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A numerical package that deals with scientific computing and mathematical analysis of discretizations and iterative processes

Numeric Extensions

Get the Factorial of int

Factorial(this int number)



Outputs 120

Findining roots using Newton–Raphson method

Func<double, double> func = (double x) => Math.Pow(x,2) - 4


Outputs 2


To derivate a function use:

Derivate(this Func<double, double> func, double variablevalue, int order=1)

Calculate higher order derivative by setting the order parameter

E.g with Chain rule

double funcG(double x) => 4 * x - 3

Func<double, double> funcF=(double x) => Math.Pow(x, 2)

var result = funcF.Derivate(funcG,1)

By using Numerics.Enums.DerivateOperator the Chain rule, Product rule, or Quotient rule can be used

var result = funcF.Derivate(funcG,Numerics.Enums.DerivateOperator.Product)

var result = funcF.Derivate(funcG,Numerics.Enums.DerivateOperator.Quotient)

If several variables use:

Derivate(this Func<double[], double> func, double[] variables, int index, int order=1)

Or use the vector (x,y,z)

Derivate(this Func<Vector, double> func, Vector variables, Cartesian cartesian, int order=1)

Also possible derivate series

Func<double, double> displacement = (double time) => 9.81 * Math.Pow(time, 2) / 2

var velocity = displacement.GetSeries(0, 10, 1000).Derivate()


To integrate a function with Trapezoidal rule use:

Integrate(this Func<double, double> func, double lowerLimit, double upperLimit)

To integrate a timeserie

Integrate(this List<Numerics.Models.TimeSerie> data)

TimeSerie is a model with the properties TimeStamp as DateTime and Value as double

To integrate a serie

Integrate(this List<Numerics.Models.Serie> data)

Serie model is a model with the properties Index as double and Value as double

Monte Carlo Integration

To solve double integrals with Monte Carlo method use:

Integrate(this Func<(double x, double y), double> func, (double lowerLimit, double upperLimit) xlimit, (double lowerLimit, double upperLimit) ylimit)

or triple integral

Integrate(this Func<Vector, double> func, Vector lowerLimit, Vector upperLimit)

The complex object

To work with Complex numbers use this struct:

ComplexNumber(double re, double im)

E.g Arithmetics

var a = new ComplexNumber(3, 2);

var b = new ComplexNumber(5, 3);

var sum= a + b;

var difference =a-b;

var product =a*b;

var quotient= a / b;

Power of complex number

var i = new ComplexNumber(3, 2); i.Pow(2);

output: 5+12*i

Calculate Imaginary exponents

var i = new ComplexNumber(0, Math.PI); i.Exponential()

output: -1

The vector object

To work with vectors use this struct:

Vector(double x, double y, double z)

or from two points

Vector((double,double, double) p1, (double, double, double) p2)

Following methods could be used:

  1. Scalar product

Dot(Vector b)

  1. Vector product

Cross(Vector b)

  1. Projection between two vectors

Projection(Vector b)

  1. Reflection between two vectors

Reflection(Vector b)

Using Sperical Coordinates

var v=Vector.FromSphericalCoordinates(radius, inclination, azimuth)

or covert to sperical from cartesian


Metods to get radius, inclination, azimuth

GetMagnitude(), GetInclination(),GetAzimuth()


var a = new Vector(5, 3, 0);

var b = new Vector(2, 6, 0);

var skalar = a.Dot(b);

var vector = a.Cross(b);

E.g Arithmetics

var a = new Vector(2, 2, 0);

var b = new Vector(2, 2, 0);

var sum= a + b;

var difference =a-b;

var product =3*b;

The matrix object

To work with matrix use this struct:

Matrix(double[,] values)


var matrix = new Matrix(new double[,] { { 1, 3, 7 }, { 5, 2, 9 } });

Get Transpose

var transposematrix = matrix.Transpose();

Get Inverse

var inv = matrix.Inverse();

Get Pascal matrix

var pascalMatrix = new Matrix(new double[6, 6]).Pascal()

Get Adjugate

var adj = matrix.Adjugate();

