This script list hosts which are defined in Ansible Inventory and open SSH/SFTP connection to host which is selected.
Print usage:
Print version:
ansible-terminal -v
Work with Ansible Inventory by different options
usage: ansible-terminal [-h] -a [INVENTORY_PATH [INVENTORY_PATH ...]] -p
{ssh,sftp} [--debug] [-v] [-n NAME] [-u SSH_USER]
[-k SSH_KEY]
Open SSH/SFTP session to hosts defined in Ansible Inventory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Path for Ansible Inventory file or directory. Multiple
definitions can be done.If directory is given, all
Ansible Inventory files will be parsed recursively
-p {ssh,sftp} Protocol type for connection to Hosts. ssh / sftp
--debug Enable debug logs
-v show program's version number and exit
-n NAME Name of host to search. If one host matches, will
connect automaically
-u SSH_USER SSH Username for ssh connection type. This will
override ansible_ssh_user for all connections
-k SSH_KEY SSH Key File path for ssh connection type. This will
override ansible_ssh_private_key_file for all
PyPI -
For default, Below parameters are used for SSH/SFTP connection.
user: root
ssh-key: ~/.ssh/
target machine: host
You can overwrite these values by defining related Ansible Behavioral Inventory Properties in the inventory. Parameters:
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