diff --git a/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3ErrorIn200Test.swift b/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3ErrorIn200Test.swift
index e5c9f2f08cb..4483a41a956 100644
--- a/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3ErrorIn200Test.swift
+++ b/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3ErrorIn200Test.swift
@@ -16,23 +16,18 @@ import AwsCommonRuntimeKit
import ClientRuntime
public class MockHttpClientEngine: HTTPClient {
+ private let errorResponsePayload: String
// Public initializer
- public init() {}
+ public init(response: String) {
+ self.errorResponsePayload = response
+ }
func successHttpResponse(request: SmithyHTTPAPI.HTTPRequest) -> HTTPResponse {
- let errorResponsePayload = """
- SlowDown
- Please reduce your request rate.
- WWoZlnK4pTjKCYn6eNV7GgOurabfqLkjbSyqTvDMGBaI9uwzyNhSaDhOCPs8paFGye7S6b/AB3A=
- """
request.withHeader(name: "Date", value: "Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT")
return HTTPResponse(
headers: request.headers,
- body: ByteStream.data(errorResponsePayload.data(using: .utf8)),
+ body: ByteStream.data(self.errorResponsePayload.data(using: .utf8)),
statusCode: .ok
@@ -44,25 +39,101 @@ public class MockHttpClientEngine: HTTPClient {
class S3ErrorIn200Test: XCTestCase {
+ let errorInternalErrorResponsePayload = """
+ InternalError
+ We encountered an internal error. Please try again.
+ 656c76696e6727732072657175657374
+ Uuag1LuByRx9e6j5Onimru9pO4ZVKnJ2Qz7/C1NPcfTWAtRPfTaOFg==
+ """
+ let errorSlowDownResponsePayload = """
+ SlowDown
+ Please reduce your request rate.
+ WWoZlnK4pTjKCYn6eNV7GgOurabfqLkjbSyqTvDMGBaI9uwzyNhSaDhOCPs8paFGye7S6b/AB3A=
+ """
+ let shouldNotApplyResponsePayload = """
+ sample1.txt
+ sample2.txt
+ AccessDenied
+ Access Denied
+ """
override class func setUp() {
- /// S3Client throws expected error in response (200) with tag
- func test_foundExpectedError() async throws {
+ /// S3Client throws expected InternalError error in response (200) with tag
+ func test_foundInternalErrorExpectedError() async throws {
let config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration(region: "us-west-2")
- config.httpClientEngine = MockHttpClientEngine()
+ config.httpClientEngine = MockHttpClientEngine(response: errorInternalErrorResponsePayload)
let client = S3Client(config: config)
do {
- // any method on S3Client where the output shape doesnt have a stream
+ // any method on S3Client where the output shape doesnt have a blob stream
_ = try await client.listBuckets(input: .init())
XCTFail("Expected an error to be thrown, but it was not.")
} catch let error as UnknownAWSHTTPServiceError {
// check for the error we added in our mock client
+ XCTAssertEqual("InternalError", error.typeName)
+ XCTAssertEqual("We encountered an internal error. Please try again.", error.message)
+ } catch {
+ XCTFail("Unexpected error: \(error)")
+ }
+ }
+ /// S3Client throws expected SlowDown error in response (200) with tag
+ func test_foundSlowDownExpectedError() async throws {
+ let config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration(region: "us-west-2")
+ config.httpClientEngine = MockHttpClientEngine(response: errorSlowDownResponsePayload)
+ let client = S3Client(config: config)
+ do {
+ // any method on S3Client where the output shape doesnt have a blob stream
+ _ = try await client.listBuckets(input: .init())
+ XCTFail("Expected an error to be thrown, but it was not.")
