- 10RUN, run PDP-10 maintenance.
- 11BOOT, boot IO-11.
- 11DDT, PDP-11 debugger.
- 11SIM, PDP-11 emulator.
- 11STNK, PDP-11 linker.
- 20XCVT, convert TOPS-20 CSAVE file to PDUMP.
- @, cross reference generation tool.
- ACNVRT/MCNVRT/PCNVRT/UCNVRT, asciizer and binarator.
- ACCLNK, sets com-link accept bit for specified TTY.
- ACOUNT, dummy account program used for users from safe sites.
- ADVENT, (Colossal Cave) Adventure by Will Crowther.
- ADV350, 350-point Adventure.
- ADV448, 448-point Adventure.
- ANIMAL, an animal guessing game.
- ARCCPY, copies an old-format archive, converting to new format.
- ARCDEV, transparent file system access to archive files.
- ARCSAL, archive salvager.
- ARGUS, alerts you when specified users login or logout.
- ARPA, gateway from Chaosnet to Arpanet and Internet.
- ATSIGN CHAOS, Chaosnet support.
- ATSIGN DEVICE, load device drivers.
- ATSIGN TARAKA, starts dragons.
- ATSIGN TCP, TCP support.
- BALANC/MOVDIR, balances directories.
- BDAY, happy birthday demon.
- BINPRT, display information about a binary executable file.
- BITPRT, print JCL as bits.
- BKG, a Backgammon game.
- BYE, say goodbye to user. Used in LOGOUT scripts.
- CALPRT, decode a .CALL instruction's CALL block.
- CARPET, PDP-11 remote debugger.
- CC, C compiler (binary only).
- CCONS, CONS console.
- CHADEV, Chaosnet jobdev (binary only).
- CHASE, a 2-player maze game.
- CHATST, Chaos test.
- CHESS, unknown chess program.
- CHESS2, Alan Baisley's Tech II chess program.
- CHTN/CFTP, Chaosnet TELNET and FTP support.
- CKR, Alan Baisley's checkers program.
- COMIFY, convert HEX to COM format.
- COMPLR, Lisp compiler.
- COMSAT, mail server.
- COOKIE BEAR, prank.
- CMD, DDT subroutines.
- CRC, compute file CRC.
- CREATE, creates a text file in your home directory from console input.
- CROCK, analog watch.
- CROSS, cross assembler for micros.
- CRTSTY, provide display support for additional terminal types.
- CTIMES, Chaosnet time server.
- CTIMSR, Chaosnet time server.
- D, SUDS drawing program
- DATE, print date and time.
- DATSRV, server for RFC 867 Daytime protocol.
- DCROCK, digital watch.
- DDTDOC, interactive DDT documentation.
- DECUUO, TOPS-10 and WAITS emulator.
- DIRCPY, copy directory.
- DIRDEV, list directories, sorted or subsetted.
- DIRED, directory editor (independent from EMACS DIRED).
- DMPCPY, crash dump copy dragon.
- DOCTOR, KMP's psychiatrist game.
- DP Device, 7-bit conversions?
- DQ Device, for doing hostname resolutions. Used by COMSAT.
- DSKDEV/D, short disk device.
- DSKUSE, disk usage information.
- DUMP/LOAD, tape backup and restore.
- ELIZA, the original psychiatrist game.
- EMACS, editor.
- EXECVT, convert 20x EXE (SSAVE) file to ITS BIN (PDUMP) file.
- EXPN/VRFY, query remote SMTP server.
- FACTOR, factor integers.
- FAIL, assembler from SAIL.
- FCDEV, talk to LispM file server.
- FDIR, fast directory listing.
- FED, font editor.
- FEDUMP, KL10 front end dumper.
- FIDO, watch for system events and bark.
- FILE, Chaosnet file server.
- FIND, search for files.
- FRETTY, display list of free TTYs.
- FTPS, FTP server.
- FTPU, FTP client.
- GCMAIL, delete old files from .MAIL.
- GEORGE, Locks DRAGON HOARD to hold PFTHMG at bay.
- GETSYM, copy all symbols from running ITS to a file.
