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File metadata and controls

247 lines (180 loc) · 8.07 KB


An extension provides capability of tag cloud generation and helpers to display these clouds. You can read more about awesome Bolt CMS built on top of Silex microframework at

The tag clouds are being rendered extremely fast because they're being calculated only once for the specified content type and will be invalidated on the cache clear or some changes in the list of records of single content type. The configuration is also being cached using Symfony's Config component.


Is as simple as add the following line to the code:

{{ tag_cloud(record|contenttype) }}


{{ tag_cloud(records|first|contenttype) }}

The general notation is

{{ tag_cloud(contenttype[, {<options>}]) }}

These produces the following markup:

        <a href="/tags/annotations" class="tag-1">annotations</a>
        <a href="/tags/aop" class="tag-3">aop</a>
        <a href="/tags/demo" class="tag-1">demo</a>
        <a href="/tags/doctrine" class="tag-1">doctrine</a>
        <a href="/tags/firephp" class="tag-5">firephp</a>
        <a href="/tags/nginx" class="tag-5">nginx</a>
        <a href="/tags/tests" class="tag-1">tests</a>

Default cloud markup can be customized via the following rendering options:

  • view

    Can be equal to "list"(by default) or "raw". In case of "raw" value the tag cloud will be rendered just like hyperlinks divided by spaces.

  • marker

    Defines template for the marker class of the tag cloud hyperlinks ("tag-{rank}" by default). Can be overriden with your custom template where is a "{rank}" substring. Rank are values from 1 to 5.

  • list_options

    An array with classes and/or attributes to be set on the <ul> tag (makes sense only with view option set to "list".

  • link_options

    An array with classes and/or attributes to be set on the <a> tags of the tag cloud

Two shortcuts are available:

{{ tag_cloud_raw(contenttype[, {<link_options>}[, <marker>]]) }}


{{ tag_cloud_list(contenttype[, {<link_options>}[, <marker>[, {<list_options>}]]]) }}


To make an extension works you have to copy the predefined config.yml.desc to config.yml file and customize it:

cp config.yml.desc config.yml

Currently the configuration file consists only of one tag cloud parameter, the cloud size. This param defines how much tags will be shown in the tag cloud.


Render raw tag-cloud with customized marker class and some custom classes added:

{{ tag_cloud(contenttype, {view: "raw", marker: "rank-{rank}", link_options:{class: "tag pretty"}}) }}


<a href="/tags/annotations" class="tag pretty rank-1">annotations</a>
<a href="/tags/aop" class="tag pretty rank-3">aop</a>
<a href="/tags/demo" class="tag pretty rank-1">demo</a>
<a href="/tags/doctrine" class="tag pretty rank-1">doctrine</a>
<a href="/tags/firephp" class="tag pretty rank-5">firephp</a>
<a href="/tags/nginx" class="tag pretty rank-5">nginx</a>
<a href="/tags/tests" class="tag pretty rank-1">tests</a>

Render the same hyperlinks but as the customized list:

{{ tag_cloud(contenttype, {view: "list", marker: "rank-{rank}",
   link_options: {class: "tag pretty"}, list_options: {id: "cloud"}}) }}


<ul id="cloud">
        <a href="/tags/annotations" class="tag pretty rank-1">annotations</a>
        <a href="/tags/aop" class="tag pretty rank-3">aop</a>
        <a href="/tags/demo" class="tag pretty rank-1">demo</a>
        <a href="/tags/doctrine" class="tag pretty rank-1">doctrine</a>
        <a href="/tags/firephp" class="tag pretty rank-5">firephp</a>
        <a href="/tags/nginx" class="tag pretty rank-5">nginx</a>
        <a href="/tags/tests" class="tag pretty rank-1">tests</a>

Render simple slightly customized raw tag cloud:

{{ tag_cloud_raw(contenttype, {class: "tag"}) }}


<a href="/tags/annotations" class="tag tag-1">annotations</a>
<a href="/tags/aop" class="tag tag-3">aop</a>
<a href="/tags/demo" class="tag tag-1">demo</a>
<a href="/tags/doctrine" class="tag tag-1">doctrine</a>
<a href="/tags/firephp" class="tag tag-5">firephp</a>
<a href="/tags/nginx" class="tag tag-5">nginx</a>
<a href="/tags/tests" class="tag tag-1">tests</a>

Realworld usage scenario

Generally speaking Bolt provides record pages or records list pages. Probably, you've decided to use classic page markup for your own theme with single aside for the all types of pages. Assume this aside should have the tag cloud related to the record(s) that is/are being shown. Also assume that you have two different content types and only one of them have taxonomy that behaves like tags. This way we can't calculate cloud tags and therefore can't show it for the content types which don't support them. Also, for the simplicity lets assume that we have only two template pages, record.twig and listing.twig

Since tag cloud are being shown based on the content type we have to determine current content type and pass it to the aside template. This can be done as follows:


{% extends 'layout.twig' %}

{% block aside %}
    {% include '_aside.twig' with {contenttype: record|contenttype} %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    {% include '_record.twig' %}
{% endblock content %}


{% extends 'layout.twig' %}

{% block aside %}
    {% include '_aside.twig' with {contenttype: records|first|contenttype} %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    {% include '_records.twig' %}
    {{ pager() }}
{% endblock content %}

Then we just output tag cloud in the aside but previously check does this content type support tag clouds? This can be done via has_tag_cloud() helper:


{% if has_tag_cloud(contenttype) %}
            {# We can use there whatever rendering function we like, with any set of options #}
            {{ tag_cloud_list(contenttype, {class: "tag"}) }}
{% endif %}

We can safely omit the usage of has_tag_cloud(). This case all rendering functions will return an empty string for the unsupported content types.


The extension allows an engine to be simply extendable with your own specific requirements and customizations. Would you like to completely change the rendering way, normalization algorithm, etc.? Thanks to Silex this can be done in simple and usual way, by overriding the defined services or by use only some of them independently.

The following services are defined:

  • tagcloud.config

    Not a service but just an extension configuration in the form of the associative array

  • tagcloud.repository

    Talks to the database to get a data necessary to build a tag cloud

  • tagcloud.builder

    Builds tag clouds


    Controls tag clouds cache

  • tagcloud.view

    Renders previously calculated tag cloud

Please look to the extension code to find out how they're working. In case you want to replace (or override) some of them in the whole tag clouds engine you can replace the service with an extended or reimplemented class, please look to the following interfaces:

  • StorageInterface
  • RepositoryInterface
  • BuilderInterface
  • ViewInterface

Todo List

  • Add support for the tag boost in order to make some tags always shown in the tag cloud
  • Probably add tags sorting possibility
  • Add service to make it simple to generate 'Tags' sections on the site (just like 'Archive', 'Categories' etc.)
  • Research, what if content type has several taxonomies which behave like tags? Is it possible?