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Olivier Duhart edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 13 revisions


CSLY comes with two kinds of lexer :

  • a regex based lexer inpired by this post So it's not a very efficient lexer. Indeed this lexer is slow and is the bottleneck of the whole lexer/parser.
  • a "generic" lexer that restrict the lexer possibilities but offers way better performance.

General configuration

The full lexer configuration is done in a C# enum:

The enum is listing all the possible tokens (no special constraint here except public visibility)

Each enum value has a [Lexeme] attribute to mark it has a lexeme.

Regex lexer

The idea of a regex lexer is to associate to every lexeme a matching regex. So a lexeme needs 3 parameters :

  • string regex : a regular expression that captures the lexeme
  • boolean isSkippable (optional, default is false): a boolean , true if the lexeme must be ignored ( whitespace for example)
  • boolean isLineending (optionanl, default is false) : true if the lexeme matches a line end (to allow line counting while lexing).

generic lexer : the idea of the generic lexer is to start from a limited set of classical lexemes and to refine this set to fit your needs. The basic lexemes are :

  • GenericToken.Identifier: an identifier : only alpha caharacters are accepted (A-Z and a-z). Here may relies the biggest limitation of the generic lexer.
  • GenericToken.String : a classical string delimited by double quotes "
  • GenericToken.Int : an int (i.e. a serie of one or more digit)
  • GenericToken.Double : a float number (decimal separator is dot '.' )
  • GenericToken.keyWord : a keyword is an identifier with a special meaning (it comes with the same constraint as the GenericToken.Identifier. here again performance comes at the price of less flexibility. This lexeme is configurable.
  • GenericToken.SugarToken : a general purpose lexeme with no special constraint except the use of a leading alpha char. this lexer is configurable.

To build a generic lexer Lexeme attribute we have 2 different constructors:

  • static generic lexeme. this constructor allows to do a 1 to 1 mapping between a generic token and your lexer token. It uses only one parameter that is the mapped generic token : [Lexeme(GenericToken.String)] (static lexemes are String, Int , Double and Identifier)
  • configurable lexemes (KeyWord and SugarToken). It takes 2 parameters :
    • the mapped GenericToken
    • the value of the keyword or sugar token.

How to use

The lexer can be used apart from the parser. It provides a method that returns an IEnumerable<Token<T>> (where T is the tokens enum) from a string

 IList<Token<T>> tokens = Lexer.Tokenize(source).ToList<Token<T>>();

You can also build only a lexer using :

ILexer<ExpressionToken> lexer = LexerBuilder.BuildLexer<ExpressionToken>();
var tokens = lexer.Tokenize(source).ToList();

full example, for a mathematical parser (regex based)

public enum ExpressionToken
        // float number 
        DOUBLE = 1,

        // integer        
        INT = 3,

        // the + operator
        PLUS = 4,

        // the - operator
        MINUS = 5,

        // the * operator
        TIMES = 6,

        //  the  / operator
        DIVIDE = 7,

        // a left paranthesis (
        LPAREN = 8,

        // a right paranthesis )
        RPAREN = 9,

        // a whitespace
        [Lexeme("[ \\t]+",true)]
        WS = 12, 

        [Lexeme("[\\n\\r]+", true, true)]
        EOL = 14

full example, for a dumb language (generic token based)

  public enum WhileTokenGeneric

        #region keywords 0 -> 19

        IF = 1,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "then")]
        THEN = 2,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "else")]
        ELSE = 3,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "while")]
        WHILE = 4,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "do")]
        DO = 5,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "skip")]
        SKIP = 6,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "true")]
        TRUE = 7,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "false")]
        FALSE = 8,
        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "not")]
        NOT = 9,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "and")]
        AND = 10,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "or")]
        OR = 11,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.KeyWord, "(print)")]
        PRINT = 12,


        #region literals 20 -> 29

        IDENTIFIER = 20,

        STRING = 21,

        INT = 22,


        #region operators 30 -> 49

        GREATER = 30,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "<")]
        LESSER = 31,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "==")]
        EQUALS = 32,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "!=")]
        DIFFERENT = 33,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, ".")]
        CONCAT = 34,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, ":=")]
        ASSIGN = 35,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "+")]
        PLUS = 36,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "-")]
        MINUS = 37,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "*")]
        TIMES = 38,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "/")]
        DIVIDE = 39,


        #region sugar 50 ->

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, "(")]
        LPAREN = 50,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, ")")]
        RPAREN = 51,

        [Lexeme(GenericToken.SugarToken, ";")]
        SEMICOLON = 52,


        EOF = 0