- GLP/XGP, queue files to be printed by GLPSPL/XGPSPL.
- GLPDEV/XGPDEV, device for viewing GLPSPL/XGPSPL printer queues.
- GO, the Go board game.
- GUESS, a very silly game.
- GMSGS, copy system messages to mail file.
- H3MAKE, a job that requests DRAGON to build host table.
- HEXIFY, convert COM file into Intel HEX format.
- HOST, display information about a network host.
- HOSTAB, display HOSTS2 format host table.
- HOSTS3, the host table compiler.
- HSNAME, displays user's HSNAME.
- HSNDEV, HSNAME device.
- IO-11, PDP-11 I/O processor.
- IDLE, list idle users.
- IFILE, Chaosnet file service.
- IMLOAD/IMTRAN, load or translate an Imlac program.
- IMPRNT, image mode printer.
- INIT, a helper program for LOGIN, LOGOUT, and other script files.
- INLINE, reads line from TTY and adds to JCL (for DDT init files).
- INQUIR, user account database.
- INQUPD, processes INQUIR change requests.
- INSTAL, install executables on other ITS machines.
- ITSDEV, ITS device server.
- ITSTER, Donald Fisk's block-stacking puzzle game.
- JEDGAR, counter spying tool.
- JOBS, list jobs by category.
- JOTTO, word-guessing game.
- KERMIT, file transfer.
- KLDCP, KL10 diagnostics console program.
- KLFEDR, KL10 frontend directory tool.
- KLRUG, KL10 frontend debugger.
- LAY, SUDS layout program.
- LD10, Lisp display slave.
- LIMERI, print limericks.
- LIMSER, Chaosnet limerick service.
- LISP, Lisp interpreter and runtime library (autoloads only).
- LIVE, PALX Game of Life.
- LOADP, displays system load.
- LOCK, shut down system.
- LOOKUP, looks up user info in INQUIR database.
- LOSS (device).
- LSPEED, set TTY line parameters.
- LSRPRT, print information about user groups.
- LUSER, request help from registered list of logged-in users.
- MACN80, Z80 cross assembler.
- MACSYMA, symbolic manipulation system.
- MAXTUL, tools for managing Macsyma.
- MAGDMP, standalone program loader/dumper for magtape.
- MAGFRM, create tapes for use with MAGDMP.
- MAIL, mail sending client.
- MAILT, allows editing mail (from :MAIL) in EMACS.
- MAZE, Maze War game.
- MAZLIB, maze game for EMACS.
- MCL, subsystem for compiling individual Macsyma files.
- METER, displays system metering information.
- MICRO, microcode assembler.
- MLDEV/MLSLV, allows access to remote systems as devices (e.g. DB:).
- MLIFE, Mike Speciner's Conway Life.
- MODEMS, modems dragon.
- MONIT, lightweight ATSIGN HACTRN replacement without debugging support.
- MSEND, send to many users.
- MSPLIT, split a file into smaller parts.
- MTBOOT, make bootable tapes.
- MUDDLE, MDL interpreter.
- NAME, shows logged in users and locations, aka FINGER.
- NETIME, network time dragon.
- NICNAM/NICWHO, look up someone in the Arpanet directory.
- NIMLIN, a game of unknown features.
- NODIPS, SUDS wirelister (without DIP definitions).
- NUDIR, create user directory.
- NWATCH, small watch display.
- OBS, observe system activities.
- OCM, Richard Greenblatt's Mac Hack VI chess program.
- OCTPUS, print character representations.
- OS, realtime TTY spy.
- OTHELLO, the original Othello game -- simpler than Go.
- PALX, PDP-11 cross assembler.
- PANDA, user account management program.
- PC, SUDS printed circuit board program.
- PDSET, set time and date.
- PEEK, system monitoring.
- PFTHMG, Puff the magic dragon.
- PHOTO, capture STY session output.
- PLAN, creates a PLAN file in your home directory from console input.
- PORTS, display free network ports.
- PR, print out various system documentation.
- PRINT, print long-named files.
- PROBE, probe inside job and display various information about it.