Get Determinant

var det = matrix.Determinant()

output values


or Identity matrix


E.g Arithmetics

var a = new Matrix(new double[,] { { 5, 7, 2 }, { -2, 9, 4 } });

var b = new Matrix(new double[,] {{ 1, 3, 7 }, { 5, 2, 9} });

var sum= a + b;

var difference =a-b;

var product =a*b;


var b = 3

var product =b*a;

var quotient= a / b;


var a = new Matrix(new double[,] { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 8, 9 }});

var b = new Vector(2, 1, 3);

var product =a*b;

The vectorfield object


Calculate for one point

Func<Vector, double> func = (Vector p) => Math.Pow(p.x, 2) * Math.Pow(p.y, 3);

var v=func.Gradient((1, -2, 0))

Calculate for range

var grad = func.Gradient(-4, -4, -4, 1, 8);

Where the parameters are minimum value of x,y,z the step size, and the length. The range in this example is -4<=x<=4,-4<=y<=4,-4<=z<=4. This method will return new Dictionary<Vector, Vector> where the key is the point and value is the calculated function value for that point. Save the data to csv



Calculate for one point

double fx(Vector p) => Math.Sin(p.x * p.y);

double fy(Vector p) => Math.Cos(p.x * p.y);

double fz(Vector p) => Math.Pow(Math.E, p.z);

var field = new VectorField(fx, fy, fz);

var div = field.Divergence((1, 2, 2))


Calculate for one point

double fx(Vector p) => 4*p.z;

double fy(Vector p) => p.y *Math.Pow(p.x,3);

double fz(Vector p) => p.z * Math.Pow(p.y,2);

var field = new VectorField(fx, fy, fz);

var v = field.Curl((1, 4, 2));

Calculate for range. It is done in same way as for gradient E.g save both the vector field and curl to file:

double fx(Vector p) => p.y;

double fy(Vector p) => -p.x;

double fz(Vector p) => 0;

var w = new VectorField(fx, fy, fz);

var data= w.EvaluateRange(-4,-4,4,1,8);

var curl = w.Curl(-4, -4, 4, 1, 8);




Calculate for one point

Func<Vector, double> func = (Vector p) => Math.Pow(p.x, 2) * Math.Pow(p.y, 3);

var v=func.Laplacian((1, -2, 0))

The complex function object

To work with Complex functions use this struct:

ComplexFunction(Func<(double x, double y), double> re, Func<(double x, double y), double> im)


double fx((double x, double y) p) => Math.Pow(Math.E, p.x) * Math.Cos(p.y);

double fy((double x, double y) p) => Math.Pow(Math.E, p.x) * Math.Sin(p.y);

var fz = new ComplexFunction(fx, fy);


ComplexNumber fz(ComplexNumber z) => new ComplexNumber(Math.Pow(Math.E, z.realPart) * Math.Cos(z.imaginaryPart), Math.Pow(Math.E, z.realPart) * Math.Sin(z.imaginaryPart));

To derivate a complex function use:

Derivate(this ComplexFunction func, ComplexNumber variables, int order = 1)

Cauchy–Riemann equations

To test if analytic fuction in a point using Cauchy–Riemann equations:



To get the Jacobian as a Matrix



E.g use a lowpass filter to remove noise from a signal

var result =input.LowPassFilter(output).ToList()

Fast Fourier transform

To use a fast fourier transform use extentionsmethods from a list of complexnumber

FastFouriertransform(this List<ComplexNumber> numbers)

to calculate the inverse fast fourier transform

List<ComplexNumber> InverseFastFouriertransform(this List<ComplexNumber> numbers)

E.g Convert a Gaussian pulse from the time domain to the frequency domain and save result.

