuthorName { get; set; }
public string AuthorEmail { get; set; }
public class BlogEntity : BaseEntity
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public string CreatedDate { get; set; }
public bool Published { get; set; }
public int ViewCount { get; set; }
public string AuthorId { get; set; }
public string GSI1PK { get; set; }
public string GSI1SK { get; set; }
public string GSI2PK { get; set; }
public string GSI2SK { get; set; }
public class GSI1Entity : BaseEntity
public string GSI1PK { get; set; }
public string GSI1SK { get; set; }
public class GSI2Entity : BaseEntity
public string GSI2PK { get; set; }
public string GSI2SK { get; set; }
This library consists of 2 repository classes.
IDynamoDBGenericRepository<T> class mostly uses .NET Object Persistence Model (High Level APIs)
to communicate with DynamoDB. It sometimes uses combination of both High Level
& Low Level
APIs to perform an operation.
public interface IDynamoDBGenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
Task<TEntity> GetByPrimaryKey(object partitionKey);
Task<TEntity> GetByPrimaryKey(object partitionKey, object sortKey);
Task Save(TEntity entity);
Task Delete(TEntity entity);
Task Delete(object partitionKey);
Task Delete(object partitionKey, object sortKey);
Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> Query(QueryOperationConfig queryOperationConfig);
Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> Query(QueryFilter filter, bool backwardSearch = false, string indexName = "", List<string>? attributesToGet = null);
Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> Scan(ScanFilter filter, List<string>? attributesToGet = null);
Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> BatchGet(List<object> partitionKeys);
Task<IEnumerable<TEntity>> BatchGet(List<Tuple<object, object>> partitionAndSortKeys);
Task BatchWrite(List<TEntity> entitiesToSave, List<TEntity> entitiesToDelete);
Task Save(TEntity entity, string conditionExpression);
IDynamoDBRepository class uses DynamoDB Low Level APIs
to communicate with DynamoDB. This class contains methods for the operations that are not supported by .NET Object Persistence Model
public interface IDynamoDBRepository
string GetTableName<T>();
Task RunTransaction(List<TransactWriteItem> transactWriteItems);
Task BatchWrite(Dictionary<string, List<WriteRequest>> batchRequests);
Task Update(UpdateItemRequest updateItemRequest);
Not everything can be achived with .NET Object Persistence Model
. For example, this model does not provide APIs to perform transaction
and update
operations. That's where, IDynamoDBRepository
comes into the picture.
Create sevice classes like below. Here, you can use IDynamoDBGenericRepository<T>
and IDynamoDBRepository
interfaces. Dependency Injection for these interfaces has already been configured via RegisterDynamoDBServices
extension method.
public class AuthorService : IAuthorService
private readonly IDynamoDBGenericRepository<AuthorEntity> _authorRepository;
private readonly IDynamoDBRepository _dynamoDBRepository;
private readonly IDynamoDBContext _context;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public AuthorService(IDynamoDBGenericRepository<AuthorEntity> authorRepository,
IDynamoDBRepository dynamoDBRepository, IMapper mapper, IDynamoDBContext context)
_authorRepository = authorRepository;
_dynamoDBRepository = dynamoDBRepository;
_mapper = mapper;
_context = context;
// Add additional methods here
public class BlogService : IBlogService
private readonly IDynamoDBGenericRepository<BlogEntity> _blogRepository;
private readonly IDynamoDBGenericRepository<GSI1Entity> _gsi1Repository;
private readonly IDynamoDBGenericRepository<GSI2Entity> _gsi2Repository;
private readonly IDynamoDBRepository _dynamoDBRepository;
private readonly IDynamoDBContext _context;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public BlogService(IDynamoDBGenericRepository<BlogEntity> blogRepository, IDynamoDBRepository dynamoDBRepository,
IDynamoDBGenericRepository<GSI1Entity> gsi1Repository, IDynamoDBGenericRepository<GSI2Entity> gsi2Repository,
IMapper mapper, IDynamoDBContext context)
_blogRepository = blogRepository;
_gsi1Repository = gsi1Repository;
_gsi2Repository = gsi2Repository;
_dynamoDBRepository = dynamoDBRepository;
_mapper = mapper;
_context = context;
// Add additional methods here
These examples will help you to in understanding, how to use this library to perform various common operations on a DynamoDB table.