- PRUFD, list files on disk volume.
- PSEND, super sender.
- PT, pager test.
- PTY, pseudo-tty.
- PWMAIL, a limited version of MAIL when not yet logged in under PWORD.
- PWORD, replacement for ATSIGN HACTRN that requires registered logins.
- QB, the game of Qubic.
- QUOTE, prints out a random quote.
- REATTA, reattaches disowned jobs to terminal.
- REDRCT, redirect IP routing.
- RIPDEV, replacement for MLDEV for no-longer-existing machines.
- RMAIL, mail reading client.
- RMTDEV, MLDEV for non-ITS hosts.
- SALV, old file system tool for KA and KL.
- SCAN, TEX output to XGP SCAN file.
- SCANDL, TTY output spy.
- SCHEME, Scheme interpreter.
- SCNV, convert plotter files to XGP scan files.
- SCRAM, encrypt/decrypt file.
- SCRMBL/UNSCR, scramble/unscramble file.
- SEND/REPLY, replacements for DDT :SEND.
- SENDS, Chaosnet SEND server.
- SENSOR, an alternate message receiver.
- SENVER, Chaosnet SEND server.
- SHUTDN, shut down ITS.
- SN, snoop terminal.
- SPCWAR, Spacewar game.
- SPELL/ESPELL, spell checker.
- SPROUTS, topological game invented by Conway.
- SRCCOM, compares/merges source files, and compares binary files.
- SRDATE, set reference date on a file.
- STINK, linker.
- STINKR, new linker (binary only).
- STTY, set terminal parameters.
- STONE, the old African game of stones.
- STUFF, load code into PDP-11 through 10-11 interface.
- STY, pseudo-terminal for multiple sessions.
- STYLOG, convert PTY output file into ASCII file.
- SUPARD, draw ARDS graphics to SUPDUP.
- SUPDUP, Supdup client.
- SYSCHK, check up on system job.
- SYSLOD, system load histogram.
- SYSMSG, displays system messages.
- SYSTEM GEN, low level DECtape formatting.
- RABBIT, Scheme compiler.
- TAGS, generate tags table for sources.
- TCTYP, set terminal type and options.
- TEACHE, Emacs tutorial.
- TECO, editor.
- TELNET, Telnet client.
- TELSER, Telnet/Supdup server.
- TEN50, TOPS-10 emulator.
- THINK, think-a-dot game.
- TIME, displays date/time/uptime and other info.
- TIMES, TCP time server.
- TIMOON, displays the time and phase of the moon.
- TIMSRV, RFC 868 network time protocol server.
- TJ6, typesetting software.
- TMPKIL, delete old files from .TEMP.
- TREK, Star Trek game.
- TV-11, Knight TV PDP-11.
- TTLOC, advertises physical location of logged in users.
- TTY, displays TTYs with UNAME/JNAME/CORE and other info.
- TTYSWP, swap TTYs.
- TYPE8, type 8-bit file.
- UFIND, find users.
- UNTALK, split-screen comm-link program.
- UP/DOWN, check if host is online.
- UPTIME, Chaosnet uptime server.
- USQ/TYPESQ, unsqueeze/uncram or type a file.
- VERSA/SPOOLR, Versatec/Gould printer spooler.
- VTTIME, display running time on the terminal.
- VV/VJ/DETREE, list jobs.
- XHOST, tool for replacing host nicknames with real hostnames.
- WA, a Wumpus advisor game.
- WEBSER, HTTP server.
- WHAT, humorous quips to various "what" questions.
- WHO%, list index/uname/jname/%time in sorted list.
- WHOLIN, mode line for display terminals (with date/time/job/etc info).
- WHOSEN, print author of last send.
- WL, SUDS wirelister.
- WUMPUS, Hunt the Wumpus game.
- X, Y, Z, remember DDT command and re-execute it.
- XGP, PDP-11 controller for the Xerox Graphics Printer.
- XGPSPL, spooler for the Xerox Graphics Printer.
- XXFILE, feed scripted input to a STY session.
- YAHTZE, the game of Yahtzee.