+ } catch let error as UnknownAWSHTTPServiceError {
+ // check for the error we added in our mock client
+ XCTAssertEqual("SlowDown", error.typeName)
XCTAssertEqual("Please reduce your request rate.", error.message)
} catch {
XCTFail("Unexpected error: \(error)")
+ /// S3Client does not throw error when is not at the root
+ func test_noErrorExpected() async throws {
+ let config = try await S3Client.S3ClientConfiguration(region: "us-west-2")
+ config.httpClientEngine = MockHttpClientEngine(response: shouldNotApplyResponsePayload)
+ let client = S3Client(config: config)
+ do {
+ // any method on S3Client where the output shape doesnt have a stream
+ let result = try await client.deleteObjects(input: .init(delete: .init(objects: [.init(key: "test")])))
+ // Check results
+ XCTAssertEqual(result.deleted?.count, 1)
+ XCTAssertEqual(result.errors?.count, 1)
+ let actualDeleted = result.deleted?.first
+ XCTAssertEqual(actualDeleted?.key, "sample1.txt")
+ let actualError = result.errors?.first
+ XCTAssertEqual(actualError?.code, "AccessDenied")
+ XCTAssertEqual(actualError?.key, "sample2.txt")
+ } catch let error {
+ XCTFail("Expected success, but received \(error).")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3EventStreamTests.swift b/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3EventStreamTests.swift
index b645a79208b..7d659b72ccc 100644
--- a/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3EventStreamTests.swift
+++ b/IntegrationTests/Services/AWSS3IntegrationTests/S3EventStreamTests.swift
@@ -39,10 +39,14 @@ class S3EventStreamTests: S3XCTestCase {
outputSerialization: S3ClientTypes.OutputSerialization(json: S3ClientTypes.JSONOutput())
- let outputStream = result.payload
+ guard let outputStream = result.payload else {
+ XCTFail("result.payload is nil")
+ return
+ }
var actualOutput = ""
- for try await event in outputStream! {
+ for try await event in outputStream {
switch event {
case .records(let record):
actualOutput = actualOutput + (String(data: record.payload ?? Data(), encoding: .utf8) ?? "")
diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index 3cbd33a82bb..6d1c5f660c5 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ extension Target.Dependency {
static var smithyWaitersAPI: Self { .product(name: "SmithyWaitersAPI", package: "smithy-swift") }
static var smithyTestUtils: Self { .product(name: "SmithyTestUtil", package: "smithy-swift") }
static var smithyStreams: Self { .product(name: "SmithyStreams", package: "smithy-swift") }
+ static var smithyXML: Self { .product(name: "SmithyXML", package: "smithy-swift") }
// MARK: - Base Package
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ let package = Package(
+ .smithyXML,
diff --git a/Sources/Core/AWSClientRuntime/Sources/AWSClientRuntime/Middlewares/AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware.swift b/Sources/Core/AWSClientRuntime/Sources/AWSClientRuntime/Middlewares/AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware.swift
index 845b5179dda..d86c2048277 100644
--- a/Sources/Core/AWSClientRuntime/Sources/AWSClientRuntime/Middlewares/AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware.swift
+++ b/Sources/Core/AWSClientRuntime/Sources/AWSClientRuntime/Middlewares/AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware.swift
@@ -5,9 +5,13 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+import enum Smithy.ByteStream
import class Smithy.Context
import ClientRuntime
import SmithyHTTPAPI
+import SmithyXML
+import struct Foundation.Data
+import SmithyStreams
public struct AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware {
public let id: String = "AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware"
@@ -15,20 +19,11 @@ public struct AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware Bool {
- // Check if the status code is OK (200)
- guard response.statusCode == .ok else {
- return false
- }
- // Check if the response body contains an XML Error
- guard let data = try await response.body.readData() else {
- return false
- }
+ private func isRootErrorElement(data: Data) throws -> Bool {
+ let reader = try Reader.from(data: data)
- response.body = .data(data)
- let xmlString = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
- return xmlString.contains("")
+ // Check if there's an "Error" node at the root of the XML response
+ return reader.nodeInfo.name == "Error"
@@ -40,9 +35,41 @@ extension AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware: HttpInterceptor {
context: some MutableResponse
) async throws {
