SageMaker TensorFlow Containers is an open source library for making the TensorFlow framework run on Amazon SageMaker.
This repository also contains Dockerfiles which install this library, TensorFlow, and dependencies for building SageMaker TensorFlow images.
For information on running TensorFlow jobs on SageMaker: Python SDK.
For notebook examples: SageMaker Notebook Examples.
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- A Python environment management tool. (e.g. PyEnv, VirtualEnv)
Amazon SageMaker utilizes Docker containers to run all training jobs & inference endpoints.
The Docker images are built from the Dockerfiles specified in Docker/.
The Docker files are grouped based on TensorFlow version and separated based on Python version and processor type.
The Docker images, used to run training & inference jobs, are built from both corresponding “base” and “final” Dockerfiles.
The "base" Dockerfile encompass the installation of the framework and all of the dependencies needed. It is needed before building image for TensorFlow 1.8.0 and before. Building a base image is not required for images for TensorFlow 1.9.0 and onwards.
Tagging scheme is based on <tensorflow_version>-<processor>-<python_version>. (e.g. 1.4 .1-cpu-py2)
All “final” Dockerfiles build images using base images that use the tagging scheme above.
If you want to build your "base" Docker image, then use:
# All build instructions assume you're building from the same directory as the Dockerfile. # CPU docker build -t tensorflow-base:<tensorflow_version>-cpu-<python_version> -f Dockerfile.cpu . # GPU docker build -t tensorflow-base:<tensorflow_version>-gpu-<python_version> -f Dockerfile.gpu .
# Example # CPU docker build -t tensorflow-base:1.4.1-cpu-py2 -f Dockerfile.cpu . # GPU docker build -t tensorflow-base:1.4.1-gpu-py2 -f Dockerfile.gpu .
The "final" Dockerfiles encompass the installation of the SageMaker specific support code.
For images of TensorFlow 1.8.0 and before, all “final” Dockerfiles use base images for building.
These “base” images are specified with the naming convention of tensorflow-base:<tensorflow_version>-<processor>-<python_version>.
Before building “final” images:
Build your “base” image. Make sure it is named and tagged in accordance with your “final” Dockerfile. Skip this step if you want to build image of Tensorflow Version 1.9.0 and above.
Then prepare the SageMaker TensorFlow Container python package in the image folder like below:
# Create the SageMaker TensorFlow Container Python package. cd sagemaker-tensorflow-containers python sdist #. Copy your Python package to “final” Dockerfile directory that you are building. cp dist/sagemaker_tensorflow_container-<package_version>.tar.gz docker/<tensorflow_version>/final/py2
If you want to build "final" Docker images, for versions 1.6 and above, you will first need to download the appropriate tensorflow pip wheel, then pass in its location as a build argument. These can be obtained from pypi. For example, the files for 1.6.0 are here:
Note that you need to use the tensorflow-gpu wheel when building the GPU image.
Then run:
# All build instructions assumes you're building from the same directory as the Dockerfile. # CPU docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> --build-arg framework_installable=<path to tensorflow binary> -f Dockerfile.cpu . # GPU docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> --build-arg framework_installable=<path to tensorflow binary> -f Dockerfile.gpu .
# Example docker build -t preprod-tensorflow:1.6.0-cpu-py2 --build-arg framework_installable=tensorflow-1.6.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl -f Dockerfile.cpu .
The dockerfiles for 1.4 and 1.5 build from source instead, so when building those, you don't need to download the wheel beforehand:
# All build instructions assumes you're building from the same directory as the Dockerfile. # CPU docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> -f Dockerfile.cpu . # GPU docker build -t <image_name>:<tag> -f Dockerfile.gpu .
# Example # CPU docker build -t preprod-tensorflow:1.4.1-cpu-py2 -f Dockerfile.cpu . # GPU docker build -t preprod-tensorflow:1.4.1-gpu-py2 -f Dockerfile.gpu .
Amazon Elastic Inference allows you to to attach low-cost GPU-powered acceleration to Amazon EC2 and Amazon SageMaker instances to reduce the cost running deep learning inference by up to 75%. Currently, Amazon Elastic Inference supports TensorFlow, Apache MXNet, and ONNX models, with more frameworks coming soon.
