The Bubble Programming Language Overview let five = 5; let ten = 10; let add = fn(x, y) { x + y; }; let result = add(five, ten); Tutorial Variable int let num = 5; string let s = "hello,world"; boolean let f = false; let t = true; array let array = [5, -1, "haha", false]; let first = array[0]; hash let h = {1: "hi", "hello": "world", false: true}; let second = h["hello"]; Functions let foo = fn(x) {x * x}; let bar = fn(x, y, f) {f(x + y)}; let n = bar(1, 2, foo); Return let foo = fn(x) {return x * x;}; Condition let x = 1; if (x == 1) { let x = 2;} else {let x = 3;}; Built-in Functions the length of string let l = len("123"); the length of array let l = len([1, 2, 3]); the first object of array let f = first([1, 2, 3]); the last object of array let l = last([1, 2, 3]); delete the first object of array let l = rest([1, 2, 3]); push an object to the tail of array let l = [1, 2, 3]; push(l , 4); pop the last object of array let l = [1, 2, 3]; pop(l); output print("123"); Features & TODOs bigint utf-8 for for range