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Lab 3 - Distributed Tracing with AWS X-Ray

As distributed systems evolve, monitoring and debugging services becomes challenging. Container-orchestration platforms like Kubernetes solve a lot of problems, but they also introduce new challenges for developers and operators in understanding how services interact and where latency exists. AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed services.

In this module, we are going to deploy the X-Ray agent as a DaemonSet, instrument the eCommerce services with the X-Ray SDK, make some sample requests and then examine the traces and service maps in the AWS Management Console.

XRay Overview

Installing AWS X-Ray

IAM permissions for worker nodes

Before we can deploy the AWS X-Ray daemon to the EKS cluster we need to apply the necessary IAM permissions. Attach the AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess policy to the service account for the X-Ray daemon. This allows the X-Ray Pods on any worker node to send trace data to the AWS X-Ray backend. These instructions use eksctl to enable the necessary setup in the EKS cluster and create a service account attached to the right IAM role.

eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \
               --name dev303-workshop \
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
                --name xray-daemon \
                --namespace microservices-aws \
                --cluster dev303-workshop \
                --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSXRayDaemonWriteAccess \

Deploy AWS X-Ray daemonset

Now we are ready to deploy the X-Ray daemon itself. The X-Ray daemon will be deployed to each worker node in the EKS cluster.

To deploy the X-Ray DaemonSet to the Amazon EKS cluster.

kubectl apply -f deploy/tracing/

The X-Ray daemon will be deployed to the kube-system namespace, so run

kubectl get pods -l app=xray-daemon -n kube-system

This should print something similar to

NAME                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
xray-daemon-767bx   1/1     Running   0          4d
xray-daemon-f6hdp   1/1     Running   0          4d
xray-daemon-lxt7n   1/1     Running   0          4d

Your Amazon EKS cluster is now ready to send traces from applications to AWS X-Ray

Adding X-Ray to the microservices

To send traces to AWS X-Ray the applications need the required instrumentation in the code to send traces via X-Ray daemon to AWS X-Ray.

There are two options here

  • a) Use pre-built container images (Easy)
  • b) Instrument the application code yourself (Informative)

Choose your approach and continue with one of the two sections below.

a) Using pre-built containers (Easy)

When you use the pre-built container images, all the necessary instrumentation is already enabled.

b) Instrumenting application code (Informative)

The following code snippets show example code necessary to instrument the "AnyCompany Shop" services with AWS X-Ray instrumentation code.

Sample code Node.js example

//Add aws-xray-sdk package to package.json

const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
const xrayExpress = require('aws-xray-sdk-express');


app.get('/', function(req, res){})


Python example

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder, patch_all
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.flask.middleware import XRayMiddleware

plugins = ('EC2Plugin', 'ECSPlugin') # Plugins

# Configure recorder

# Add Xray middleware to Flask app
XRayMiddleware(app, xray_recorder)

# Patch clients, SDK‘s such as boto3, requests, ...

Use the following resources to learn more about the capabilities of the AWS X-Ray SDK's and how to instrument application code. Afterward you should be able to add the necessary instrumentation to the services.

After you add the required instrumentation code re-build the Docker image and push it up into the container registry of your choice.

See Container Repos for guideance on how to create your own container repositories to host the updated container images.

Afterward update the Kubernetes deployment specification of the service to use the newly built container image from your registry.

# Update catalogservice deployment
kubectl set image deployment/catalogservice catalogservice=<yourregistry>/catalogservice:<your tag> -n microservices-aws

Repeat the steps for all 6 services to achieve complete observability across all services.


kubectl get pods -n microservices-aws

and check if all Pods are still running without errors.

Understanding traces

Reload the website in your browser a few times and browse around the eCommerce storefront. These requests and the background load generator, that you deployed in Lab 1, will generate request traces, which are sent to AWS X-Ray.

Afterward you can log in to the AWS console and switch to the AWS X-Ray console.

Note The X-Ray console may start with a first run experience. Click Get Started and then Cancel the wizard directly afterward and you will be redirected to the service map.

The service map auto-updates so if not all services are visible immediately just wait a bit and keep browsing around in the sample application.

After a couple of minutes the service map should look something like this:

alt X-Ray Service Map

The Service map in the console provides a visual representation of the steps identified by X-Ray for a particular trace. Each resource that sends data to X-Ray within the same context appears as a service in the graph. In the example above, we can see that the Frontend service is processing 20 transactions per minute with an average latency of 189ms per operation. Additionally, the Catalogservice is showing an average latency of 57ms per transaction.

Next, go to the traces section in the AWS Management Console to view the execution times for the segments in the requests. At the top of the page, we can see the URL for the endpoint and the corresponding traces below. You can also select different Group by aggregations.

XRay Traces

If you click on the link on the left in the Trace list section you will see the overall execution time for the request (13ms for the Frontend which wraps other segments and subsegments), as well as a breakdown of the individual segments in the request. In this visualization, you can see the Frontend segment and Cartservice, Catalogservice and DynamoDB subsegments. For each subsegment you see how much time was spent inside the individual service processing the request.


Dig into the different Traces, go back to the Service Map and select a different service and see how the Traces capture the overall request as it was processed by different microservices.

Congratulations! You have successfully enabled distributed tracing!

Adding Chaos

To see how AWS X-Ray helps understand end user impact you can deploy a chaos generation service to your Amazon EKS cluster.


kubectl apply -f deploy/eks/randomizer.yaml

to deploy a Pod that will randomly kill one of the services, which are part of the eCommerce application. Every 2 - 5 Minutes a randomly selected service will be killed. The high frequency is by design to quickly visualize the impact via AWS X-Ray.

Kubernetes will detect the failure and will automatically re-spawn the container. Still, some requests will fail and end users will see an impact. This impact will be visible within AWS X-Ray.

To stop generating chaos within your application simply delete the generator with the command

kubectl delete -f deploy/eks/randomizer.yaml

Adapting DynamoDB capacity

To understand and visualize the effect of a slowly responding microservice you can adapt the DynamoDB capacity for the ProductCatalog table used by the catalogservice. Switch to DynamoDB within the AWS Console and select the Capacity tab. If you lower the capacity allocated to the DynamoDB table to a very low value you may see an impact in the AWS X-Ray traces quickly because DynamoDB will throttle some of the requests to the ProductCatalog table.


What's Next?

Try experimenting with the different features of AWS X-Ray, such as Grouping and creating Alarms for X-Ray Groups in CloudWatch.

Afterward go ahead and add instrumentation to your own code and improve the Observability of your applications.

If you have ideas or additions to this workshop please open an Issue or Pull-Request on Github. Your feedback is welcome!