Windows NT driver model -> WDM (Windows Driver Model) -> WDF (Windows Driver Fondation)
Checked build (debug), free build(release)
Driver: mediate communication between the device and the Windows kernel, and expose the device's capabilities to clients such as applications.
The device object is a data structure that includes pointers to the driver's dispatchfunctions, which allow the I/O manager to communicate with the driver.
The device objects are arranged in a device stack, with a separate stack for each device. Typically,"device stack" refers to the stack of device objects, plus the associated drivers.
For example, when the bus driver is installed, it enumerates the devices attached to the bus and requests resources for those devices.
Devices are usually attached to a standard hardware bus such as PCI or USB. A bus driver typically manages several pieces of hardware that are attached to the physical bus
The function driver translates the Windows abstraction of a device into the actual commands that are required to transfer data to and from a real device.
The usual purpose of a filter driver is to modify some of the I/O requests as they pass through the device stack, much like an audio filter modifies an audio stream.
The Windows I/O model is a general packet based mechanism that handle communication between clients and the device stack. By client we mean kernel subsystem + applications + drivers themselves.
All Windows I/O requests are carried by I/O request packets (IRPs).
Windows I/O is inherently asynchronous.
Applications often use synchronous I/O.
Data Buffers and I/O Transfer Types: -- Buffered IO -- Direct IO -- Neither buffered not direct I/O
Kernel-mode drivers use DPCs for purposes such as handling the time-consuming aspects of processing a hardware interrupt.
Most driver routines do not know their process context and run on an arbitrary thread.
Driver routines often run at DISPATCH_LEVEL and sometimes at DIRQL.
The primary synchronization tool for DISPATCH_LEVEL routines is an object called a spin lock.
When a routine acquires a spin lock, its IRQL is raised to DISPATCH_LEVEL if it is not already running at that level.
Unlike user mode, in which each process has its own virtual address space, the sharedaddress space in kernel mode means that kernel-mode drivers can corrupt each other's memory as well as system memory.
A page fault in IRQL >= DISPATCH_LEVEL causes a bsod (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL).
For routines running at IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL, if fault happen while servicing a page fault => Deadlock & double fault crash.
Memory pools: paged pool vs Non paged pool.
An MDL is a structure that describes the buffer and contains a list of the locked pages in kernel memory that constitute the buffer.
WDF provides a unified driver model for a large range of device types.
UMDF objects are implemented as COM objects, whereas KMDF objects are implemented as a combination of opaque "handles" and functions that operate on those handles.