public async Task<AuthorDTO> GetAuthorById(string authorId)
var authorEntity = await _authorRepository.GetByPrimaryKey(AppConstants.AUTHOR_PARTITION_KEY, GetSortKey(authorId));
return _mapper.Map<AuthorDTO>(authorEntity);
public async Task SaveAuthor(AuthorDTO author)
var authorEntity = _mapper.Map<AuthorEntity>(author);
await _authorRepository.Save(authorEntity);
public async Task SaveAuthor(AuthorDTO author)
var authorEntity = _mapper.Map<AuthorEntity>(author);
await _authorRepository.Save(authorEntity, $"attribute_not_exists({nameof(AuthorEntity.PK)})");
public async Task DeleteAuthor(string authorId)
await _authorRepository.Delete(AppConstants.AUTHOR_PARTITION_KEY, GetSortKey(authorId));
public async Task<List<AuthorDTO>> GetAuthorList()
var filter = new QueryFilter();
filter.AddCondition(nameof(BaseEntity.PK), QueryOperator.Equal, AppConstants.AUTHOR_PARTITION_KEY);
var authorList = await _authorRepository.Query(filter);
return _mapper.Map<List<AuthorDTO>>(authorList);
public async Task<List<BlogDTO>> GetBlogsWithMoreThan1000Views()
var scanfilter = new ScanFilter();
scanfilter.AddCondition(nameof(BlogEntity.ViewCount), ScanOperator.GreaterThan, 1000);
var blogList = await _blogRepository.Scan(scanfilter);
return _mapper.Map<List<BlogDTO>>(blogList);
// 1. Prepare query filter, add GSI PK & SK in conditions
var queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
queryFilter.AddCondition(nameof(BlogEntity.GSI2PK), QueryOperator.Equal, AppConstants.BLOG_PARTITION_KEY);
// 2. Define attributes to get, as all attributes won't work in GSI query
List<string> attributesToGet = new List<string>();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in typeof(GSI2Entity).GetProperties())
// 3. Finally hit the query, here we get all blog ids sorted by date
var gsi2Entities = await _gsi2Repository.Query(queryFilter, backwardSearch: true, indexName: AppConstants.GSI2_INDEX_NAME, attributesToGet: attributesToGet);
public void UpdateViewCount(string blogId)
var updateItemRequest = new UpdateItemRequest
TableName = _dynamoDBRepository.GetTableName<BlogEntity>(),
Key = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>
{ nameof(BlogEntity.PK), new AttributeValue { S = AppConstants.BLOG_PARTITION_KEY } },
{ nameof(BlogEntity.SK), new AttributeValue { S = $"{AppConstants.BLOG_PARTITION_KEY}{AppConstants.DELIMITER}{blogId}"} }
UpdateExpression = "SET ViewCount = ViewCount + :incr",
ExpressionAttributeValues = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>()
":incr", new AttributeValue { N = "1" }
// 1. Prepare transaction request
List<TransactWriteItem> transactWriteItems = new List<TransactWriteItem>();
foreach (var item in baseEntities)
Dictionary<string, AttributeValue> attributes = new();
if (item is BlogEntity blogEntity)
attributes = _context.ToDocument(blogEntity).ToAttributeMap();
else if (item is AuthorEntity authorEntity)
attributes = _context.ToDocument(authorEntity).ToAttributeMap();
transactWriteItems.Add(new TransactWriteItem
Put = new Put
Item = attributes,
TableName = _dynamoDBRepository.GetTableName<BaseEntity>()
// 2. Execute transaction request
await _dynamoDBRepository.RunTransaction(transactWriteItems);
Example of Batch Write. First getting items to delete, then deleting them in a batch write request.
// 1. Getting old records (as currently, You cannot delete all the items just by passing the Hash key, so we first have to retrive them to know their pk & sk)
var filter = new QueryFilter();
filter.AddCondition(nameof(BlogEntity.PK).ToLower(), QueryOperator.Equal, AppConstants.BLOG_PARTITION_KEY);
filter.AddCondition(nameof(BlogEntity.SK), QueryOperator.BeginsWith, AppConstants.BLOG_PARTITION_KEY);
var oldBlogs = await _blogRepository.Query(filter);
// 2. Create bacth request to delete old records
Dictionary<string, List<WriteRequest>> batchRequests = new();
List<WriteRequest> writeRequests = new();
foreach (var item in oldBlogs)
var primaryKey = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>
{ nameof(BlogEntity.PK).ToLower(), new AttributeValue(item.PK) },
{ nameof(BlogEntity.SK).ToLower(), new AttributeValue(item.SK) }
writeRequests.Add(new WriteRequest
DeleteRequest = new DeleteRequest
Key = primaryKey
// 3. Execute batch
if (writeRequests.Any())
string tableName = _dynamoDBRepository.GetTableName<BaseEntity>();
batchRequests.Add(tableName, writeRequests);
await _dynamoDBRepository.BatchWrite(batchRequests);
a) IAM Permission required for all the operations are:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:dynamodb:<Region>:<AWSAccount>:table/<TableName>"
Refer this sample Blog API application written in ASP.NET 6 to explain how to use DynamoDB repository in real-world application.