Support for using TensorFlow serving with Amazon Elastic Inference in SageMaker is supported in the public SageMaker TensorFlow containers.
- For information on how to use the Python SDK to create an endpoint with Amazon Elastic Inference and TensorFlow serving in SageMaker, see Deploying from an Estimator.
- For information on how Amazon Elastic Inference works, see How EI Works.
- For more information in regards to using Amazon Elastic Inference in SageMaker, see Amazon SageMaker Elastic Inference.
- For notebook examples on how to use Amazon Elastic Inference with TensorFlow serving through the Python SDK in SageMaker, see EI Sample Notebooks.
Amazon Elastic Inference is designed to be used with AWS enhanced versions of TensorFlow serving or Apache MXNet. These enhanced versions of the frameworks are automatically built into containers when you use the Amazon SageMaker Python SDK, or you can download them as binary files and import them into your own Docker containers. The enhanced TensorFlow serving binaries are available on Amazon S3 at
The SageMaker TensorFlow containers with Amazon Elastic Inference support were built from the EI Dockerfile starting at TensorFlow 1.11.0 and above.
The instructions for building the SageMaker TensorFlow containers with Amazon Elastic Inference support are similar to the steps above.
The only difference is the addition of the tensorflow_model_server
build-arg, in which the enhanced version of TensorFlow serving would be passed in.
# Example docker build -t preprod-tensorflow-ei:1.11.0-cpu-py2 \ --build-arg tensorflow_model_server AmazonEI_TensorFlow_Serving_v1.11_v1 \ --build-arg framework_installable=tensorflow-1.11.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl -f Dockerfile.cpu .
- For information about downloading the enhanced versions of TensorFlow serving, see Using TensorFlow Models with Amazon EI.
- For information on which versions of TensorFlow serving is supported for Elastic Inference within SageMaker, see TensorFlow SageMaker Estimators and Models.
Running the tests requires installation of the SageMaker TensorFlow Container code and its test dependencies.
git clone cd sagemaker-tensorflow-containers pip install -e .[test]
Tests are defined in test/ and include unit, integration and functional tests.
If you want to run unit tests, then use:
# All test instructions should be run from the top level directory pytest test/unit
Running integration tests require Docker and AWS credentials, as the integration tests make calls to a couple AWS services. The integration and functional tests require configurations specified within their respective
Integration tests on GPU require Nvidia-Docker.
Before running integration tests:
- Build your Docker image.
- Pass in the correct pytest arguments to run tests against your Docker image.
If you want to run local integration tests, then use:
# Required arguments for integration tests are found in test/integ/ pytest test/integ --docker-base-name <your_docker_image> \ --tag <your_docker_image_tag> \ --framework-version <tensorflow_version> \ --processor <cpu_or_gpu>
# Example pytest test/integ --docker-base-name preprod-tensorflow \ --tag 1.0 \ --framework-version 1.4.1 \ --processor cpu
Functional tests require your Docker image to be within an Amazon ECR repository.
The docker-base-name is your ECR repository namespace.
The instance-type is your specified Amazon SageMaker Instance Type that the functional test will run on.
Before running functional tests:
- Build your Docker image.
- Push the image to your ECR repository.
- Pass in the correct pytest arguments to run tests on SageMaker against the image within your ECR repository.
If you want to run a functional end to end test on Amazon SageMaker, then use:
# Required arguments for integration tests are found in test/functional/ pytest test/functional --aws-id <your_aws_id> \ --docker-base-name <your_docker_image> \ --instance-type <amazon_sagemaker_instance_type> \ --tag <your_docker_image_tag> \
# Example pytest test/functional --aws-id 12345678910 \ --docker-base-name preprod-tensorflow \ --instance-type ml.m4.xlarge \ --tag 1.0
If you want to run a functional end to end test for your Elastic Inference container, you will need to provide an accelerator_type as an additional pytest argument.
The accelerator-type is your specified Amazon Elastic Inference Accelerator type that will be attached to your instance type.
# Example for running Elastic Inference functional test pytest test/functional/ --aws-id 12345678910 \ --docker-base-name preprod-tensorflow \ --instance-type ml.m4.xlarge \ --accelerator-type ml.eia1.medium \ --tag 1.0
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SageMaker TensorFlow Containers is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. It is copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. The license is available at: