Releases: aws/aws-sdk-ruby
Release v2.11.632 - 2020-11-20
Tag release v2.11.632
Feature - Aws::AppMesh - Updated the API for AWS App Mesh.
Feature - Aws::Chime - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Chime.
Feature - Aws::CloudHSMV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CloudHSM V2.
Feature - Aws::CodeGuruReviewer - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer.
Feature - Aws::CognitoIdentity - Updated the API, and integration test for Amazon Cognito Identity.
Feature - Aws::Connect - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Connect Service.
Feature - Aws::Kafka - Updated the API, and documentation for Managed Streaming for Kafka.
Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Feature - Aws::AppRegistry - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Service Catalog App Registry.
Release v2.11.631 - 2020-11-19
Tag release v2.11.631
Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - Updated the API, and documentation for Auto Scaling.
Feature - Aws::CostExplorer - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Cost Explorer Service.
Feature - Aws::DirectoryService - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Directory Service.
Feature - Aws::EventBridge - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon EventBridge.
Feature - Aws::CloudWatchEvents - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Feature - Aws::Glue - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Glue.
Feature - Aws::KinesisAnalyticsV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Kinesis Analytics.
Feature - Aws::Lambda - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Lambda.
Feature - Aws::LexModelBuildingService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Lex Model Building Service.
Feature - Aws::MediaLive - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaLive.
Feature - Aws::Redshift - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Redshift.
Feature - Aws::Lex - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Lex Runtime Service.
Release v2.11.630 - 2020-11-18
Tag release v2.11.630
Feature - Aws::Backup - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Backup.
Feature - Aws::CloudFormation - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CloudFormation.
Feature - Aws::CodeBuild - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CodeBuild.
Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Feature - Aws::ElastiCache - Updated the documentation for Amazon ElastiCache.
Feature - Aws::Outposts - Updated the API for AWS Outposts.
Feature - Aws::S3Control - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS S3 Control.
Release v2.11.629 - 2020-11-17
Tag release v2.11.629
Feature - Aws::Chime - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Chime.
Feature - Aws::Connect - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Connect Service.
Feature - Aws::FMS - Updated the API, and documentation for Firewall Management Service.
Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
Feature - Aws::RDS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Relational Database Service.
Feature - Aws::NetworkFirewall - Added support for a new service, AWS Network Firewall.
Feature - Aws::NetworkFirewall - Added support for the new 2020-11-12 API version of AWS Network Firewall.
Release v2.11.628 - 2020-11-16
Tag release v2.11.628
Feature - Aws::CodePipeline - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS CodePipeline.
Feature - Aws::DatabaseMigrationService - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Database Migration Service.
Feature - Aws::IoTSecureTunneling - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling.
Feature - Aws::IoTSiteWise - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT SiteWise.
Feature - Aws::QuickSight - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon QuickSight.
Feature - Aws::SageMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon SageMaker Service.
Feature - Aws::ServiceCatalog - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Service Catalog.
Feature - Aws::SNS - Updated the documentation for Amazon Simple Notification Service.
Feature - Aws::Synthetics - Updated the API, and documentation for Synthetics.
Release v2.11.627 - 2020-11-13
Tag release v2.11.627
Feature - Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Elastic Load Balancing.
Feature - Aws::Shield - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Shield.
Feature - Aws::Textract - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Textract.
Release v2.11.626 - 2020-11-12
Tag release v2.11.626
Feature - Aws::IoT - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT.
Feature - Aws::LexModelBuildingService - Updated the API for Amazon Lex Model Building Service.
Feature - Aws::Lightsail - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Lightsail.
Feature - Aws::PersonalizeRuntime - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Personalize Runtime.
Feature - Aws::Polly - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Polly.
Feature - Aws::RoboMaker - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS RoboMaker.
Feature - Aws::AppRegistry - Added support for a new service, AWS Service Catalog App Registry.
Feature - Aws::AppRegistry - Added support for the new 2020-06-24 API version of AWS Service Catalog App Registry.
Release v2.11.625 - 2020-11-11
Tag release v2.11.625
Feature - Aws::Amplify - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Amplify.
Feature - Aws::ForecastService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Forecast Service.
Feature - Aws::MediaConvert - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Elemental MediaConvert.
Feature - Aws::QuickSight - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon QuickSight.
Feature - Aws::ServiceCatalog - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Service Catalog.
Feature - Aws::GlueDataBrew - Added support for a new service, AWS Glue DataBrew.
Feature - Aws::GlueDataBrew - Added support for the new 2017-07-25 API version of AWS Glue DataBrew.
Release v2.11.624 - 2020-11-10
Tag release v2.11.624
Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - Updated the documentation for Auto Scaling.
Feature - Aws::EC2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Feature - Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Elastic Load Balancing.
Feature - Aws::SSM - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Release v2.11.623 - 2020-11-09
Tag release v2.11.623
Feature - Aws::DataSync - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS DataSync.
Feature - Aws::DynamoDB - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon DynamoDB.
Feature - Aws::ECS - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon EC2 Container Service.
Feature - Aws::ElasticsearchService - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
Feature - Aws::FSx - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon FSx.
Feature - Aws::IoTAnalytics - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS IoT Analytics.
Feature - Aws::Macie2 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Macie 2.
Feature - Aws::S3 - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Feature - Aws::SSM - Updated the API, and documentation for Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM).
Feature - Aws::StorageGateway - Updated the API, and documentation for AWS Storage Gateway.