let response = context.getResponse()
- if try await isErrorWith200Status(response: response) {
- response.statusCode = errorStatusCode
- context.updateResponse(updated: response)
+ // Check if the status code is OK (200)
+ guard response.statusCode == .ok else {
+ return
+ }
+ guard let data = try await response.body.readData() else {
+ return
+ }
+ let statusCode = try isRootErrorElement(data: data) ? errorStatusCode : response.statusCode
+ // For event streams the body needs to be copied as buffered streams are non-seekable
+ let updatedBody = response.body.copy(data: data)
+ let updatedResponse = response.copy(
+ body: updatedBody,
+ statusCode: statusCode
+ )
+ context.updateResponse(updated: updatedResponse)
+ }
+extension ByteStream {
+ // Copy an existing ByteStream, optionally with new data
+ public func copy(data: Data?) -> ByteStream {
+ switch self {
+ case .data(let existingData):
+ return .data(data ?? existingData)
+ case .stream(let existingStream):
+ return .stream(data != nil ? BufferedStream(data: data, isClosed: true) : existingStream)
+ case .noStream:
+ return .noStream
diff --git a/Sources/Services/AWSS3/Sources/AWSS3/S3Client.swift b/Sources/Services/AWSS3/Sources/AWSS3/S3Client.swift
index a168cde12ba..2f79154616f 100644
--- a/Sources/Services/AWSS3/Sources/AWSS3/S3Client.swift
+++ b/Sources/Services/AWSS3/Sources/AWSS3/S3Client.swift
@@ -7604,6 +7604,7 @@ extension S3Client {
builder.interceptors.add(AWSClientRuntime.AmzSdkRequestMiddleware(maxRetries: config.retryStrategyOptions.maxRetriesBase))
+ builder.interceptors.add(AWSClientRuntime.AWSS3ErrorWith200StatusXMLMiddleware())
var metricsAttributes = Smithy.Attributes()
metricsAttributes.set(key: ClientRuntime.OrchestratorMetricsAttributesKeys.service, value: "S3")
metricsAttributes.set(key: ClientRuntime.OrchestratorMetricsAttributesKeys.method, value: "SelectObjectContent")
diff --git a/codegen/smithy-aws-swift-codegen/src/main/kotlin/software/amazon/smithy/aws/swift/codegen/customization/s3/S3ErrorWith200StatusIntegration.kt b/codegen/smithy-aws-swift-codegen/src/main/kotlin/software/amazon/smithy/aws/swift/codegen/customization/s3/S3ErrorWith200StatusIntegration.kt
index 2757775e3ed..bf502ca64fe 100644
--- a/codegen/smithy-aws-swift-codegen/src/main/kotlin/software/amazon/smithy/aws/swift/codegen/customization/s3/S3ErrorWith200StatusIntegration.kt
+++ b/codegen/smithy-aws-swift-codegen/src/main/kotlin/software/amazon/smithy/aws/swift/codegen/customization/s3/S3ErrorWith200StatusIntegration.kt
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import software.amazon.smithy.aws.swift.codegen.swiftmodules.AWSClientRuntimeTyp
import software.amazon.smithy.model.Model
import software.amazon.smithy.model.shapes.OperationShape
import software.amazon.smithy.model.shapes.ServiceShape
-import software.amazon.smithy.model.traits.StreamingTrait
import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.SwiftSettings
import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.SwiftWriter
import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.integration.ProtocolGenerator
@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.integration.middlewares.handlers.Mid
import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.middleware.MiddlewareRenderable
import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.middleware.OperationMiddleware
import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.model.expectShape
-import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.model.hasTrait
+import software.amazon.smithy.swift.codegen.model.isStreaming
* Register interceptor to handle S3 error responses returned with an HTTP 200 status code.
@@ -39,10 +38,14 @@ class S3ErrorWith200StatusIntegration : SwiftIntegration {
// Instead of playing whack-a-mole broadly apply this interceptor to everything but streaming responses
// which adds a small amount of overhead to response processing.
val output = ctx.model.expectShape(operationShape.output.get())
- val outputIsNotStreaming = output.members().none {
- it.hasTrait() || ctx.model.expectShape(it.target).hasTrait()
+ val outputIsNotAStreamingBlobShape = output.members().none {
+ val targetShape = ctx.model.expectShape(it.target)
+ val isBlob = it.isBlobShape || targetShape.isBlobShape
+ val isStreaming = it.isStreaming || targetShape.isStreaming
+ isBlob && isStreaming
- if (outputIsNotStreaming) {
+ if (outputIsNotAStreamingBlobShape) {
operationMiddleware.appendMiddleware(operationShape, S3HandleError200ResponseMiddleware)