Func<double, double> func = (double t) => 1 / (4 * Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI * 0.01)) * (Math.Exp(-t * t / (2 * 0.01)));

var timeseries = func.GetSeries(-0.5, 0.5, 100);


GetSeries takes the interval and how many values to return

var frequency = func.FastFouriertransform(-0.5, 0.5, 100).ToFrequencyResolution(100);


ToFrequencyResolution takes the sample rate and will return the frequency as index and the magnitude of the complex number as value

Discrete Fourier transform

Use in the same way as a fast fourier transform

DiscreteFourierTransform(this List<ComplexNumber> numbers)


Calculate the laplace transform for s value

LaplaceTransform(this Func<double, double> func, double s)

or it's invers from t value

InverseLaplaceTransform(this Func<double, double> func, double t)

Differential Equations


The Runge–Kutta (R4) method uses this extension method

RungeKutta(this Func<(double t, double y), double> func, double min, double max, double stepSize, double yInitial)

E.g yprim =tan(y)+1 with the initial-value problem y0=1 and 1<= t <= 1.1 and step size 0.025

Func<(double y, double t), double> func = ((double t, double y) v) => Math.Tan(v.y) +1

var result = func.RungeKutta(1,1.1,0.025,1)

It is also possible using Explicit Runge–Kutta methods by defining the Runge–Kutta matrix, weights and nodes

var result = func.RungeKutta(1,1.1,0.025,1,new Matrix(new double[,] { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0.5, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0.5, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 } }), new double[] { 1.0 / 6.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 6.0 }, new double[] { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1 })

Or solve ode by using the Trapezoidal rule

var result = func.TrapezoidalRule(1, 1.1, 0.00025, 1);

Matrix differential equation

Extension methods to solve linear equation system

LinearSystemSolver(this Matrix matrix, Vector vector)

or gauss elimination

GaussElimination(this Matrix matrix, Vector vector)

for N values

GaussElimination(this Matrix matrix, List<double> vector)

Find eigen values of matrix

var result = matrix.EigenValues()

Find Eigenvector if knowing a eigenvalue of a matrix (in this example 1)

var result =matrix.EigenVector(1)

To solve a linear system of differential equations use OdeSolver with initial value y(0)=x(0)=tZero when t=0

List<Func<double,double>> OdeSolver(this Matrix matrix, double tZero)


Generate zero-mean white noise with a variance of 4 using Random

var rnd = new Random()


To calculate the median use linq in the same way as calculating avarerage, sum, max or min

timeseries.Median(p => p.Value)

To calculate the standard deviation

timeseries.StandardDeviation(p => p.Value)

To calculate the variance

timeseries.Variance(p => p.Value)

To calculate the covariance if model has X,Y properties

series.Covariance(p => (p.X,p.Y))

There is also a Statistics class containing static methods

E.g get normal distribution curve

Numerics.Methods.Statistics.NormalDistribution(variance, mean)

Extension method for calculating cumulative sum of list

CumulativeSum<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Func<T, double> func)


Linear interpolation of a timeserie

LinearInterpolationTimeSerie(this IEnumerable<TimeSerie> ts, DateTime timeStamp)

Or serie

LinearInterpolation<T>(this IEnumerable<T> ts, Func<T, (double x, double y)> func, double index)


var value = serie.LinearInterpolation(p=>(p.Index, p.Value),1)


Linear regression that will return intercept correlation and slope

LinearRegression<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Func<T, (double x, double y)> func)


var serie = new List<Serie>() { new Serie() { Index = 3.0, Value = 0.62}, new Serie() { Index = 3.4, Value = 0.93 }, new Serie() { Index = 3.8, Value = 1.08 }};

var (slope, intercept, correlation) = serie.LinearRegression(p=>(p.Index, p.Value))

Exponetial regression that will return a exponetial function

var func = serie.ExponentialRegression(p => (p.Index, p.Value));

Logistic regression using slope and intercept

LogisticRegression<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Func<T, (double x, double y)> func, double slope, double intercept)

Calculate Confidence Intervals

var (lower,upper) = timeserie.ConfidenceIntervals(p => p.Value, 0.95)

Get K nearest neighbors

var timeserie = new List<(double x, double y, int classification)>() { (7, 7, 0), (7, 4, 0), (3, 4, 1), (1, 4, 1) }

var classification = timeserie.KnearestNeighbors(p=> (p.x, p.y, p.classification),(3,7),3)